var Expr = require ('./expr');

 * The equivalent of a SQL operation between exprs.
 * @param {Array#Sql.Expr} expr Array with the exprs
 * @param {Sql..Operation.Type} type The type of the operation
var Operation = new Class ();
module.exports = Operation;

var Type =
	 EQUAL  : 0
	,LIKE   : 1
	,AND    : 2
	,OR     : 3
	,REGEXP : 4

var Operators =

	Type: Type
	,Operators: Operators

	Extends: Expr
	,Tag: 'sql-operation'
			enumType: Type
			,value: -1

	,initialize: function (props)
		this.parent (props); ({exprs: new Sql.List ()}, {'changed': this.onListChange});
	,appendChild: function (child)
		this.exprs.add (child);

	,onListChange: function ()
		this.signalEmit ('changed');

	,isReady: function ()
		return this.exprs.isReady ();

	,render: function (batch)
		var sql = '(';
		var operator = ' '+ Operators[this.type] +' ';
		var e = this.exprs.getArray ();

		for (var i = 0; i < e.length; i++)
			if (i > 0)
				sql += operator;

			sql += e[i].render (batch);
		sql += ')';
		return sql;