Vn.resource ('js/htk/image-editor.xml');
Vn.define (function () {

 * A form to handle the image database, it allows to add new images or
 * replace it.
Htk.ImageEditor = new Class
	Extends: Htk.Widget
	,initialize: function (props)
		this.builderInit (this.constructor.Xml);

		var self = this;
		this.$('form').onsubmit = function ()
			{ self.onSubmit (); return false; };

		this.parent (props);
	,onNameChange: function ()
		var newValue = this.$('name').value;
		if (!newValue)
			newValue = null
		this.signalEmit ('name-changed', newValue);
	,onSubmit: function ()
		this.$('submit').disabled = true;
		this.$('spinner').start ();

		var request = new Vn.JsonRequest ();
		request.sendFormMultipart (this.$('form'),
			this.onResponse.bind (this));
	,onResponse: function (request, json, error)
		this.$('submit').disabled = false;
		this.$('spinner').stop ();

		if (json)
			Htk.Toast.showMessage (_('ImageAdded'));
			this.signalEmit ('file-uploaded', this.$('name').value);
			Htk.Toast.showError (error.message);
	,setData: function (image, directory)
		this.$('name').value = image;
		this.$('schema').value = directory;
	Xml: 'js/htk/image-editor.xml'
