diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index f1d10b26e4..88abb9ae04 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -1,3 +1,183 @@
+# Version 24.40 - 2024-10-02
+### Added 🆕
+- chore: refs #4074 admit several acls by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #4074 drop workerCreate by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #4074 fix tests by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #4074 wip replace useRole for useAcl by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #7155 remove console.log by:alexm
+- chore: refs #7155 typo by:alexm
+- chore: refs #7663 add test by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #7663 create test wip by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #7663 drop useless code (origin/7663-setWeight) by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #7828 fix e2e by:jorgep
+- feat(AccountBasicData): add twoFactorFk by:alexm
+- feat: add max rule by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: add shortcut add event in some subSections by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: add shortcut more buttons (origin/add_shortcut_add_subSections) by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: add tooltip CustomerNewCustomAgent by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: apply color when today by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: change label because its more natural by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: change order by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: change QBadge color by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: change url CustomerList by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: copy customer countryFk by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: create VnSelectEnum and add in AccountBasicData and ClaimBasicData by:alexm
+- feat: CustomerBalance by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: CustomerConsumptionFilter by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: customer consumption (origin/7830-customerDesplegables, 7830-customerDesplegables) by:alexm
+- feat: CustomerCreateTicket by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: CustomerCredit section by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: CustomerGreuges by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: CustomerSample to VnTable by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: global handler (origin/fix_global_handler, fix_global_handler) by:alexm
+- feat: goToSupplier by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: handle newValue by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: handle same multiple CP by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: hide menus on small view (origin/hideMenu) by:jorgep
+- feat: minor changes by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: orderCreateDialog by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: refs #4074 drop useless code by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #4074 useAcl in vnSelectDialog by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #6346 new wagon type section by:Jon
+- feat: refs #7404 add m3 and fix detail by:pablone
+- feat: refs #7404 add some style to the form and reorganize fields by:pablone
+- feat: refs #7404 add travel m3 to reserves form by:pablone
+- feat: refs #7404 style dynamic text color by:pablone
+- feat: refs #7404 travel m3 form by:pablone
+- feat: refs #7500 added VnImg to show files by:Jon
+- feat: refs #7663 add setWeight menu opt (wip) by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7663 fine tunning by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7828 create axios instance which no manage errors (origin/7828-makeCorrectCalls) by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7828 useAcl & cherry pick mail data worker by:jorgep
+- feat: remove cli warnings by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: show preparation field by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: stateGroupedFilter by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: translations fixed by:jgallego
+- feat(TravelList): add daysOnward by:alexm
+- feat: travel m3 by:pablone
+- feat: use disableInifiniteScroll property by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: VnImg draggable by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: vnLocation changes by:Javier Segarra
+- feat: vnSelect exprBuilder by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: refs #7404 remove some style by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 style non center pop up (origin/7404-fixFront) by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 translates and some minor style fixes by:pablone
+- fix: styles by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: improve style by:Javier Segarra
+### Changed 📦
+- perf: CustomerBalance by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: CustomerBasicData by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: CustomerBasicData.salesPersonFk by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: CustomerSummary by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: customerSummaryTable by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: disable card option by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: i18n by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: improve by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: improve style by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: imrpove exprBuilder by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: minor comments by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: refs #6346 previous changes by:Jon
+- perf: sendEmail customerConsumption by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: solve reload CardSummary component by:Javier Segarra
+- perf: update CustommerDescriptor by:Javier Segarra
+- refactor: refs #4074 accept array by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #4074 rollback by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #4074 use acl & drop useless roles by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #4074 useAcl in navigationStore & router by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #4074 use fn (origin/4074-useAcls) by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #4074 use VnTitle by:jorgep
+- refactor: refs #6346 deleted front error checking by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #6346 requested changes by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #6346 wagons to VnTable by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #7500 deleted useless code by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #7500 refactor vnimg when storage is dms by:Jon
+- refactor: refs #7828 wip by:jorgep
+### Fixed 🛠️
+- chore: refs #4074 fix tests by:jorgep
+- chore: refs #7828 fix e2e by:jorgep
+- feat: refs #7404 add m3 and fix detail by:pablone
+- feat: translations fixed by:jgallego
+- fix: #5938 grouped filter by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: #6943 fix customerSummaryTable by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: #6943 show nickname salesPerson by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: address-create i18n by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: comments (origin/6943_fix_customer_module, 6943_fix_customer_module) by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CusomerSummary to Address by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerAddress mobile by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerBillingData by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: Customerconsumption by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: customer credit opinion by:alexm
+- fix: CustomerCreditOpinion workerDescriptor by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerDescriptorAccount by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerDescriptor.bussinessTypeFk by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerFilter by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerGreuges by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerMandates by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: Customer module find salesPersons out of first get by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerRecovery transalate label by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerSamples by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: customerSummaryToTicketList button by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustomerWebPayment by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: CustommerSummaryTable Proxy by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: deleted code by:Jon
+- fix: duplicate code by:alexm
+- fix: emit:updateModelValue by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: fixed wagon tests by:Jon
+- fix: fix wagon list reload by:Jon
+- fix: i18n en preparation label by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: infiniteScroll by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: isFullMovable checkbox by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: merge conflicts by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: merge in dev by:alexm
+- fix: missing code by:Jon
+- fix: Options VnSelect properties by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: refs #4074 await to watch by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #4074 drop wrong acl by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #4074 workerCard data-key by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #6346 fix list and create by:pablone
+- fix: refs #6943 prevent null (origin/6943-warmfix-preventNull) by:jorgep
+- fix: refs #7155 remove userParams in watcher (7155-travel_daysOnward) by:alexm
+- fix: refs #7155 use chip-locale (origin/7155-travel_daysOnward_2, 7155-travel_daysOnward_2) by:alexm
+- fix: refs #7404 remove console.log by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 remove from test by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 remove some style by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 revert commit prevent production access by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 style non center pop up (origin/7404-fixFront) by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7404 translates and some minor style fixes by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7500 fixed e2e test by:Jon
+- fix: refs #7500 fixed showing images wrongly by:Jon
+- fix: refs #7830 customer credit by:pablone
+- fix: refs #7830 remove console.log by:pablone
+- fix: remove console.log by:pablone
+- fix: remove FetchData by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: remove FIXME (origin/6943_fix_customerSummaryTable) by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: remove print variable by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: remove promise execution by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: reset VnTable scroll properties by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: rule by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: solve conflicts from master to test by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: split params (origin/warmfix-addSearchUrl) by:jorgep
+- fix: state cell by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: stop call back event hasMoreData by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: styles by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: SupplierFiscalData VnLocation (origin/fix_supplierFD_location) by:Javier Segarra
+- fix: VnLocation test by:Javier Segarra
+- fix(VnTable): header background-color by:alexm
+- fix(VnTable): sanitizer value is defined by:carlossa
+- fix: wagon reload (origin/FixWagonRedirect) by:Jon
+- fix: workerDms filter workerFk by:alexm
+- fix(WorkerList): add type email by:alexm
+- Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/7830-customerDesplegables' into 6943_fix_customerSummaryTable by:Javier Segarra
+- refs #7155 scopeDays fix (origin/7155-scopeDays) by:carlossa
+- revert: vnUSerLink change by:Javier Segarra
+- test: fix test (7677_vnLocation_perf) by:Javier Segarra
# Version 24.38 - 2024-09-17
### Added 🆕
diff --git a/src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue b/src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue
index 53db777df8..eb80746a5b 100644
--- a/src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue
+++ b/src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue
@@ -317,7 +317,7 @@ defineExpose({
-function handleOnDataSaved(_, res) {
+function handleOnDataSaved(_) {
if (_.onDataSaved) _.onDataSaved({ CrudModelRef: CrudModelRef.value });
else $props.create.onDataSaved(_);
diff --git a/src/pages/Account/AccountList.vue b/src/pages/Account/AccountList.vue
index 1beac0d0bf..72c445fa91 100644
--- a/src/pages/Account/AccountList.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Account/AccountList.vue
@@ -5,7 +5,8 @@ import VnTable from 'components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import VnSearchbar from 'components/ui/VnSearchbar.vue';
import AccountSummary from './Card/AccountSummary.vue';
import { useSummaryDialog } from 'src/composables/useSummaryDialog';
+import AccountFilter from './AccountFilter.vue';
+import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
const { t } = useI18n();
const { viewSummary } = useSummaryDialog();
const tableRef = ref();
@@ -20,14 +21,6 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
isId: true,
field: 'id',
cardVisible: true,
- columnFilter: {
- component: 'select',
- name: 'search',
- attrs: {
- url: 'VnUsers/preview',
- fields: ['id', 'name'],
- },
- },
align: 'left',
@@ -53,9 +46,6 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
columnField: {
component: null,
- columnFilter: {
- inWhere: true,
- },
cardVisible: true,
create: true,
@@ -67,9 +57,6 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
columnField: {
component: null,
- columnFilter: {
- inWhere: true,
- },
cardVisible: true,
create: true,
@@ -123,6 +110,11 @@ const exprBuilder = (param, value) => {
+ :right-search="false"
+ auto-load
diff --git a/src/pages/Account/Card/AccountCard.vue b/src/pages/Account/Card/AccountCard.vue
index 5ba2415c4b..119a7fd07e 100644
--- a/src/pages/Account/Card/AccountCard.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Account/Card/AccountCard.vue
@@ -10,10 +10,7 @@ const { t } = useI18n();
+ ({{ t(item.observationType.description) }}):
+ {{ item.description }}
diff --git a/src/pages/Zone/ZoneDeliveryPanel.vue b/src/pages/Zone/ZoneDeliveryPanel.vue
index d6c96b935e..088811b013 100644
--- a/src/pages/Zone/ZoneDeliveryPanel.vue
+++ b/src/pages/Zone/ZoneDeliveryPanel.vue
@@ -94,7 +94,7 @@ watch(
:fields="['geoFk', 'code', 'townFk', 'countryFk']"
sort-by="code, townFk"
- option-value="geoFk"
+ option-value="code"