forked from verdnatura/hedera-web
Añadida sección estanterias
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Vn.Shelves = new Class
,activate: function ()
this.$('report-title').value = 'Anthuriums';
this.$('warehouse').value = 1;
this.$('warehouse').value = 44;
this.$('date').value = new Date ();
this.$('shelf').value = 1;
this.$('reign').value = 1;
@ -17,8 +17,291 @@ Vn.Shelves = new Class
,onPreviewClick: function ()
var report = new ShelvesReport ();
report.showWindow ();
var report = new Vn.ShelvesReport ({conn: this.conn});
report.setParams (
|||| ();
Vn.ShelvesReport = new Class
Extends: Vn.Report
,nItem: -1
,nColors: 4
,setParams: function (title, warehouse, date, type, filter, maxAmount, shelf)
this.title = title;
this.maxAmount = maxAmount;
var batch = new Sql.Batch ();
batch.addValue ('shelf', shelf);
batch.addValue ('wh', warehouse);
batch.addValue ('date', date);
batch.addValue ('type', type);
batch.addValue ('filter', filter);
this.batch = batch;
,open: function ()
var query =
'SELECT id, name, width, height, max_height, tray_height, '+
'first_tray_elevation, tray_density, vspacing, hspacing '+
'FROM vn2008.shelf WHERE id = #shelf; '+
'CALL item_organizer (#wh, #date, #type, #filter)';
this.conn.execQuery (query, this.onQueryExec.bind (this), this.batch);
,onQueryExec: function (resultSet)
// Fetch query data
var res = resultSet.fetchResult ();
|||| ();
var scale = 0.08;
var shelf = this.shelf =
width: res.get ('width') * scale
,height: res.get ('height') * scale
,maxHeight: res.get ('max_height') * scale
,trayHeight: res.get ('tray_height') * scale
,firstTrayElevation: res.get ('first_tray_elevation') * scale
,trayDensity: res.get ('tray_density') * scale
,vspacing: res.get ('vspacing') * scale
,hspacing: res.get ('hspacing') * scale
var items = [];
var res = resultSet.fetchResult ();
while ( ())
items.push ({
name: res.get ('Article') +' x'+ res.get ('Medida')
,boxHeight: res.get ('z') * 10 * scale
,boxWidth: res.get ('x') * 10 * scale
,amount: res.get ('etiquetas')
// Intializes the allocator
alloc = new Vn.Allocator ();
alloc.items = items;
alloc.maxAmount = this.maxAmount;
alloc.shelfFunc = this.drawShelf.bind (this);
alloc.boxFunc = this.drawBox.bind (this);
alloc.nTrays = Math.ceil (
(shelf.height - shelf.firstTrayElevation) /
(shelf.trayHeight + shelf.trayDensity)
alloc.trayWidth = shelf.width - shelf.hspacing * 2;
alloc.trayHeight = shelf.trayHeight - shelf.vspacing;
alloc.topTrayHeight = shelf.maxHeight - shelf.vspacing
- shelf.firstTrayElevation - (alloc.nTrays - 1) * shelf.trayHeight;
// Opens the report
this.createWindow ('shelves');
|||| ();
,drawShelf: function (allocator)
var shelf = this.shelf;
var sheet = this.doc.createElement ('div');
sheet.className = 'sheet';
/* = (allocator.currentShelf * 297) +'mm';
*/ this.doc.body.appendChild (sheet);
// Draws the title
var title = this.doc.createElement ('h1');
title.className = 'title';
title.appendChild (this.doc.createTextNode (this.title));
sheet.appendChild (title);
var pageNumber = this.doc.createElement ('h1');
pageNumber.className = 'page-number';
pageNumber.appendChild (this.doc.createTextNode (allocator.currentShelf + 1));
sheet.appendChild (pageNumber);
// Draws the shelf
var shelfDiv = this.shelfDiv = this.doc.createElement ('div');
shelfDiv.className = 'shelf';
|||| = this.shelf.width +'mm';
|||| = this.shelf.maxHeight +'mm';
sheet.appendChild (shelfDiv);
this.drawEdge ().style.left = 0;
this.drawEdge ().style.right = 0;
// Draws trays
var lastTrayY = shelf.firstTrayElevation;
if (shelf.trayHeight > 0)
while (lastTrayY + shelf.trayDensity < shelf.height)
var tray = this.doc.createElement ('div');
tray.className = 'tray';
|||| = this.shelf.width +'mm';
|||| = '1mm';
|||| = lastTrayY +'mm';
shelfDiv.appendChild (tray);
lastTrayY += shelf.trayHeight + shelf.trayDensity;
,drawEdge: function (shelfDiv)
var edge = this.doc.createElement ('div');
edge.className = 'edge';
|||| = '1mm';
|||| = this.shelf.height +'mm';
|||| = 0;
this.shelfDiv.appendChild (edge);
return edge;
,drawBox: function (allocator, item, amount)
if (item.boxWidth == 0 || item.boxHeight == 0)
var shelf = this.shelf;
var x = allocator.trayX + shelf.hspacing;
var y = allocator.trayY
+ shelf.firstTrayElevation + shelf.trayDensity
+ allocator.currentTray * (shelf.trayHeight + shelf.trayDensity);
var box = this.doc.createElement ('div');
box.className = 'box';
this.shelfDiv.appendChild (box);
|||| = x +'mm';
|||| = y +'mm';
|||| = item.boxWidth +'mm';
|||| = item.boxHeight +'mm';
if (amount == 0)
var nColor = this.nItem % this.nColors;
Vn.Node.addClass (box, 'color'+ nColor);
if (amount == 0 || allocator.firstShelfBox)
var boxLabel = this.doc.createElement ('span');
box.appendChild (boxLabel);
var text = this.doc.createTextNode (;
boxLabel.appendChild (text);
Vn.Allocator = new Class
addShelf: function ()
this.firstShelfBox = true;
if (this.shelfFunc)
this.shelfFunc (this);
,addTray: function ()
if (this.currentTray <= 0)
this.addShelf ();
this.currentTray = this.nTrays - 1;
this.trayX = 0;
,addColumn: function (width)
if (this.trayX + this.columnWidth + width > this.trayWidth
|| this.currentTray == -1)
this.addTray ();
this.trayX += this.columnWidth;
this.trayY = 0;
this.columnWidth = width;
this.lastBoxWidth = width;
,addBox: function (item, amount)
var trayHeight = this.trayHeight;
if (this.currentTray == this.nTrays - 1)
trayHeight = this.topTrayHeight;
if (this.trayY + item.boxHeight > trayHeight
|| item.boxWidth > this.lastBoxWidth)
this.addColumn (item.boxWidth);
if (this.boxFunc)
this.boxFunc (this, item, amount);
this.trayY += item.boxHeight;
if (item.boxWidth < this.lastBoxWidth)
this.lastBoxWidth = item.boxWidth;
,run: function ()
this.firstShelfBox = false;
this.currentShelf = -1;
this.currentTray = -1;
this.columnWidth = 0;
this.lastBoxWidth = 0;
this.trayX = 0;
this.trayY = 0;
for (var i = 0; i < this.items.length; i++)
var item = this.items[i];
for (var amount = 0; amount < item.amount; amount++)
if (amount == 0
&& this.maxAmount > 0
&& item.amount > this.maxAmount)
this.addBox (item, amount);
this.firstShelfBox = false;
return this.currentShelf + 1;
@ -40,6 +40,5 @@
.shelves .footer > button
margin: 0 .2em;
width: 5em;
@ -61,10 +61,7 @@
<div class="footer">
<button class="flat">
<button class="flat" on-click="onPreviewClick">
<button class="thin" on-click="onPreviewClick">
@ -282,18 +282,22 @@ Vn.Catalog = new Class
var model = this.$('item-lots');
var grouping = model.get (row, 'grouping');
var warehouse = model.get (row, 'warehouse_id');
var available = model.get (row, 'available');
var lotAmount = this.items[warehouse];
if (lotAmount === undefined)
lotAmount = 0;
lotAmount += grouping;
if (lotAmount <= model.get (row, 'available'))
if (lotAmount < available)
this.items[warehouse] = lotAmount;
this.$('amount').value += grouping;
var newAmount = lotAmount + grouping;
if (newAmount > available)
newAmount = available;
this.items[warehouse] = newAmount;
this.$('amount').value += newAmount - lotAmount;
Htk.Toast.showError (_('NoMoreAmountAvailable'));
@ -71,18 +71,10 @@
<db-model id="item-lots" result-index="1" on-status-changed-after="onStatusChange">
CALL bionic_from_item (#item);
SELECT p.warehouse_id, p.grouping, p.price, p.rate,
t.amount, l.available - IFNULL(t.amount, 0) available
SELECT p.warehouse_id, p.grouping, p.price, p.rate, l.available
FROM tmp.bionic_lot l
JOIN tmp.bionic_price p
ON p.warehouse_id = l.warehouse_id
SELECT warehouse_id, SUM(amount) amount
FROM basket_item
WHERE item_id = #item
GROUP BY warehouse_id
) t
ON t.warehouse_id = l.warehouse_id
ORDER BY warehouse_id, grouping;
<sql-batch property="batch" id="lots-batch"/>
@ -4,14 +4,72 @@
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padding: 15mm;
position: fixed;
top: 6mm;
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border-radius: 2px;
background-color: #009688;
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@ -7,7 +7,7 @@
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, minimum-scale=1.0, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes"/>
<meta name="mobile-web-app-capable" content="yes">
<link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="image/favicon.ico"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="js/hedera/report.css"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="report.css"/>
@ -3,83 +3,54 @@ Vn.Report = new Class
Extends: Vn.Object
,initialize: function (props)
,open: function () {}
,print: function ()
this.parent (props);
|||| ();
this.window.print ();
,showWindow: function ()
,includeCss: function (path)
var reportWindow = ('js/hedera/report.html', reportPath,
//report.print ();
Vn.includeCss ('reports/'+ reportPath +'/style.css');
window.document.body.appendChild (this.node);
var basePath = location.protocol +'//'+;
basePath += location.port ? ':'+ location.port : '';
basePath += location.pathname.substring (0,
location.pathname.lastIndexOf ('/'));
var link = this.doc.createElement ('link');
link.rel = 'stylesheet';
link.type = 'text/css';
link.href = basePath +'/'+ path + Vn.getVersion ();
var head = this.doc.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0];
head.appendChild (link);
,createWindow: function (reportPath)
var reportWindow = (''/*'js/hedera/report.html'*/, '_blank'/*reportPath*/,
if (!reportWindow)
Htk.Toast.showError (
_('Can\'t open the report, please unlock popup block and try again'));
this.window = reportWindow;
this.doc = reportWindow.document
this.includeCss ('js/hedera/report.css');
this.includeCss ('reports/'+ reportPath +'/style.css');
var printButton = this.doc.createElement ('button');
printButton.className = 'print-button';
printButton.appendChild (this.doc.createTextNode (_('Print')));
printButton.addEventListener ('click', this.print.bind (this));
this.doc.body.appendChild (printButton);
var report = new Vn.Report (reportWindow.document.body);
return reportWindow;
* Gets an object from the builder associated to this report.
* @param {string} objectId The object identifier
* @return {Object} The object, or %null if not found
,$: function (objectId)
if (this.builder)
return this.builder.get (objectId);
return null;
* Called when the form is opened.
,open: function ()
this.builder = new Vn.Builder ();
this.builder.signalData = this;
this.builder.loadXml (Vn.getXml ('reports/'+ this.reportPath +'/report.xml'));
this.node = this.builder.get ('form');
var models = this.builder.getObjects ('db-model');
for (var i = 0; i < models.length; i++)
models[i].conn = this.conn;
var queries = this.builder.getObjects ('db-query');
for (var i = 0; i < queries.length; i++)
queries[i].conn = this.conn;
* Called when the form is activated.
,activate: function () {}
* Called when the form is deactivated.
,deactivate: function () {}
* Called when the form is closed.
,close: function ()
this.builder.unref ();
this.builder = null;
,_destroy: function ()
this.close ();
this.parent ();
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Title": "Título"
,"Store": "Almacén"
,"Date": "Fecha"
,"Shelf": "Estantería"
,"Reign": "Reino"
,"Family": "Familia"
,"Name filter": "Filtro por nombre"
,"Max amount": "Cantidad máxima"
,"Preview": "Mostrar"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"TestTheNewWebsite": "Prova la nova web!"
,"ReturnToOldWebsite": "Web antiga"
,"ChangeLog": "Canvis recents"
,"Print": "Imprimir"
,"ErrorLoadingForm": "Error al carregar formulari"
,"CookiesNotification": "En utilitzar aquest lloc web acceptes l'ús de cookies per a la personalització de continguts i anàlisi."
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"Visits": "Visites"
,"News": "Noticies"
,"Photos": "Fotos"
,"Shelves": "Estanterías"
,"Contact": "Vull ser client"
,"Training": "Formació"
,"Agencies": "Agències"
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Title": "Título"
,"Store": "Almacén"
,"Date": "Fecha"
,"Shelf": "Estantería"
,"Reign": "Reino"
,"Family": "Familia"
,"Name filter": "Filtro por nombre"
,"Max amount": "Cantidad máxima"
,"Preview": "Mostrar"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"TestTheNewWebsite": "¡Prueba la nueva web!"
,"ReturnToOldWebsite": "Web antigua"
,"ChangeLog": "Cambios recientes"
,"Print": "Imprimir"
,"ErrorLoadingForm": "Error al cargar formulario"
,"CookiesNotification": "Al utilizar este sitio web aceptas el uso de cookies para la personalización de contenidos y análisis."
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"Visits": "Visitas"
,"News": "Noticias"
,"Photos": "Fotos"
,"Shelves": "Estanterías"
,"Contact": "Quiero ser cliente"
,"Training": "Formación"
,"Agencies": "Agencias"
@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
"Title": "Título"
,"Store": "Almacén"
,"Date": "Fecha"
,"Shelf": "Estantería"
,"Reign": "Reino"
,"Family": "Familia"
,"Name filter": "Filtro por nombre"
,"Max amount": "Cantidad máxima"
,"Preview": "Mostrar"
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"TestTheNewWebsite": "Testez le nouveau site!"
,"ReturnToOldWebsite": "Ancien site web"
,"ChangeLog": "Modifications récentes"
,"Print": "Imprimir"
,"ErrorLoadingForm": "Forme erreur de chargement"
,"CookiesNotification": "En utilisant ce site, vous acceptez l'utilisation de cookies pour personnaliser le contenu et l'analyse."
@ -40,6 +41,7 @@ Vn.Locale.add
,"Visits": "Visites"
,"News": "Nouvelles"
,"Photos": "Photos"
,"Shelves": "Estanterías"
,"Contact": "Je veux être client"
,"Training": "Formation"
,"Agencies": "Agences"
@ -2,10 +2,4 @@
Vn.ShelvesReport = new Class
Extends: Vn.Report
,open: function ()
this.parent ();
Vn.Node.setText (this.$('title'), this.title);
@ -1,6 +1,60 @@
padding: 1em;
font-weight: normal;
font-size: 15mm;
margin: 0;
float: left;
float: right;
text-align: right;
position: relative;
margin: 0 auto;
padding-top: 40mm;
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid black;
box-sizing: border-box;
position: absolute;
border: 1px solid black;
text-align: center;
.box > span
font-size: 70%;
text-align: center;
margin: 5%;
display: inline-block;
line-height: 100%;
vertical-align: middle;
background-color: #ECC !important;
background-color: #CEC !important;
background-color: #CCE !important;
background-color: #ECE !important;
Reference in New Issue