Vn.resource ('js/htk/image-editor.xml'); Vn.define (function () { /** * A form to handle the image database, it allows to add new images or * replace it. **/ Htk.ImageEditor = new Class ({ Extends: Htk.Widget ,initialize: function (props) { this.builderInit (this.constructor.Xml); this.$('max-size').value = 10 /* MB */ * 1048576; this.$('form').action = '//'+ Vn.Config['image_host'] +'/rest.php?action=image'; this.parent (props); } ,onNameChange: function () { var newValue = this.$('name').value; if (!newValue) newValue = null this.signalEmit ('name-changed', newValue); } ,onFormSubmit: function () { this.$('submit').disabled = true; this.$('spinner').start (); } ,onIframeLoad: function () { this.$('submit').disabled = false; this.$('spinner').stop (); try { var responseText = this.$('iframe').contentDocument.body.textContent; var response = eval ('('+ responseText +')'); if ( { this.signalEmit ('file-uploaded', this.$('name').value); Htk.Toast.showMessage (_('ImageAdded')); } else Htk.Toast.showError (response.error.message +' ('+ response.error.code +')'); } catch (e) {} } ,setData: function (image, directory) { this.$('name').value = image; this.$('schema').value = directory; } }).extend ({ Xml: 'js/htk/image-editor.xml' }); });