--- - name: Set the timezone using dpkg-reconfigure expect: command: dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata responses: "Geographic area:": "Europe" #- "Europe" # Replace with your desired geographic area "Time zone:": "Madrid" #- "Madrid" # Replace with your desired city or timezone #- name: Set the timezone for tzdata package # debconf: # name: tzdata # question: "tzdata/Areas" # vtype: select # value: "Europe" # Replace with the desired region, e.g., "America,Europe.." # #state: present #- name: Set the city for tzdata package # debconf: # name: tzdata # question: "tzdata/Zones/Europe" # vtype: select # value: "Madrid" # Replace with the desired city/timezone #state: present #- name: Run dpkg-reconfigure to apply the timezone changes # command: dpkg-reconfigure -f noninteractive tzdata