export default parsed => { if (conf.env != 'dev') return; // TOTAL console.log('TOTAL BUFFER: ', parsed.codes.size); // TOTAL READS BY ANTENNA const totalRead = [0, 0, 0, 0]; for (let read of parsed.extended) totalRead[read.antenna - 1]++; console.log('TOTAL READ ANTENNA:', totalRead); // UNIQUE READS BY ANTENNA const uniqueRead = [new Set(), new Set(), new Set(), new Set()]; for (let read of parsed.extended) uniqueRead[read.antenna - 1].add(read.code); console.log('UNIQUE READ ANTENNA:', uniqueRead[0].size, uniqueRead[1].size, uniqueRead[2].size, uniqueRead[3].size); // WARNING IF AN ANTENNA READS LESS THAN IT SHOULD for (const [index, set] of uniqueRead.entries()) { if (((set.size * 100) / parsed.codes.size) < 25) console.log('[WARNING_ANTENNA]: ', index + 1, ' ONLY ', set.size); } console.log('----------------------------------------------------------------'); };