//var url = ""; var url = "https://salix.verdnatura.es/api/"; var urlweb = "https://verdnatura.es/"; var idArticulo = ""; var minCroppedWidth = 320; var minCroppedHeight = 160; var maxCroppedWidth = 4032; var maxCroppedHeight = 2688; var ratio = 1; var maxAspectRatio = 1.5; var image; var cropper; $(document).ready(function () { FastClick.attach(document.body); //setTimeout(scanBarcode, 1000); image = document.querySelector('#photo'); maxCroppedWidth = image.naturalWidth; maxCroppedHeight = (maxCroppedWidth / 3) * 2; minCroppedWidth = maxCroppedWidth / 3; minCroppedHeight = maxCroppedHeight / 3; $("#btn1").on("click", function () { ratio = 1; $(".menubtn").children().removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); maxCroppedWidth = image.naturalWidth; maxCroppedHeight = (maxCroppedWidth / 3) * 2; }); $("#btn2").on("click", function () { ratio = 2; $(".menubtn").children().removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); maxCroppedWidth = image.naturalWidth; maxCroppedHeight = (maxCroppedWidth / 16) * 9; }); $("#btn3").on("click", function () { ratio = 3; $(".menubtn").children().removeClass("selected"); $(this).addClass("selected"); maxCroppedWidth = image.naturalWidth; maxCroppedHeight = (maxCroppedWidth / 1) * 1; }); $(".btnback").on("click", function () { window.location = "main.html"; }); $(".btnsave").on("click", savePhoto); $(".btnbarcode").on("click", function () { $(".loading").fadeIn(200); scanBarcode(); }); $("#btntakepicture").on("click", setManualMode); $(".btnlogout").on("click", function () { localStorage.removeItem("user"); localStorage.removeItem("password"); window.location = "index.html"; }); $(".btnsalix").on("click", function () { var target = "_system"; var options = "location=no"; var url = "https://salix.verdnatura.es"; var ref = cordova.InAppBrowser.open(url, target, options); }); $("#txtarticle").on("keypress", function(event){ if (event.keyCode === 13) { setManualMode(); event.preventDefault(); } }); }); function setManualMode() { idArticulo = $("#txtarticle").val(); if (idArticulo.trim().length > 0) { navigator.notification.confirm( 'Article: ' + idArticulo, // message onConfirm, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed 'Verdnatura says:', // title ['Hacer foto', 'Biblioteca', 'Cerrar'] // buttonLabels ); } else { navigator.notification.alert("Insert manual id or scan article", null, "Verdnatura says:", "¡ups!"); } } function savePhoto() { navigator.notification.confirm( 'Estas seguro de actualizar la foto de: ' + idArticulo, // message confirmSave, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed 'Verdnatura says:', // title ['Guardar', 'Cancelar'] // buttonLabels ); // confirmSave(1); } function confirmSave(buttonIndex) { if (buttonIndex == 1) { $(".loading").fadeIn(200); var img = dataURItoBlob(cropper.getCroppedCanvas().toDataURL('image/png')); var data = new FormData(); data.append("srv", "json:image/upload"); data.append("schema", "catalog"); data.append("name", "" + idArticulo + ""); data.append("token", localStorage.getItem("token")); data.append("user", localStorage.getItem("user")); data.append("password", localStorage.getItem("password")); data.append("updateMatching", true); data.append("image", img); const xhr = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhr.open("POST", urlweb, true); xhr.send(data); xhr.onload = function () { var response = JSON.parse(xhr.response); if (response.data == true) { navigator.notification.alert("Carga completa!", function () { window.location = "main.html"; }, "Verdnatura dice:", "¡Buen trabajo!"); } else { navigator.notification.alert("Error al cargar la foto", null, "Verdnatura dice:", "¡ooohh!"); $(".loading").fadeOut(500); } }; xhr.onerror = function () { navigator.notification.alert("Error al cargar la foto", null, "Verdnatura dice:", "¡ooohh!"); $(".loading").fadeOut(500); }; } } function dataURItoBlob(dataURI) { var binary = atob(dataURI.split(',')[1]); var array = []; for (var i = 0; i < binary.length; i++) { array.push(binary.charCodeAt(i)); } return new Blob([new Uint8Array(array)], {type: 'image/png'}); } function scanBarcode() { cordova.plugins.barcodeScanner.scan( function (result) { idArticulo = result.text; navigator.notification.confirm( 'Article: ' + result.text, // message onConfirm, // callback to invoke with index of button pressed 'Verdnatura says:', // title ['Hacer foto', 'Bibloteca', 'Cerrar'] // buttonLabels ); }, function (error) { navigator.notification.alert( "Could not scan: " + error, // message onError, // callback 'Game Over', // title 'Ok' // buttonName ); } ); } function onConfirm(buttonIndex) { $(".menu").fadeOut(200); switch (buttonIndex) { case 1: showCamera(); break; case 2: showLibrary(); break; case 3: window.location = "main.html"; break; default: window.location = "main.html"; } } function onError() { window.location = "main.html"; } function showCamera() { var srcType = Camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA; var options = { saveToPhotoAlbum: true, quality: 100, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: srcType, encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG, mediaType: Camera.MediaType.PICTURE, allowEdit: false, correctOrientation: true }; navigator.camera.getPicture(cameraSuccess, cameraError, options); } function showLibrary() { var srcType = Camera.PictureSourceType.PHOTOLIBRARY; var options = { saveToPhotoAlbum: false, quality: 100, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: srcType, encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG, mediaType: Camera.MediaType.PICTURE, allowEdit: false, correctOrientation: true }; navigator.camera.getPicture(cameraSuccess, cameraError, options); } function cameraSuccess(imageData) { $(".loading").fadeOut(200); console.log("Camera success."); $("#photo").attr("src", imageData); setCrop(); } function setCrop() { cropper = new Cropper(image, { viewMode: 1, data: { width: (minCroppedWidth + maxCroppedWidth) / 2, height: (minCroppedHeight + maxCroppedHeight) / 2 }, crop: function (event) { var width = event.detail.width; var height = event.detail.height; if ( width < minCroppedWidth || height < minCroppedHeight || width > maxCroppedWidth || height > maxCroppedHeight ) { cropper.setData({ width: Math.max(minCroppedWidth, Math.min(maxCroppedWidth, width)), height: Math.max(minCroppedHeight, Math.min(maxCroppedHeight, height)) }); } }, cropmove: function () { var cropper = this.cropper; var cropBoxData = cropper.getCropBoxData(); var h = 0; switch (ratio) { case 1: h = (cropBoxData.width / 3) * 2; break; case 2: h = (cropBoxData.width / 16) * 9; break; case 3: h = (cropBoxData.width / 1) * 1; break; default: } cropper.setCropBoxData({ height: h }); } }); } function cameraError(message) { navigator.notification.alert( "Could not take a picture: " + message, // message onError, // callback 'Game Over', // title 'Ok' // buttonName ); } function setOptions(srcType) { var options = { quality: 80, destinationType: Camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: srcType, encodingType: Camera.EncodingType.JPEG, mediaType: Camera.MediaType.PICTURE, allowEdit: false, correctOrientation: true, saveToPhotoAlbum: true }; return options; }