require ('mootools'); require ('./mutators'); require ('./polyfills'); enableDebug = false; Vn = module.exports = { Locale : require ('./locale') ,Enum : require ('./enum') ,Type : require ('./type') ,Object : require ('./object') ,Cookie : require ('./cookie') ,Date : require ('./date') ,Value : require ('./value') ,Url : require ('./url') ,LotIface : require ('./lot-iface') ,Lot : require ('./lot') ,LotQuery : require ('./lot-query') ,Hash : require ('./hash') ,ParamIface : require ('./param-iface') ,Param : require ('./param') ,Spec : require ('./spec') ,Model : require ('./model') ,ModelIface : require ('./model-iface') ,ModelProxy : require ('./model-proxy') ,IteratorIface : require ('./iterator-iface') ,Iterator : require ('./iterator') ,Form : require ('./form') ,Node : require ('./node') ,NodeBuilder : require ('./node-builder') ,Builder : require ('./builder') ,Component : require ('./component') ,JsonException : require ('./json-error') ,JsonConnection : require ('./json-connection') ,Config: {} ,includes: {} ,cssIncludes: {} ,currentDeps: [] ,currentCallback: null ,head: document.getElementsByTagName ('head')[0] ,isMobileCached: null ,getVersion: function () { if (this._version === undefined) { var re = /[; ]vnVersion=([^\\s;]*)/; var sMatch = (' '+ document.cookie).match (re); this._version = (sMatch) ? '?'+ unescape (sMatch[1]) : ''; } return this._version; } /** * Includes a new CSS stylesheet in the current document, if the stylesheet * is already included, does nothing. * * @param {string} fileName The stylesheet file name */ ,includeCss: function (fileName) { var cssData = this.cssIncludes[fileName]; if (!cssData) { var link = document.createElement ('link'); link.rel = 'stylesheet'; link.type = 'text/css'; link.href = fileName + this.getVersion (); this.head.appendChild (link); this.cssIncludes[fileName] = { included: true ,link: link }; } else if (!cssData.included) { = false; cssData.included = true; } } /** * Excludes a CSS stylesheet from the current document. * * @param {string} fileName The stylesheet file name */ ,excludeCss: function (fileName) { var cssData = this.cssIncludes[fileName]; if (cssData && cssData.included) { = true; cssData.included = false; } } ,_createIncludeData: function (path) { var includeData = { depCount: 0 ,success: false ,loaded: false ,callbacks: [] ,dependants: [] }; this.includes[path] = includeData; return includeData; } ,_handleCallback: function (includeData, callback) { if (!callback) return; if (includeData.success) callback (includeData.loaded); else includeData.callbacks.push (callback); } ,_resolveDeps: function (includeData) { includeData.success = true; var callbacks = includeData.callbacks; if (callbacks) for (var i = 0; i < callbacks.length; i++) callbacks[i] (includeData.loaded); var dependants = includeData.dependants; if (dependants) for (var i = 0; i < dependants.length; i++) { var dependant = dependants[i]; dependant.depCount--; if (dependant.depCount == 0) this._resolveDeps (dependant); } delete includeData.callbacks; delete includeData.dependants; delete includeData.depCount; } /** * Initializes the library and calls the passed function when all * includes and its dependencies are resolved. * Should be called on the last statically incuded script. * * @param {function} callback The main function */ ,main: function (callback) { if (this.mainCalled) { Vn.warning ("Vn: main method should be called only once"); return; } this.mainCalled = true; this.mainCallback = callback; var basePath = location.protocol +'//'+; basePath += location.port ? ':'+ location.port : ''; basePath += location.pathname; var scripts = this.head.getElementsByTagName ('script'); var includes = this.currentDeps; for (var i = 0; i < scripts.length; i++) { var path = scripts[i].src.substr (basePath.length); path = path.substr (0, path.indexOf ('.js')) +'.js'; var includeData = this.includes[path]; if (includeData === undefined) { this.currentDeps = includes; var includeData = this._createIncludeData (path); this._onScriptLoad (includeData, true); } } includeData.callbacks.push (this._onMainDepsLoad.bind (this)); window.addEventListener ('load', this._onWindowLoad.bind (this)); } ,_onMainDepsLoad: function () { this.mainDepsLoaded = true; this._callMain (); } ,_onWindowLoad: function () { this.windowReady = true; this._callMain (); } ,_callMain: function () { if (this.mainCallback && this.windowReady && this.mainDepsLoaded) this.mainCallback (); } /** * Includes a set of javascript files and sets it as dependecies of the * current script. * * @param {...} The list of files as function arguments */ ,include: function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var includeData = this._realIncludeJs (arguments[i] +'.js'); if (!includeData.success) this.currentDeps.push (includeData); } } /** * Downloads a set of resources and sets it as dependecies of the * current script. * * @param {...} The list of files as function arguments */ ,resource: function () { for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { var includeData = this._realLoadXml (arguments[i]); if (!includeData.success) this.currentDeps.push (includeData); } } /** * Sets the function that will be called when current script dependencies * are resolved. * * @param {function} callback The callback function */ ,define: function (callback) { this.currentCallback = callback; } /** * Includes an entire Javascript library including it's localized file. * * @param {string} libName The folder of the library * @param {Array} files Array with every library file name */ ,includeLib: function (libName, files) { Vn.Locale.loadScript ('js/'+ libName +'.js'); for (var i = 0; i < files.length; i++) this.include ('js/'+ libName +'/'+ files[i]); } /** * Includes a new Javascript in the current document, if the script * is already included, does nothing and calls the callback. * * @param {string} fileName The script file name * @param {function} callback The function to call when script is * downloaded and included */ ,includeJs: function (fileName, callback, skipVersion) { var includeData = this._realIncludeJs (fileName, skipVersion); this._handleCallback (includeData, callback); } ,_realIncludeJs: function (fileName, skipVersion) { var includeData = this.includes[fileName]; if (includeData === undefined) { includeData = this._createIncludeData (fileName); var src = fileName; if (!skipVersion) src = src + this.getVersion (); var script = document.createElement ('script'); script.type = 'text/javascript'; script.async = false; script.src = src; script.onload = this._onScriptLoad.bind (this, includeData, true); script.onerror = this._onScriptLoad.bind (this, includeData, false); script.onreadystatechange = this._onScriptStateChange.bind (this, includeData, script); this.head.appendChild (script); } return includeData; } ,_onScriptStateChange: function (includeData, script) { if (script.readyState == 'complete') this._onScriptLoad (includeData, true); } ,_onScriptLoad: function (includeData, loaded) { includeData.loaded = loaded; if (loaded) { if (this.currentCallback) includeData.callbacks.unshift (this.currentCallback); var includes = this.currentDeps; if (includes && includes.length > 0) { includeData.depCount = includes.length; for (var i = 0; i < includes.length; i++) includes[i].dependants.push (includeData); } else this._resolveDeps (includeData); } else this._resolveDeps (includeData); this.currentDeps = []; this.currentCallback = null; } /** * Request an XML file. * * @param {string} path The file path * @param {function} callback The function to call when file is downloaded */ ,loadXml: function (path, callback) { var includeData = this._realLoadXml (path); this._handleCallback (includeData, callback); } ,_realLoadXml: function (path) { var includeData = this.includes[path]; if (includeData === undefined) { includeData = this._createIncludeData (path); var request = new XMLHttpRequest (); request.onreadystatechange = this._onXmlReady.bind (this, includeData, request); ('get', path + this.getVersion (), true); request.send (); } return includeData; } ,_onXmlReady: function (includeData, request) { if (request.readyState != 4) return; includeData.loaded = request.status == 200; if (includeData.loaded) includeData.xml = request.responseXML; this._resolveDeps (includeData); } /** * Gets the DOM object from an included XML file. * * @param {string} path The file path * @return {Object} The DOM object */ ,getXml: function (path) { var includeData = this.includes[path]; if (!(includeData && includeData.success)) return null; return includeData.xml; } /** * Checks if user is using a mobile browser. * * return {boolean} %true if is mobile, %false otherwise. */ ,isMobile: function () { if (this.isMobileCached === null) { var regExp = /(Android|webOS|iPhone|iPad|iPod|BlackBerry|Windows Phone)/i; this.isMobileCached = navigator.userAgent.match (regExp); } return this.isMobileCached; } };