<?php namespace Vn\Web; /** * Main class for web applications. * * Format for $_REQUEST['srv'] variable: * - [serviceName]:[requestDir]/[requestFile] **/ class App extends \Vn\Lib\App { protected $conn = NULL; private $allowedServices = [ 'html', 'rest', 'json' ]; function run() { $this->init(); $srv = empty($_REQUEST['srv']) ? '' : $_REQUEST['srv']; $explode = explode(':', $srv, 2); if (count($explode) > 0) $_REQUEST['service'] = $explode[0]; if (count($explode) > 1) $_REQUEST['method'] = $explode[1]; $service = empty($_REQUEST['service']) ? 'html' : $_REQUEST['service']; if (in_array($service, $this->allowedServices, TRUE)) { $includeFile = __DIR__."/$service-service.php"; require_once($includeFile); $className = __NAMESPACE__ .'\\'. hyphenToCamelCase($service, TRUE) .'Service'; $service = new $className($this); $service->run(); } else http_response_code(400); } function deinit() {} /** * Gets the configuration file name associated to the current vhost * or the default config file if isn't defined a file for the vhost. * * @return string The config file name **/ function getConfigFile() { if (!empty($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']) && preg_match('/^[\w\-\.]+$/', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'])) { $hostSplit = explode('.', $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']); array_splice($hostSplit, -2); $subdomain = implode('.', $hostSplit); $configDir = _CONFIG_DIR .'/'. $this->name; $hostFile = "$configDir/config.$subdomain.php"; } if (isset($hostFile) && file_exists($hostFile)) return $hostFile; else return parent::getConfigFile(); } }