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2014-05-09 12:19:53 +00:00
Htk.Calendar = new Class
Extends: Htk.Field
,Implements: Htk.Popup
,Tag: 'htk-calendar'
,tds: []
,selectedTd: null
,todayTd: null
,year: null
,month: null
,initialize: function (props)
this.parent (props);
var len = Vn.Date.WDays.length;
this.createElement ('div');
this.node.className = 'calendar';
var table = document.createElement ('table');
this.node.appendChild (table);
var colgroup = document.createElement ('colgroup');
table.appendChild (colgroup);
for (var i = 0; i < len; i++)
colgroup.appendChild (document.createElement ('col'));
var thead = document.createElement ('thead');
table.appendChild (thead);
var tr = document.createElement ('tr');
thead.appendChild (tr);
var th = document.createElement ('th');
th.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('<'));
th.className = 'button';
th.addEventListener ('click', this.prevMonthClicked.bind (this));
tr.appendChild (th);
var monthNode = document.createElement ('th');
monthNode.colSpan = 5;
tr.appendChild (monthNode);
var th = document.createElement ('th');
th.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('>'));
th.className = 'button';
th.addEventListener ('click', this.nextMonthClicked.bind (this));
tr.appendChild (th);
var tr = document.createElement ('tr');
thead.appendChild (tr);
for (i = 1; i <= len; i++)
var th = document.createElement ('th');
tr.appendChild (th);
var weekday = Vn.Date.AbrWDays [i%len];
th.appendChild (document.createTextNode (weekday));
var tfoot = document.createElement ('tfoot');
table.appendChild (tfoot);
var tr = document.createElement ('tr');
tfoot.appendChild (tr);
var th = document.createElement ('th');
th.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('<'));
th.className = 'button';
th.addEventListener ('click', this.prevYearClicked.bind (this));
tr.appendChild (th);
var yearNode = document.createElement ('th');
yearNode.colSpan = 5;
tr.appendChild (yearNode);
var th = document.createElement ('th');
th.appendChild (document.createTextNode ('>'));
th.className = 'button';
th.addEventListener ('click', this.nextYearClicked.bind (this));
tr.appendChild (th);
var tbody = document.createElement ('tbody');
table.appendChild (tbody);
for (i = 0; i < 6; i++)
tr = document.createElement ('tr');
tbody.appendChild (tr);
for (j = 0; j < len; j++)
td = document.createElement ('td');
td.addEventListener ('click', this.dayClicked.bind (this, td, i*len+j));
tr.appendChild (td);
this.tds.push (td);
this.monthNode = monthNode;
this.yearNode = yearNode;
this.goToCurrentMonth ();
,getFirstWeekDay: function ()
var weekDay = new Date (this.year, this.month, 1).getDay ();
return (weekDay != 0) ? weekDay - 1 : 6;
,getMonthDays: function ()
if (this.month > 6)
return (this.month % 2 != 0) ? 31 : 30;
else if (this.month != 1)
return (this.month % 2 != 1) ? 31 : 30;
return (this.year % 4 != 0) ? 28 : 29;
,goToMonth: function (year, month)
if (year)
this.year = year;
if (month)
this.month = month;
this.refresh ();
,goToSelectedMonth: function ()
var date = this._value;
if (date instanceof Date)
this.goToMonth (date.getFullYear (), date.getMonth ());
this.goToCurrentMonth ();
,goToCurrentMonth: function ()
var date = new Date ();
this.goToMonth (date.getFullYear (), date.getMonth ());
,refresh: function ()
Vn.Node.setText (this.yearNode, this.year);
Vn.Node.setText (this.monthNode, Vn.Date.Months[this.month]);
var firstWeekDay = this.getFirstWeekDay ();
var monthDays = this.getMonthDays ();
var day = 1;
for (i = 0; i < this.tds.length; i++)
if (firstWeekDay <= i && day <= monthDays)
Vn.Node.setText (this.tds[i], day++);
Vn.Node.removeChilds (this.tds[i]);
// Marks the current day
var today = new Date ();
if (this.year == today.getFullYear ()
&& this.month == today.getMonth ())
var tdIndex = (firstWeekDay + today.getDate ()) - 1;
this.tds[tdIndex].style.fontWeight = 'bold';
this.todayTd = this.tds[tdIndex];
else if (this.todayTd)
this.todayTd.style.fontWeight = '';
this.todayTd = null;
// Marks the selected day
var date = this._value;
if (date instanceof Date
&& this.year == date.getFullYear ()
&& this.month == date.getMonth ())
var tdIndex = (firstWeekDay + date.getDate ()) - 1;
this.selectTd (this.tds[tdIndex]);
this.selectTd (null);
,selectTd: function (td)
if (this.selectedTd)
this.selectedTd.className = undefined;
if (td)
td.className = 'highlight';
this.selectedTd = td;
,putValue: function (value)
this.goToSelectedMonth ();
,dayClicked: function (td, tdIndex)
var monthDay = (tdIndex - this.getFirstWeekDay ()) + 1;
if (monthDay >= 1 && monthDay <= this.getMonthDays ())
this.selectTd (td);
var newDate = new Date (this.year, this.month, monthDay);
this.valueChanged (newDate);
,prevMonthClicked: function ()
if (this.month > 0)
this.month = 11;
this.refresh ();
,nextMonthClicked: function ()
if (this.month < 11)
this.month = 0;
this.refresh ();
,prevYearClicked: function ()
this.refresh ();
,nextYearClicked: function ()
this.refresh ();