<?php /** * Configuration file. Be careful to respect the PHP syntax. * * Do not modify this file! Instead, copy it to config.my.php and make your * your changes there. * * Also, you can use a different config file depending on the virtual host. To * do it, you have to create another configuration file and rename it to * config.[subdomain].php. If no configutation file is found for a certain * domain, the main file will be used. Ej: * * - http://www.mydomain.org -> config.www.php * - http://test.mydomain.org -> config.test.php **/ return [ /** * Database parameters. **/ 'db' => [ 'host' => 'localhost' ,'port' => 3306 ,'schema' => 'hedera-web' ,'user' => 'hedera-web' ,'pass' => '' ] ]; ?>