<?php namespace Vn\Web; use Exception; /** * Basic class to encode, decode and verify JWT tokens. It implements the HS256 * algorithm from the RFC 7519 standard. **/ class Jwt { /** * Creates a new JWT token with the passed $payload and $key. * * @param {Array} $payload The data to encode * @param {string} $key The key used to sign the token * @return {string} The new JWT token **/ static function encode($payload, $key) { $header = [ 'alg' => 'HS256', 'typ' => 'JWT' ]; $b64Header = self::jsonB64Encode($header); $b64Payload = self::jsonB64Encode($payload); $b64Signature = self::getSignature($b64Header, $b64Payload, $key); return "$b64Header.$b64Payload.$b64Signature"; } /** * Validates and extracts the data from a JWT token. * * @param {Array} $token The JWT token * @param {string} $key The key used to validate the token * @return {string} The JWT validated and decoded data **/ static function decode($token, $key) { $parts = explode('.', $token); if (count($parts) !== 3) throw new Exception('Bad JWT token'); $b64Header = $parts[0]; $b64Payload = $parts[1]; $b64Signature = $parts[2]; $header = self::jsonB64Decode($b64Header); $payload = self::jsonB64Decode($b64Payload); if ($b64Signature != self::getSignature($b64Header, $b64Payload, $key)) throw new Exception('Bad token signature'); return $payload; } static function getSignature($b64Header, $b64Payload, $key) { $signature = hash_hmac('sha256', "$b64Header.$b64Payload", $key, TRUE); return self::base64UrlEncode($signature); } static function jsonB64Encode($data) { return self::base64UrlEncode(json_encode($data)); } static function jsonB64Decode($data) { return json_decode(self::base64UrlDecode($data), TRUE); } static function base64UrlEncode($data) { return rtrim(strtr(base64_encode($data), '+/', '-_'), '='); } static function base64UrlDecode($data) { $remainder = strlen($data) % 4; $data = strtr($data, '-_', '+/'); return base64_decode(str_pad($data, $remainder, '=', STR_PAD_RIGHT)); } }