{'Request'}; if (!(isset ($request['Ds_Amount']) && isset ($request['Ds_Order']) && isset ($request['Ds_MerchantCode']) && isset ($request['Ds_Currency']) && isset ($request['Ds_Response']))) throw new Exception ('Missing required parameters'); // Checks the signature $start = strpos ($requestString, ''); $shaString = substr ($requestString, $start, $end - $start + 10); $key = Tpv::$conn->getValue ( 'SELECT secret_key FROM tpv_merchant WHERE id = #' ,[$request['Ds_MerchantCode']] ); if (sha1 ($shaString.$key) != $xml->{'Signature'}) throw new Exception ('Invalid signature'); // Confirms the transaction Tpv::$conn->query ( 'CALL transaction_confirm_new (#, #, #, #, #)', [ $request['Ds_Amount'] ,$request['Ds_Order'] ,$request['Ds_MerchantCode'] ,$request['Ds_Currency'] ,$request['Ds_Response'] ] ); } catch (Exception $e) { $status = 'KO'; } Tpv::deinit (); // Generates the response $responseString = file_get_contents (__DIR__ .'/soap-reply.xml'); $xml = new SimpleXMLElement ($responseString); $response = $xml->{'Response'}; $response->{'Ds_Response_Merchant'} = $status; $xml->{'Signature'} = sha1 ($response->asXML ().$key); return $xml->asXML (); /* // Another way to generate the response $xmlResponse = ' '. $status .' '; $xmlMessage = ' '. $xmlResponse .' '. sha1 ($xmlResponse.$key) .' '; return $xmlMessage; */} ?>