# Configuration file, be careful to respect the Perl syntax. # Don't modify this file, copy it to config.my.pl and make your changes there. # The log file path log_file => '/var/log/vn-vmware.log', # The datacenter name datacenter => 'datacenter1', # The datastore name where backups must be stored backup_datastore => 'backups', # The local directory where backups datastore folder is mounted # If it's mounted via NFS you have to disable caching for the mount local_backup_dir => '/mnt/vm-backups', # Number of processes used by pigz to compress backups pigz_processes => 1, # The default rotation to use if none is specified on job rotation => 'lastMonth', # Backup rotation configuration rotations => { lastMonth => { days => 31, count => 31 }, lastWeek => { days => 7 }, lastYear => { days => 365 } }, # Backup jobs backup_jobs => { fooJob => { machines => ['foo'], rotation => 'lastYear' }, barJob => { machines => [{ name => 'bar', disks => 'bar.vmdk' }] }, bazJob => { machines => [{ name => 'baz', rotation => 'lastWeek' }] } }, # Clone jobs clone_jobs => { machine => { vm => 'test', dst_name => 'test-clone', dst_host => '', dst_datastore => 'datastore1', memory => 4084, num_cpus => 2, mac => '00:50:56:BF:01:01', poweron => 1, # Be very careful with this option! It deletes destination machine if it exists. overwrite => 1 } }