import './style.scss'; const Catalog = new Class({ Extends: Hedera.Form, Template: require('./ui.xml') ,_menuShown: false ,async open() { let isOk = true; const basket = new Hedera.Basket(; this.orderId = basket.orderId; if (!localStorage.getItem('hederaGuest')) { if (!this.orderId) return this.hash.setAll({form: 'ecomerce/checkout'}); else isOk = await basket.checkRedirect(this.orderId); } else { const resultSet = await this.conn.execQuery( 'CALL myOrder_configureForGuest(@orderId); SELECT @orderId;'); resultSet.fetchResult(); this.orderId = resultSet.fetchValue(); } if (isOk) await; } ,activate() { document.body.appendChild(this.$.rightPanel); this.$.items.setInfo('i', 'item', 'vn', ['id']); this.$.orderLot.assign({orderId: this.orderId}); if (localStorage.getItem('hederaView')) this.setView(parseInt(localStorage.getItem('hederaView'))); else this.setView(Catalog.View.GRID); this.onFilterChange(); } ,deactivate() { this.hideMenu(); this.gui.$ = ''; Vn.Node.remove(this.$.rightPanel); } ,getFilter(params, tags, currentTag) { if ( == null && params.realm == null) return; const $ = this.$; params = Object.assign({}, params); const filter = new Sql.Operation({ type: Sql.Operation.Type.AND }); let idSearch = false; if ( != null) { idSearch = /^\d+$/.test(; if (!idSearch) { filter.push($.searchOp); = `%${}%`; } else filter.push($.idOp); } if (!idSearch) { if (params.realm != null) filter.push($.realmOp); if (params.type != null) filter.push($.typeOp); for (const tag of tags) if (tag != currentTag && params[tag] != null) filter.push($[`${tag}Op`]); } params.filter = filter; const lot = new Vn.Lot(); lot.setAll(params); return lot; } ,onFilterChange() { const $ = this.$; const params = $.params.$; this.refreshTitle(); const hasRealm = params.realm != null; $ = hasRealm ? 'block' : 'none'; $ = hasRealm ? 'none' : 'block'; const tags = [ 'color', 'origin', 'category', 'producer' ]; let hasTagFilter = false; for (const tag of tags) if (params[tag] != null) { hasTagFilter = true; break; } params.orderId = this.orderId; const refreshItems = hasTagFilter || != null || params.type != null; const lot = refreshItems && this.getFilter(params, tags); if (lot) { $.items.lot = lot; $.items.refresh(); } else $.items.clean(); for (const tag of tags) $[`${tag}s`].lot = this.getFilter(params, tags, tag); if (lot) this.hideMenu(); } ,refreshTitle() { const hash = this.hash.$; const types = this.$.types; const realms = this.$.realms; const type = hash.type; const realm = hash.realm; let typeName; let realmName; if (type && types.ready) { var row ='id', type); if (row != -1) typeName = types.get(row, 'name'); } if (realm && realms.ready) { var row ='id', realm); if (row != -1) realmName = realms.get(row, 'name'); } let title = _('Catalog'); let subtitle = ''; if (typeName) { title = typeName; subtitle = realmName; } else if (realmName) { title = realmName; } Vn.Node.setText(this.$.titleText, title); Vn.Node.setText(this.$.subtitle, subtitle); } ,setView(view) { if (view === Catalog.View.GRID) { this.$.viewButton.setProperties({ icon: 'view_list', tip: _('List view') }); this.view = Catalog.View.GRID; var className = 'grid-view'; } else { this.$.viewButton.setProperties({ icon: 'grid_on', tip: _('Grid view') }); this.view = Catalog.View.LIST; var className = 'list-view'; } var node = this.$.gridView.node; node.className = className; localStorage.setItem('hederaView', this.view); } ,onSwitchViewClick() { this.setView(this.view === Catalog.View.LIST ? Catalog.View.GRID : Catalog.View.LIST); } ,onItemsChange(model, status) { if (status !== Db.Model.Status.CLEAN) this.$ = 'block'; else this.$ = 'none'; } ,onOrderChange(e) { var value =; var sortField = value.substr(2); var sortWay = value.charAt(0) === 'A' ? Db.Model.SortWay.ASC : Db.Model.SortWay.DESC; if (sortField) this.$.items.sortByName(sortField, sortWay); this.hideMenu(); } ,realmRenderer(builder, form) { var link = builder.$.link; link.href = this.hash.make({ form: this.hash.$.form, realm: form.$.id }); } ,onRightPanelClick(event) { event.stopPropagation(); } ,onShowMenuClick(event) { this._menuShown = true; event.stopPropagation(); this.gui.showBackground(); Vn.Node.addClass(this.$.rightPanel, 'show'); this.hideMenuCallback = this.hideMenu.bind(this); document.addEventListener('click', this.hideMenuCallback); } ,hideMenu() { if (!this._menuShown) return; this.gui.hideBackground(); Vn.Node.removeClass(this.$.rightPanel, 'show'); document.removeEventListener('click', this.hideMenuCallback); this.hideMenuCallback = null; } ,isGuest() { if (localStorage.getItem('hederaGuest')) { Htk.Toast.showError(_('YouMustBeLoggedIn')); return true; } return false; } ,onBasketClick() { if (this.isGuest()) return; this.hash.setAll({form: 'ecomerce/basket'}); } ,onConfigureClick() { if (this.isGuest()) return; this.hash.setAll({ form: 'ecomerce/checkout', id: this.orderId, continue: 'catalog' }); } ,onAddItemClick(event, form) { if (event.defaultPrevented) return; event.preventDefault(); if (this.isGuest()) return; this.onEraseClick(); this.$.$card.row = form.row; this.$.cardLot.assign({ item: form.$.id, orderId: this.orderId }); this.$; } ,onAddLotClick(column, value, row) { var model = this.$.itemLots; var grouping = model.get(row, 'grouping'); var warehouse = model.get(row, 'warehouseFk'); var available = model.get(row, 'available'); var lotAmount = this.items[warehouse]; if (lotAmount === undefined) lotAmount = 0; if (lotAmount < available) { var newAmount = lotAmount + grouping; if (newAmount > available) newAmount = available; this.items[warehouse] = newAmount; this.$.amount.value += newAmount - lotAmount; } else Htk.Toast.showError(_('NoMoreAmountAvailable')); } ,async onConfirmClick() { var sql = ''; var query = new Sql.String({query: 'CALL myOrder_addItem(#orderId, #warehouse, #item, #amount);'}); var amountSum = 0; for (var warehouse in this.items) { var amount = this.items[warehouse]; amountSum += amount; const params = { orderId: this.orderId, warehouse: warehouse, item: this.$.cardLot.$.item, amount: amount } sql += query.render(params); } if (amountSum > 0) { this.conn.execQuery(sql); var itemName = this.$.$card.get('item'); Htk.Toast.showMessage( Vn.Value.sprintf(_('Added%dOf%s'), amountSum, itemName)); } this.$.cardPopup.hide(); } ,onEraseClick() { this.$.amount.value = 0; this.items = {}; } ,onPopupClose() { this.onEraseClick(); this.$.$card.row = -1; this.$.cardLot.value = undefined; } ,onCardLoad() { this.$.cardPopup.reset(); } }); Catalog.extend({ View: { LIST: 0, GRID: 1 } }); export default Catalog;