/** * Date handling utilities. **/ Date.prototype.clone = function() { return new Date(this.getTime()); } module.exports = { WDays: [ 'Sunday' ,'Monday' ,'Tuesday' ,'Wednesday' ,'Thursday' ,'Friday' ,'Saturday' ] ,AbrWDays: [ 'Su' ,'Mo' ,'Tu' ,'We' ,'Th' ,'Fr' ,'Sa' ] ,Months: [ 'January' ,'February' ,'March' ,'April' ,'May' ,'June' ,'July' ,'August' ,'September' ,'October' ,'November' ,'December' ] ,AbrMonths: [ 'Jan' ,'Feb' ,'Mar' ,'Apr' ,'AbrMay' ,'Jun' ,'Jul' ,'Ago' ,'Sep' ,'Oct' ,'Nov' ,'Dec' ] ,tokenD: '%A, %B %e' ,regexp: new RegExp('%[a-zA-Z]', 'g') ,pad: function(number) { if (number < 10) return '0'+ number.toString(); return number.toString(); } ,regexpFunc: function(d, token) { switch (token.charAt(1)) { // Minutes with 2 digits case 'M': return this.pad(d.getMinutes()); // Hour with 2 digits in 24 hour format case 'H': return this.pad(d.getHours()); // Complete time case 'T': return d.toLocaleTimeString(); // Complete week day name case 'A': return _(this.WDays[d.getDay()]); // Abreviated week day name case 'a': return _(this.AbrWDays[d.getDay()]); // Day of month with 2 digits case 'd': return this.pad(d.getDate()); // Day of month case 'e': return d.getDate(); // Complete month name case 'B': return _(this.Months[d.getMonth()]); // Abreviated month name case 'b': return _(this.AbrMonths[d.getMonth()]); // Month number with 2 digits case 'm': return this.pad(d.getMonth() + 1); // Year with 4 digits case 'Y': return d.getFullYear(); // Complete date without year case 'D': return _(this.tokenD).replace(this.regexp, this.regexpFunc.bind(this, d)); } return token; } ,strftime: function(date, format) { if (!date) return ''; if (!(date instanceof Date)) date = new Date(date); if (isNaN(date.getTime())) return date.toString(); return format.replace(this.regexp, this.regexpFunc.bind(this, date)); } };