diff --git a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/fragment/CollectionViewModel.kt b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/fragment/CollectionViewModel.kt
index a89e92ec..9700ebc9 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/fragment/CollectionViewModel.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/fragment/CollectionViewModel.kt
@@ -4,17 +4,21 @@ import android.content.Context
 import androidx.lifecycle.LiveData
 import androidx.lifecycle.MutableLiveData
 import androidx.lifecycle.Transformations
+import es.verdnatura.MobileApplication
+import es.verdnatura.domain.SalixCallback
 import es.verdnatura.domain.SilexCallback
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.base.BaseViewModel
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.base.getMessageFromAllResponse
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.base.nameofFunction
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.common.Event
+import es.verdnatura.presentation.common.ItemShelvingSaleSalix
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.common.ResponseItemVO
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.collection.*
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.collection.mapper.map
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.collection.mapper.proposal
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.login.model.SalixMessageVO
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.sacador.model.*
+import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.workermistake.model.SaleMistakeSalix
 import retrofit2.Call
 import retrofit2.Callback
 import retrofit2.Response
@@ -34,6 +38,15 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
     val collectionTicketList: LiveData<CollectionVO>
         get() = _collectionTicketList
+    private val _collectionTicketSalix by lazy { MutableLiveData<CollectionTicket>() }
+    val collectionTicketSalix: LiveData<CollectionTicket>
+        get() = _collectionTicketSalix
+    private val _collectionTicketListLocal by lazy { MutableLiveData<CollectionTicket>() }
+    val collectionTicketListLocal: LiveData<CollectionTicket>
+        get() = _collectionTicketListLocal
     private val _placementSuppleyList by lazy { MutableLiveData<PlacementSupplyListVO>() }
     val placementSuppleyList: LiveData<PlacementSupplyListVO>
         get() = _placementSuppleyList
@@ -63,6 +76,18 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
     val responseSaleTracking_mark: LiveData<ResponseItemVO>
         get() = _responseSaleTracking_mark
+    private val _responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale by lazy { MutableLiveData<ResponseItemVO>() }
+    val responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale: LiveData<ResponseItemVO>
+        get() = _responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale
+    private val _responseConfirmReservedUpdate by lazy { MutableLiveData<ResponseItemVO>() }
+    val responseConfirmReservedUpdate: LiveData<ResponseItemVO>
+        get() = _responseConfirmReservedUpdate
     private val _responseParking by lazy { MutableLiveData<ResponseItemVO>() }
     val responseParking: LiveData<ResponseItemVO>
         get() = _responseParking
@@ -191,6 +216,45 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
+    fun collectionTicketGetSalix(
+        collectionFk: Int,
+        print: Boolean,
+    ) {
+        salix.getCollectionTickets(
+            collectionFk,
+            hashMapOf("print" to print)
+        ).enqueue(object :
+            SalixCallback<CollectionTicket>(context) {
+            override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
+                _collectionTicketSalix.value = CollectionTicket(
+                    0,
+                    isError = true,
+                    errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(nameofFunction(this), t.message!!)
+                )
+            }
+            override fun onSuccess(response: Response<CollectionTicket>) {
+                if (response.body() != null) {
+                    _collectionTicketSalix.value = response.body()?.let { it.map(contextApp) }
+                } else {
+                    _collectionTicketSalix.value = CollectionTicket(
+                        0,
+                        isError = true,
+                        errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(
+                            nameofFunction(this),
+                            response.message()
+                        )
+                    )
+                }
+            }
+        })
+    }
+     /*   _collectionTicketListLocal.value = collectionLocal
+    }*/
     fun collection_get(
         collectionFk: Int,
         sectorFk: Int,
@@ -303,6 +367,66 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
+    fun confirmItemShelvingReserved(
+        itemShelvingSaleFk: Int,
+        quantity: Int,
+        isItemShelvingSaleEmpty:Boolean?
+    ) {
+        salix.itemShelvingsConfirmRerserved(params = ItemShelvingSaleSalix(itemShelvingSaleFk,quantity,isItemShelvingSaleEmpty)
+        ).enqueue(object : SilexCallback<Any>(context) {
+            override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
+                _responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale.value = ResponseItemVO(
+                    isError = true,
+                    errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(nameofFunction(this), t.message!!)
+                )
+            }
+            override fun onSuccess(response: Response<Any>) {
+                if (!response.isSuccessful) {
+                    _responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale.value = ResponseItemVO(
+                        isError = true,
+                        errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(
+                            nameofFunction(this),
+                            response.message()
+                        )
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    _responseConfirmReservedItemShelvingSale.value =
+                        ResponseItemVO(isError = false, response = "")
+                }
+            }
+        })
+    }
+    fun confirmItemShelvingReservedUpdate(
+        itemShelvingSaleFk: Int,
+        isPicked: Boolean
+    ) {
+        salix.itemShelvingsReservedUpdate(id =itemShelvingSaleFk, params = hashMapOf("isPicked" to isPicked)
+        ).enqueue(object : SilexCallback<Any>(context) {
+            override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
+                _responseConfirmReservedUpdate.value = ResponseItemVO(
+                    isError = true,
+                    errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(nameofFunction(this), t.message!!)
+                )
+            }
+            override fun onSuccess(response: Response<Any>) {
+                if (!response.isSuccessful) {
+                    _responseConfirmReservedUpdate.value = ResponseItemVO(
+                        isError = true,
+                        errorMessage = getMessageFromAllResponse(
+                            nameofFunction(this),
+                            response.message()
+                        )
+                    )
+                } else {
+                    _responseConfirmReservedUpdate.value =
+                        ResponseItemVO(isError = false, response = "")
+                }
+            }
+        })
+    }
     fun itemPlacementSupplyAiming(
         shelvingFk: String,
@@ -414,6 +538,7 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
         ticketFk: Int,
         usedShelves: Int
     ) {
+        //salix.ticketCollectionUpdate("""where={"ticketFk":$ticketFk}""", hashMapOf("usedShelves" to usedShelves))
@@ -806,12 +931,12 @@ class CollectionViewModel(val context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
     fun saleMistakeAdd(
-        vSaleFk: Int,
-        vTypeFk: Int
+        saleFk: Int,
+        typeFk: Int
     ) {
-        /*#4742
-        Tiene que estar en produc la parte de Silex referente a saleMistakeAdd dos parámetros no tres-quitar tercer parámetro cuando esté subido*/
-        silex.saleMistakeAdd(vSaleFk, vTypeFk, vTypeFk)
+        salix.saleMistakeAdd(SaleMistakeSalix(userFk=(context as MobileApplication).userId!!, saleFk = saleFk,typeFk = typeFk))
+        //silex.saleMistakeAdd(saleFk, typeFk, typeFk)
             .enqueue(object :
                 SilexCallback<Any>(context) {
                 override fun onError(t: Throwable) {
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/mapper/CollectionMapper.kt b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/mapper/CollectionMapper.kt
index be8fcd02..43ad107e 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/mapper/CollectionMapper.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/collection/mapper/CollectionMapper.kt
@@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.collection.mapper
 import android.content.Context
 import es.verdnatura.R
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.common.convertToDateString
+import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.sacador.model.CollectionTicket
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.sacador.model.CollectionVO
 import es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.sacador.model.PlacementSupplyVO
 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat
@@ -63,6 +64,27 @@ fun CollectionVO.map(context: Context): CollectionVO {
     return this
+fun CollectionTicket.map(context: Context): CollectionTicket {
+    try {
+        this.tickets.forEach { ticket ->
+            ticket.sales.forEach {
+                it.level = ticket.level
+                it.rgb = ticket.rgb}}
+    } catch (e: Exception) {
+        this.isError = true
+        if (this.tickets.isNullOrEmpty()) {
+            this.errorMessage = context.getString(R.string.collectionNoTicketsError)
+        } else {
+            this.errorMessage =
+                context.getString(R.string.collectionErrorBuilding) + e.message.toString()
+        }
+    }
+    return this
 private fun getCalendarFromDate(date: String,context:Context): Calendar {
     val sdf = SimpleDateFormat(context.getString(R.string.dateFormat))
     val cal = Calendar.getInstance()
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/pasillero/fragment/PasilleroViewModel.kt b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/pasillero/fragment/PasilleroViewModel.kt
index f04a8f4b..0a76cf2c 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/pasillero/fragment/PasilleroViewModel.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/pasillero/fragment/PasilleroViewModel.kt
@@ -133,7 +133,7 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
         //Tarea 5651
-     _pasillerositem.add(
+        _pasillerositem.add(
@@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
         //Tarea 5891
-  _pasillerositem.add(
+        _pasillerositem.add(
@@ -194,17 +194,17 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
         //tarea 4585
-         _pasillerositem.add(
-                PasillerosItemVO(
-                    7,
-                    R.drawable.ic_packing_mistake,
-                    contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackingMistake),
-                    R.string.titlePackingMistake,
-                    contextApp.getString(
-                        R.string.titlePackingMistakeDescrip
-                    )
+        _pasillerositem.add(
+            PasillerosItemVO(
+                7,
+                R.drawable.ic_packing_mistake,
+                contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackingMistake),
+                R.string.titlePackingMistake,
+                contextApp.getString(
+                    R.string.titlePackingMistakeDescrip
+        )
@@ -313,16 +313,16 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
-       //Tarea #3986
-         _pasillerositem.add(
-             PasillerosItemVO(
-                 31,
-                 R.drawable.ic_cmr,
-                 contextApp.getString(R.string.titleCMRState),
-                 R.string.titleCMRState,
-                 contextApp.getString(R.string.titleCMRDescrip)
-             )
-         )
+        //Tarea #3986
+        _pasillerositem.add(
+            PasillerosItemVO(
+                31,
+                R.drawable.ic_cmr,
+                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleCMRState),
+                R.string.titleCMRState,
+                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleCMRDescrip)
+            )
+        )
@@ -461,7 +461,20 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
+        val working_in_testMenu = false
+        if (working_in_testMenu) {
+            _pasillerositem.add(
+                PasillerosItemVO(
+                    7,
+                    R.drawable.ic_picker_ui,
+                    contextApp.getString(R.string.sacador_test),
+                    R.string.sacador_test,
+                    contextApp.getString(
+                        R.string.sacador_test
+                    )
+                )
+            )
+        }
         //sergio para que aparezca el nuevo menu
@@ -499,8 +512,8 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
-     //Tarea 4678
-      _pasillerositem.add(
+        //Tarea 4678
+        _pasillerositem.add(
@@ -511,17 +524,16 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
-    //#tarea4021
-  /*  _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                6,
-                R.drawable.ic_packaging,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackaging),
-                R.string.titlePackaging,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackagingDescrip)
-            )
-        )*/
+        //#tarea4021
+        /*  _pasillerositem.add(
+                  PasillerosItemVO(
+                      6,
+                      R.drawable.ic_packaging,
+                      contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackaging),
+                      R.string.titlePackaging,
+                      contextApp.getString(R.string.titlePackagingDescrip)
+                  )
+              )*/
         //Tarea 5322
@@ -533,8 +545,8 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
-        val working_in_test=false
-        if (working_in_test){
+        val working_in_test = false
+        if (working_in_test) {
@@ -543,7 +555,8 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
-            )}
+            )
+        }
@@ -563,65 +576,66 @@ class PasilleroViewModel(context: Context) : BaseViewModel(context) {
     fun inititializeDefaultDelivery() {
-   /*     _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                30,
-                R.drawable.expedition_find,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleLog),
-                R.string.titleLog,
-                contextApp.getString(
-                    R.string.titleLogDescrip
-                )
-            )
-        )
-        _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                30,
-                R.drawable.ic_info,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleInfo),
-                R.string.titleInfo,
-                contextApp.getString(
-                    R.string.titleInfoDescription
-                )
-            )
-        )
-   /*     _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                30,
-                R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleLoadTruck),
-                R.string.titleLoadTruckInfo,
-                contextApp.getString(
-                    R.string.titleLoadTruckInfo
-                )
-            )
-        )
+        /*     _pasillerositem.add(
+                 PasillerosItemVO(
+                     30,
+                     R.drawable.expedition_find,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleLog),
+                     R.string.titleLog,
+                     contextApp.getString(
+                         R.string.titleLogDescrip
+                     )
+                 )
+             )
+             _pasillerositem.add(
+                 PasillerosItemVO(
+                     30,
+                     R.drawable.ic_info,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleInfo),
+                     R.string.titleInfo,
+                     contextApp.getString(
+                         R.string.titleInfoDescription
+                     )
+                 )
+             )
+        /*     _pasillerositem.add(
+                 PasillerosItemVO(
+                     30,
+                     R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleLoadTruck),
+                     R.string.titleLoadTruckInfo,
+                     contextApp.getString(
+                         R.string.titleLoadTruckInfo
+                     )
+                 )
+             )
-        _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                30,
-                R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleUnLoadTruck),
-                R.string.titleUnLoadTruckInfo,
-                contextApp.getString(
-                    R.string.titleUnLoadTruckInfo
-                )
-            )
-        )
+             _pasillerositem.add(
+                 PasillerosItemVO(
+                     30,
+                     R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleUnLoadTruck),
+                     R.string.titleUnLoadTruckInfo,
+                     contextApp.getString(
+                         R.string.titleUnLoadTruckInfo
+                     )
+                 )
+             )
+     */
-        _pasillerositem.add(
-            PasillerosItemVO(
-                6,
-                R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleDeliverySummary),
-                R.string.titleDeliverySummary,
-                contextApp.getString(R.string.titleDeliverySummary)
-            )
-        )
+             _pasillerositem.add(
+                 PasillerosItemVO(
+                     6,
+                     R.drawable.ic_delivery_truck,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleDeliverySummary),
+                     R.string.titleDeliverySummary,
+                     contextApp.getString(R.string.titleDeliverySummary)
+                 )
+             )
+     */
diff --git a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/sacador/model/TicketItemVO.kt b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/sacador/model/TicketItemVO.kt
index df8d78ce..40a5c304 100644
--- a/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/sacador/model/TicketItemVO.kt
+++ b/app/src/main/java/es/verdnatura/presentation/view/feature/sacador/model/TicketItemVO.kt
@@ -1,5 +1,75 @@
 package es.verdnatura.presentation.view.feature.sacador.model
+//Tarea 5890
+// Sacado reservado
+class CollectionTicket(
+    var collectionFk: Int,
+    var created: String = "",
+    var ticketTotalCount: Int = 0,
+    var tickets: MutableList<Ticket> = mutableListOf(),
+    var isError: Boolean = false,
+    var errorMessage: String = "",
+data class Ticket(
+    val ticketFk: Int,
+    var level: String?,
+    var rgb: String?,
+    val agencyName: String,
+    val salesPersonFk: Int,
+    val observations: String?,
+    val warehouseFk: Int,
+    val sales: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf()
+data class Sale(
+    val itemShelvingSaleFk: Int,
+    val ticketFk: Int,
+    val saleGroupFk: Int?,
+    val saleFk: Int,
+    val itemFk: Int,
+    val longName: String,
+    val size: Int,
+    var semaphore: String?,
+    val color: String ="",
+    val productor: String?="",
+    val origin: String="",
+    val concept: String="",
+    val packing: Int?=null,
+    val grouping: Int?=null,
+    val isAdded: Int=0,
+    val workerFk: Int,
+    val packingShelve: Int = 0,
+    val hasMistake: Boolean?,
+    val originalQuantity: Int?,
+    var saleQuantity: Int,
+    var reservedQuantity: Int= 0 ,
+    val code: String? = null,
+    val parkingCode: String?=null,
+    val pickingOrder: Int?=null,
+    var sonSales: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf(),
+    var placements: List<PlacementVO> = listOf(),
+    var Barcodes: List<String> = listOf(),
+    var isParent: Boolean = false,
+    //para agrupar
+    var totalSales: Int = 0,
+    //para mostar el level del ticket
+    var level: String? = "",
+    //para pintar color
+    var rgb: String? = "",
+    var isPicked: Int=0,
+    var accumulatedQuantity:Int=0,
+    var totalItemShelving: Int =0,
+    var currentItemShelving:Int = 0
+class CollectionTicketList(
+    var list: List<CollectionTicket> = listOf()
+// colecciones anteriores
 class CollectionListVO(
     var list: List<CollectionVO> = listOf()
@@ -72,8 +142,8 @@ class SaleVO(
     var totalSales: Int = 0,
     var sonSales: MutableList<SaleVO> = mutableListOf(),
     var code: String = "",
-    var hasMistake :Boolean = false,
-    var sectorFk : Int? = null
+    var hasMistake: Boolean = false,
+    var sectorFk: Int? = null
@@ -126,3 +196,106 @@ class MistakeTypeListVO(
     var list: List<MistakeTypeVO> = listOf()
+val barcodes = listOf("12345678","87654321","11111111","00000000")
+val sale1 = Sale(
+    13421890,4475590, null, 42272072, 24460, "Lilium Oriental Signum 4", 90, null,
+    "Blanco", "Bakker Lilies", "NLD", "LO Signum 4", 120, 10, 0, 24981,
+    180, false, 10, 100, 10, null, null, 6,
+val sale2 = Sale(
+    13421889,4474654, null, 42263590, 61148, "Paniculata Rainbow MA 40 gr", 75, null,
+    "Mixto", "Malima", "ECU", "PAN Rainbow MA 40 gr", 250, 25, 0, 24981,
+    600, false, 25, 250, 30, null, null, 5
+val sale3 = Sale(
+    13421888,4475611, null, 42272185, 56628, "Lilium Oriental A2 Roselily 2", 70, null,
+    "Mixto", "Moerman Lilium BV", "NLD", "LO A2 Roselily 2", 40, 10, 0, 24981,
+    200, false, 80, 800, 20, null, null, 4
+val sale4 = Sale(
+    13421887,4475611, null, 42272186, 34087, "Lilium Asiatico Brindisi 4-5", 95, null,
+    "Rosa", "Double Check Lily", "NLD", "LA Brindisi 4-5", 60, 10, 0, 24981,
+    160, false, 60, 600, 10, null, null, 3
+val sale5 = Sale(
+    13421886,4474654, null, 42263585, 77582, "Clavel Red Fancy", 60, "2",
+    "Rojo", "Daliaflora", "COL", "CL Red FCY", 15, 25, 0, 24981,
+    933, true, 250, 250, 30, "KQS", "GA-24-3", 1, Barcodes = barcodes
+val sale6 = Sale(
+    13421885,4474654, null, 42263588, 117832, "Rosa Freedom", 50, "1",
+    "Rojo", "Multiflora", "COL", "RS Freedom", 200, 25, 0, 24981,
+    403, true, 25, 250, 25, "IXF", "B-29-1", 2
+val sale7 = Sale(
+    13421898,4475590, 222154, 42272074, 10067, "Brillo Floralife", 10, "3",
+    "Negro", null, "---", "Brillo Floralife", 12, 1, 0, 24981,
+    179020, false, 3, 30, 30, null, "CH--43", 121930
+val sale8 = Sale(
+    13421883,4475557, 222152, 42271653, 103803, "Bolsa Kraft Blanco", 1, null,
+    "Blanco", null, "NLD", "Bolsa Kraft Blanco", 250, 25, 0, 24981,
+    1000, false, 25, 250, 250, null, "CH--43", 121930
+val listaDeSales: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf(sale1, sale7) // 4475590
+val listaDeSales2: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf(sale2, sale5, sale6) //4474654
+val listaDeSales3: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf(sale3, sale4) //4475611
+val listaDeSales4: MutableList<Sale> = mutableListOf(sale8) //4475557
+var ticketLocal = mutableListOf(
+    Ticket(
+        4475590,
+        "ROJO",
+        "#ff0000",
+        "VIAEXPRESS Interdia",
+        4994,
+        "",
+        60,
+        sales = listaDeSales
+    ),
+    Ticket(
+        4474654,
+        "AMARILLO",
+        "#ffce30",
+        "MRW ECOM-TARDE",
+        4994,
+        "En agua",
+        60,
+        sales = listaDeSales2
+    ),
+    Ticket(
+        4475611,
+        "VERDE",
+        "#008000",
+        "MRW ECOM-TARDE",
+        6264,
+        "En seco",
+        60,
+        sales = listaDeSales3
+    ),
+    Ticket(
+        4475557,
+        "ROJO",
+        "#ff0000",
+        "VIAEXPRESS Interdia",
+        4994,
+        "",
+        60,
+        sales = listaDeSales4
+    ),
+var collectionLocal = CollectionTicket(
+    895071,
+    "2023-09-20",
+    3,
+    tickets = ticketLocal
diff --git a/app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_collection_new.xml b/app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_collection_new.xml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..90e083be
--- /dev/null
+++ b/app/src/main/res/layout/fragment_collection_new.xml
@@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
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