14 lines
629 B
14 lines
629 B
Destination: Destino
Action: Actuaciones
Total claimed: Total Reclamado
Import claim: Importar reclamacion
Imports claim details: Importa detalles de la reclamacion
Regularize: Regularizar
Do you want to insert greuges?: Desea insertar greuges?
Insert greuges on client card: Insertar greuges en la ficha del cliente
Greuge added: Greuge añadido
ClaimGreugeDescription: Reclamación id {{claimId}}
Change destination: Cambiar destino
Change destination to all selected rows: Cambiar destino a {{total}} fila(s) seleccionada(s)
Add observation to all selected clients: Añadir observación a {{total}} cliente(s) seleccionado(s)