2024-02-15 11:10:36 +00:00
- name: "[CONFIG RELAYHOST SMTP] Comprobando si es necesario configurar relayhost smtp"
meta: end_host
when: relay-host_enabled is not defined or not relay-host_enabled
2024-02-12 09:21:35 +00:00
# Reconfigure relayhost smtp to smtp.verdnatura.es
- name: reconfigure relayhost to smtp.verdnatura.es
dest: "{{ exim_configuration_file }}"
regexp: "{{ item.regexp }}"
line: "{{ item.line }}"
state: present
mode: 0644
- regexp: '^dc_eximconfig_configtype'
line: "dc_eximconfig_configtype='{{ exim_dc_eximconfig_configtype }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_other_hostnames'
line: "dc_other_hostnames='{{ dc_other_hostnames }}'.verdnatura.es"
- regexp: '^dc_local_interfaces'
line: "dc_local_interfaces='{{ dc_local_interfaces }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_readhost'
line: "dc_readhost='{{ dc_readhost }}'.verdnatura.es"
- regexp: '^dc_relay_domains'
line: "dc_relay_domains='{{ dc_relay_domains }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_minimaldns'
line: "dc_minimaldns='{{ dc_minimaldns }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_relay_nets'
line: "dc_relay_nets='{{ dc_relay_nets }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_smarthost'
line: "dc_smarthost='{{ dc_smarthost }}'"
- regexp: '^CFILEMODE'
- regexp: '^dc_use_split_config'
line: "dc_use_split_config='{{ dc_use_split_config }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_hide_mailname'
line: "dc_hide_mailname='{{ dc_hide_mailname }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_mailname_in_oh'
line: "dc_mailname_in_oh='{{ dc_mailname_in_oh }}'"
- regexp: '^dc_localdelivery'
line: "dc_localdelivery='{{ dc_localdelivery }}'"
notify: restart exim4
register: exim4_config
# service should start on boot.
- name: service should start on boot
name: "{{ exim_daemon }}"
enabled: yes
# Send mail to verify relay-host
- name: sending mail to verify exim4 config works
shell: echo "Verify send email from host {{ ansible_nodename }}.verdnatura.es with mailx , bye." | mailx -s "test mail verify exim4 for the host {{ ansible_nodename }}.verdnatura.es" -c rubenb@verdnatura.es,nada@verdnatura.es,juan@verdnatura.es,davidl@verdnatura.es sysadmin@verdnatura.es
when: exim4_config.changed