var Widget = require('./widget'); var Step = require('./step'); var Toast = require('./toast'); /** * A simple assistant with steps. */ module.exports = new Class({ Extends: Widget, Tag: 'htk-assistant', Properties: { /** * The current step index. */ step: { type: Number, set: function(x) { this.setStep(x); }, get: function() { return this._stepIndex; } }, /** * The current step name. */ stepName: { type: String, set: function(x) { this.setStepByName(x); }, get: function() { return this._stepName; } }, /** * The steps index. */ stepsIndex: { type: Array, set: function(x) { this._stepsIndex = x; this.setStep(this._stepIndex); this.signalEmit('steps-change'); }, get: function() { return this._stepsIndex; } }, /** * The total number of steps in the assistant. */ stepCount: { type: Number, get: function() { if (this._stepsIndex) return this._stepsIndex.length; return 0; } }, /** * Function to call on every step change. */ stepFunc: { type: Function, set: function(x) { this._stepFunc = x; this.setStep(this._stepIndex); }, get: function() { return this._stepFunc; } }, }, _stepNode: null, _stepIndex: 0, _stepName: null, _stepFunc: null, steps: {}, initialize: function(props) { var node = this.createRoot('div'); node.className = 'htk-assistant'; this.parent(props); }, appendChild(step) { if (!(step instanceof Step)) throw new Error('Invalid child for assistant'); this.node.appendChild(step.node); this.steps[] = step; }, setStepByName: function(stepName) { if (this._stepsIndex) this.setStep(this._stepsIndex.indexOf(stepName)); }, setStep: function(stepIndex) { if ((this.currentStep && stepIndex == this._stepIndex) || !this._stepsIndex || !(stepIndex >= -1 && stepIndex < this._stepsIndex.length)) return; if (stepIndex > this._stepIndex) { var validateIni = Math.max(this._stepIndex, 0); try { for (var i = validateIni; i < stepIndex; i++) { var validateName = this._stepsIndex[i]; var validateStep = this.steps[validateName]; validateStep.validate(); } } catch(e) { Toast.showError(e.message); if (i == this._stepIndex) return; stepIndex = i; } } var stepName = this._stepsIndex[stepIndex]; var step = this.steps[stepName]; var currentStep = this.currentStep; if (currentStep) currentStep.hide(); this._stepIndex = stepIndex; this._stepName = stepName; this.currentStep = step;; this.signalEmit('step-change', stepIndex); }, /** * Moves the assistant to the previous step. */ movePrevious: function() { this.setStep(this._stepIndex - 1); }, /** * Moves the assistant to the next step. */ moveNext: function() { this.setStep(this._stepIndex + 1); } });