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Default address Address seted If you navigate to home the car will empty Verdnatura April Artificial August Notice Search apr. aug. dec. feb. fri. jan. jul. jun. mar. may. mon. nov. oct. sat. sep. sun. thu. tue. wed. Change email Change password Cancel Data changed Password changed Enable %1$s won\'t work unless you enable Google Play services. Enable Google Play services Install %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are missing from your device. Get Google Play services Google Play services availability Google Play services error %1$s is having trouble with Google Play services. Please try again. %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are not supported by your device. Update %1$s won\'t run unless you update Google Play services. Update Google Play services %1$s won\'t run without Google Play services, which are currently updating. New version of Google Play services needed. It will update itself shortly. Open on phone Sign in Sign in with Google Hand Made Configure order The two new passwords do not match. The old password does not match the password entered. December Delete order? since Agency order is incorrect, you want to do? There is not enough available They bought %1$d CONFIRM The order date is prior to the current date, you want to do? Delete Order Change Agency Change date notes Purchase options When changing the password, it will be also changed the password to enter the web Print Fv printer Label printed Print Pca printer A new version of the application. It would be convenient update Go to Playstore Error getting agencies Error getting article Error getting payment data Error deleting order Error modifying the client Error saving order Error getting families Error print ticket Invalid user or password Error getting tickets to print Error modifying the password Error getting orders Error getting client orders Error recalculating prices Error recovering order Error recovering orders Error getting order Error getting risk Error creating ticket Error getting stock Error setting transaction Error checking agency Miscellaneous February finish Flowers Similar items BUY available Customers bought Units Select date of receipt The old password does not match the password entered The two new passwords do not match client Change password Account Invoice by email Get notifications %1$d The payment was successful There has been a problem with payment. Please try again later or contact with Verdnatura accept and go to main activity There has been a problem with the payment but your order has been booked. Please try again later or contact with Verdnatura Your order has been successfully completed. Thanks for shopping at verdnatura Thank you for trusting Verdnatura.\nIt is the first time you use this application, so we want to give some indications On the left side you will always have options account. Drag the left side to check On the right side you will always have the shopping cart. \nDrag the right side to check Thank for follow the tutorial. \nEnjoy our service When they get my orders There are no orders pending further reception I receive You have an earlier debt of %1$.2f€, what would you do? Select ticket No tickets to print pending orders No pending orders confirm Select delivery method SHIPPING METHOD friday 76654359877 AIzaSyAvqJyp9FZPiBRHv9pmnPZAPKF_13Hq05k 1:76654359877:android:909f1e548dcba4ec AIzaSyAvqJyp9FZPiBRHv9pmnPZAPKF_13Hq05k Greens Hello world! January July June Login password user AGENCIES agency arrival artificial DELIVERY ADDRESS flowers greens let me get manufacturing pets plants select accessories Bestsellers best sellers artificial best sellers flowers best sellers greens best sellers manufacturing best sellers plants best sellers supplements Manufacturing March Pets May To order register at Verdnatura Date can not be less than the current date There are not agencies availlable for selected date You must select an agency modal modal inner monday Add %1$d Delete from order Delete order Delete %1$d Print fv tag Print pca tag Shopping list It has not created any orders Total Empty cart Validate purchase My account Customer search Exit Help Start Verdnatura Alphabetical keyboard Numeric keyboard Hice prices My orders Order for me My payments Print label My shippings Show prices View article new email new password next Enter the amount to be paid. The amount to pay must be between 1 and 3000 € No internet November October old password pay debt + order pay order Plants previous verdventas repeat new password Families Retry saturday Search You must select a customer first September 999+ sunday Accessories "Your debt is %1$s€. Enter the amount to be paid. The amount to pay must be between 1 and 3000 €" The amount to pay must be between 1 and 3000 € thursday Agencias ArticuloDetalle Articulos Calendario Cuenta Instrucciones Verdnatura PreciosRecalculados Reino Scanner WebView You must select an agency Total + Iva imagen tuesday wednesday