<?php require_once(__DIR__.'/util.php'); /** * Syncronizes the data directory with the database, this may take * some time. */ class Sync extends Vn\Lib\Method { private $trashSubdir; private $util; function __construct($app) { parent::__construct($app); $this->util = new Util($app); $this->dataDir = $this->util->dataDir; } function run($db) { $db = $this->getSysConn(); set_time_limit(0); $this->trashSubdir = date('YmdHis'); $checkCount = 0; $query = 'SELECT DISTINCT `%3$s` FROM `%1$s`.`%2$s` WHERE `%3$s` IS NOT NULL AND `%3$s` != \'\''; $dir = opendir($this->dataDir); if ($dir) while ($schema = readdir($dir)) if (!in_array($schema, ['.', '..'])) { $info = $this->util->loadInfo($schema); $schemaPath = "{$this->dataDir}/$schema"; // Deletes unreferenced schemas. if (!isset($info)) { $this->moveTrash($schema); continue; } // Deletes unreferenced sizes. $schemaDir = opendir($schemaPath); if ($schemaDir) while ($size = readdir($schemaDir)) if (!in_array($size, ['.', '..', 'full']) && !isset($info['sizes'][$size])) $this->moveTrash("$schema/$size"); // Gets a list of referenced images from the database. $result = $db->query(sprintf($query ,$info['schema'] ,$info['table'] ,$info['column'] )); if (!$result) continue; $map = []; while ($row = $result->fetch_row()) { $map[$row[0]] = TRUE; $checkCount++; } $result->free(); // Deletes unreferenced images. $this->cleanImages($schema, 'full', $map); foreach ($info['sizes'] as $size => $i) $this->cleanImages($schema, $size, $map); } echo "Syncronization finished.\n"; } function cleanImages($schema, $size, &$map) { $sizePath = "{$this->dataDir}/$schema/$size"; if (!is_dir($sizePath)) return; $iter = new DirectoryIterator($sizePath); for (; $iter->valid(); $iter->next()) if (!$iter->isDir() && strripos($iter->getFilename(), '.png', -4) !== FALSE) { $name = substr($iter->getFilename(), 0, -4); if (!isset($map[$name])) $this->moveTrash("$schema/$size/". $iter->getFilename()); } } /** * Moves a data directory to the trash. * * @param string $file The file to move to the trash */ function moveTrash($file) { $trashBasedir = "{$this->dataDir}/.trash/". $this->trashSubdir; $trashdir = "$trashBasedir/". dirname($file); if (!is_dir($trashdir)) mkdir($trashdir, 0775, TRUE); rename( "{$this->dataDir}/$file", "$trashBasedir/$file" ); } }