Fork 0

Updated SMS component

This commit is contained in:
Joan Sanchez 2023-03-09 14:59:10 +01:00
parent c43f743804
commit f7c9da6ad1
5 changed files with 212 additions and 102 deletions

View File

@ -44,6 +44,11 @@ function responseError(error) {
let message = error.message;
let logOut = false;
const response = error.response;
if (response && response.data.error) {
message = response.data.error.message;
switch (error.response?.status) {
case 401:
message = 'login.loginError';

View File

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<script setup>
import { ref, computed, reactive } from 'vue';
import { ref, computed } from 'vue';
import { useDialogPluginComponent } from 'quasar';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
@ -21,22 +21,35 @@ const props = defineProps({
type: String,
required: true,
locale: {
type: String,
required: false,
default: 'es',
send: {
type: Function,
required: true,
data: {
type: Object,
required: false,
default: null,
const maxLength = 160;
const locale = ref('es');
const locale = ref(props.locale);
const subject = ref(props.subject);
const phone = ref(props.phone);
const message = ref('');
// const templates = ['pendingPayment', 'minAmount'];
const template = reactive(props.template);
function updateMessage() {
const params = { orderId: 123 };
message.value = t(`templates['${template}']`, params, { locale: locale.value });
const params = props.data;
const key = `templates['${props.template}']`;
message.value = t(key, params, { locale: locale.value });
const totalLength = computed(() => message.value.length);
@ -47,6 +60,18 @@ const color = computed(() => {
const languages = availableLocales.map((locale) => ({ label: t(locale), value: locale }));
const isLoading = ref(false);
async function send() {
isLoading.value = true;
await props.send({
destination: phone.value,
message: message.value,
isLoading.value = false;
@ -57,11 +82,16 @@ const languages = availableLocales.map((locale) => ({ label: t(locale), value: l
{{ t('Send SMS') }}
<q-space />
<q-btn icon="close" flat round dense v-close-popup />
<q-btn icon="close" :disable="isLoading" flat round dense v-close-popup />
<q-banner class="bg-warning" rounded dense>
This user uses "" as default language
<q-banner class="bg-amber text-white" rounded dense>
<template #avatar>
<q-icon name="warning" />
v-html="t('CustomerDefaultLanguage', { locale: t(props.locale) })"
<q-card-section class="q-pb-xs">
@ -111,7 +141,6 @@ const languages = availableLocales.map((locale) => ({ label: t(locale), value: l
<template #append>
@ -129,8 +158,19 @@ const languages = availableLocales.map((locale) => ({ label: t(locale), value: l
<q-card-actions align="right">
<q-btn :label="t('globals.cancel')" color="primary" flat v-close-popup />
<q-btn :label="t('globals.confirm')" color="primary" @click="confirm" />
@ -141,38 +181,53 @@ const languages = availableLocales.map((locale) => ({ label: t(locale), value: l
transition: background 0.36s;
.q-card {
width: 400px;
width: 500px;
Message: Message
CustomerDefaultLanguage: This customer uses <strong>{locale}</strong> as their default language
en: English
es: Spanish
fr: French
pendingPayment: 'Your order is pending of payment.
Please, enter the website and make the payment with a credit card. Thank you.'
minAmount: Test 2
minAmount: 'A minimum amount of 50 (VAT excluded) is required for your order
{ orderId } of { shipped } to receive it without additional shipping costs.'
orderChanges: 'Order {orderId} of { shipped }\r
{ changes }'
Send SMS: Enviar SMS
CustomerDefaultLanguage: Este cliente utiliza <strong>{locale}</strong> como idioma por defecto
Language: Idioma
Phone: Móvil
Subject: Asunto
Message: Mensaje
pendingPayment: 'Su pedido está pendiente de pago.
Por favor, entre en la página web y efectue el pago con tarjeta. Muchas gracias.'
minAmount: 'Es necesario un importe mínimo de 50€ (Sin IVA) en su pedido { orderId } del día 08/03/2023 para recibirlo sin portes adicionales.'
minAmount: 'Es necesario un importe mínimo de 50 (Sin IVA) en su pedido
{ orderId } del día { shipped } para recibirlo sin portes adicionales.'
orderChanges: 'Pedido {orderId} día { shipped }
{ changes }'
en: Inglés
es: Español
fr: Francés
Send SMS: Envoyer SMS
CustomerDefaultLanguage: Ce client utilise l'{locale} comme langue par défaut
Language: Langage
Phone: Mobile
Subject: Affaire
Message: Message
pendingPayment: 'Votre commande est en attente de paiement.
Veuillez vous connecter sur le site web et effectuer le paiement par carte. Merci beaucoup.'
minAmount: 'Un montant minimum de 50 (TVA non incluse) est requis pour votre commande
4101055 du 03/08/2023 afin de la recevoir sans frais de port supplémentaires.'
{ orderId } du { shipped } afin de la recevoir sans frais de port supplémentaires.'
orderChanges: 'Commande { orderId } du { shipped }\r { changes }'
en: Anglais
es: Espagnol
fr: Français

View File

@ -59,9 +59,9 @@ watch(props, async () => {
:to="{ name: `${module}Summary`, params: { id: entity.id } }"
<q-btn round flat dense size="md" icon="launch" color="white">
{{ t('components.cardDescriptor.summary') }}

View File

@ -24,11 +24,25 @@ const entityId = computed(() => {
const filter = {
include: [
relation: 'address',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name', 'mobile', 'phone'],
relation: 'client',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name', 'salesPersonFk'],
include: { relation: 'salesPersonUser' },
fields: ['id', 'name', 'salesPersonFk', 'phone', 'mobile'],
include: [
relation: 'user',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'lang'],
{ relation: 'salesPersonUser' },
@ -125,6 +139,16 @@ function stateColor(state) {
<q-card-actions class="q-gutter-md">
v-if="entity.isDeleted == true"
<q-tooltip>{{ t('This ticket is deleted') }}</q-tooltip>
@ -139,3 +163,8 @@ function stateColor(state) {
This ticket is deleted: Este ticket está eliminado

View File

@ -3,13 +3,14 @@ import axios from 'axios';
import { ref } from 'vue';
import { useQuasar } from 'quasar';
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import { useRouter } from 'vue-router';
import { useRouter, useRoute } from 'vue-router';
import { usePrintService } from 'composables/usePrintService';
import SendEmailDialog from 'components/common/SendEmailDialog.vue';
// import SendEmailDialog from 'components/common/SendEmailDialog.vue';
import VnConfirm from 'components/ui/VnConfirm.vue';
import VnSmsDialog from 'components/common/VnSmsDialog.vue';
import toDate from 'filters/toDate';
const $props = defineProps({
const props = defineProps({
ticket: {
type: Object,
required: true,
@ -17,11 +18,12 @@ const $props = defineProps({
const router = useRouter();
const route = useRoute();
const quasar = useQuasar();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { openReport, sendEmail } = usePrintService();
const ticket = ref($props.ticket);
const ticket = ref(props.ticket);
function openDeliveryNote(type = 'deliveryNote', documentType = 'pdf') {
const path = `Tickets/${ticket.value.id}/delivery-note-${documentType}`;
@ -34,31 +36,63 @@ function openDeliveryNote(type = 'deliveryNote', documentType = 'pdf') {
function sendDeliveryNote(type = 'deliveryNote', documentType = 'pdf') {
const id = ticket.value.id;
const customer = ticket.value.client;
return sendEmail(`Tickets/${id}/delivery-note-email`, {
let pathName = 'delivery-note-email';
if (documentType == 'csv') pathName = 'delivery-note-csv-email';
const path = `Tickets/${id}/${pathName}`;
return sendEmail(path, {
recipientId: customer.id,
type: type,
// function confirmPickupOrder() {
// const customer = ticket.value.client;
// quasar.dialog({
// component: SendEmailDialog,
// componentProps: {
// address: customer.email,
// send: sendPickupOrder,
// },
// });
// }
const shipped = toDate(ticket.value.shipped);
function showSmsDialog(template, customData) {
const ticket = props.ticket;
const address = ticket.address;
const client = ticket.client;
const phone =
route.params.phone ||
address.mobile ||
address.phone ||
client.mobile ||
const data = {
orderId: ticket.id,
shipped: shipped,
if (typeof customData === 'object') {
Object.assign(data, customData);
function sendSms() {
component: VnSmsDialog,
componentProps: {
phone: '123',
template: 'pendingPayment'
phone: phone,
template: template,
locale: client.user.lang,
send: sendSms,
data: data,
async function showSmsDialogWithChanges() {
const query = `TicketLogs/${route.params.id}/getChanges`;
const response = await axios.get(query);
showSmsDialog('orderChanges', { changes: response.data });
async function sendSms(body) {
await axios.post(`Tickets/${route.params.id}/sendSms`, body);
message: 'Notification sent',
type: 'positive',
function confirmDelete() {
@ -70,12 +104,16 @@ function confirmDelete() {
async function remove() {
const id = ticket.value.id;
await axios.delete(`Claims/${id}`);
const id = route.params.id;
await axios.post(`Tickets/${id}/setDeleted`);
message: t('globals.dataDeleted'),
message: t('Ticket deleted'),
type: 'positive',
icon: 'check',
message: t('You can undo this action within the first hour'),
icon: 'info',
await router.push({ name: 'TicketList' });
@ -83,42 +121,27 @@ async function remove() {
<q-item v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="summarize" />
<q-icon name="picture_as_pdf" />
<q-item-section>{{ t('Open Delivery Note...') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item-section side>
<q-icon name="keyboard_arrow_right" />
<q-menu anchor="top end" self="top start" auto-close>
<q-menu anchor="top end" self="top start" auto-close bordered>
<q-item @click="openDeliveryNote()" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="picture_as_pdf" />
<q-item @click="openDeliveryNote('deliveryNote')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section>{{ t('With prices') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item @click="openDeliveryNote('withoutPrices')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="picture_as_pdf" />
<q-item-section>{{ t('Without Prices') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Without prices') }}</q-item-section>
@click="openDeliveryNote('deliveryNote', 'csv')"
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="picture_as_pdf" />
<q-item-section>{{ t('As CSV') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item @click="confirmPickupOrder" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="send" />
<q-item-section>{{ t('Send Delivery Note') }}</q-item-section>
@ -132,11 +155,11 @@ async function remove() {
<q-menu anchor="top end" self="top start" auto-close>
<q-item @click="sendDeliveryNote()" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item @click="sendDeliveryNote('deliveryNote')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section>{{ t('With prices') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item @click="sendDeliveryNote('withoutPrices')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Without Prices') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Without prices') }}</q-item-section>
@click="sendDeliveryNote('deliveryNote', 'csv')"
@ -164,15 +187,23 @@ async function remove() {
<q-menu anchor="top end" self="top start" auto-close>
<q-item @click="sendSms()" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
<q-icon name="picture_as_pdf" />
<q-item @click="showSmsDialog('pendingPayment')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Pending payment') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item @click="showSmsDialog('minAmount')" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Minimum amount') }}</q-item-section>
<q-item-section>{{ t('Order changes') }}</q-item-section>
<template v-if="!ticket.isDeleted">
<q-separator />
<q-item @click="confirmDelete()" v-ripple clickable>
<q-item-section avatar>
@ -181,31 +212,21 @@ async function remove() {
<q-item-section>{{ t('Delete ticket') }}</q-item-section>
Delivery Note: Albarán
Open Delivery Note: Abrir albarán
Open Delivery Note...: Abrir albarán...
Send Delivery Note...: Enviar albarán...
With prices: Con precios
Without prices: Sin precios
As CSV: Como CSV
Open Proforma Invoice: Abrir factura proforma
Delete ticket: Eliminar ticket
Send SMS...: Enviar SMS
Pending payment: Pago pendiente
Minimum amount: Importe mínimo
Order changes: Cambios del pedido
Ticket deleted: Ticket eliminado
You can undo this action within the first hour: Puedes deshacer esta acción dentro de la primera hora
"en": {
"pickupOrder": "Pickup order",
"openPickupOrder": "Open pickup order",
"sendPickupOrder": "Send pickup order",
"deleteClaim": "Delete claim",
"confirmDeletion": "Confirm deletion",
"confirmDeletionMessage": "Are you sure you want to delete this claim?"
"es": {
"pickupOrder": "Orden de recogida",
"openPickupOrder": "Abrir orden de recogida",
"sendPickupOrder": "Enviar orden de recogida",
"deleteClaim": "Eliminar reclamación",
"confirmDeletion": "Confirmar eliminación",
"confirmDeletionMessage": "Seguro que quieres eliminar esta reclamación?"
</i18n> -->