# Version 24.36 - 2024-09-03 ### Added 🆕 - Cesta → Se añaden notas - Trabajadore → Se puede modificar la foto - General → Recuperar y restaurar contraseña ### Changed 📦 - (General) Modificado filtro lateral ### Fixed 🛠️ - Cesta → Mejoras varias - Reclamaciones → Mejoras varias - Usuarios → Mejoras varias # Version 24.34 - 2024-08-20 ### Added 🆕 ## Changed 📦 - General → Trabajadores: Migrado de Salix a Lilium ## Fixed 🛠️ - Artículos → General: Arreglados fallos de interfaz - Fact. Recibidas → General: Arreglados fallos de interfaz - Trabajadores → General: Arreglados fallos de interfaz - Usuarios → General: Arreglados fallos de interfaz - chore: #6900 order params by:jorgep - chore: refs #6900 drop console log by:jorgep - chore: refs #6900 drop vnCurrency by:jorgep - chore: refs #6900 fix e2e tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #6900 mv rectificative logic by:jorgep - chore: refs #6900 responsive code by:jorgep - chore: refs #7283 drop array types by:jorgep - chore: refs #7283 drop import by:jorgep - chore: refs #7283 fix e2e logout by:jorgep - chore: refs #7283 update VnAvatar title handling by:jorgep - chore: refs #7323 fix test by:jorgep - chore: refs #7323 remove unused import by:jorgep - chore: refs #7323drop commented code by:jorgep - feat(VnCard): use props searchbar by:alexm - feat(customer): improve basicData to balance by:alexm - feat(customer_balance): refs #6943 add functionality from salix by:alexm - feat(customer_balance): refs #6943 translations by:alexm - feat: refs #6130 husky commitLint config by:pablone - feat: refs #6130 husky hooks by:pablone - feat: refs #6900 add InvoiceInSerial by:jorgep - feat: refs #6900 add locale by:jorgep - feat: refs #6900 use VnTable & sort filter fields by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 add flex-wrap by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 add my account" btn & fix models log selectable by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 improve test by:jorgep ### Changed 📦 - refactor(customer_log: use VnLog by:alexm - refactor(customer_recovery): to vnTable by:alexm - refactor(customer_webAccess): FormModel by:alexm - refactor: refs #7283 update avatar size and color by:jorgep ### Fixed 🛠️ - chore: refs #6900 fix e2e tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #7283 fix e2e logout by:jorgep - chore: refs #7323 fix test by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 add my account" btn & fix models log selectable by:jorgep - fix #7355 fix acls list by:carlossa - fix(VnFilterPanel): emit userParams better by:alexm - fix(claim_summary): url links (HEAD -> 7864_testToMaster_2434, origin/test, origin/7864_testToMaster_2434, test) by:alexm - fix(customer_sms: fix reload by:alexm - fix(twoFactor): unify code login and twoFactor by:alexm - fix: VnCard VnSearchbar props by:alexm - fix: accountMailAlias by:alexm - fix: refs #6130 add commit lint modules by:pablone - fix: refs #6130 pnpm-lock.yml by:pablone - fix: refs #6900 improve loading by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 improve logic (origin/6900-addSerial) by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 improve logic by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 rectificative btn reactivity by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 use type number by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 vat & dueday by:jorgep - fix: refs #6900 vat, dueday & intrastat by:jorgep - fix: refs #6989 show entity name & default time from config table by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 basicData locale by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 itemLastEntries filter by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 itemTags & VnImg by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 locale by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 min-width vnImg by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 use vnAvatar & add optional zoom by:jorgep - fix: refs #7283 userPanel pic by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 add department popup by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 add locale by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 css righ menu by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 data-key & add select by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 load all opts by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 righ menu bug by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 use global locale by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 use workerFilter (origin/7323-warmfix-fixErrors) by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 vnsubtoolbar css by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 wrong css by:jorgep - refs #7355 fix Rol, alias by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix accountAlias by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix alias summary by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix conflicts by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix create Rol by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix list by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix lists redirects summary by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix roles by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix search exprBuilder by:carlossa - refs #7355 fix vnTable by:carlos # Version 24.32 - 2024-08-06 ### Added 🆕 - chore: refs #7197 drop space by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 drop useless attr by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 fix test by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 fix tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 fix unit tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 idrop useless class by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 improve form filling in Cypress tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 remove unused import by:jorgep - feat: customerPayments card view by:alexm - feat: refs #6943 lock grid mode by:jorgep - feat: refs #6943 wip consumption filter by:jorgep - feat: refs #7197 add correcting filter by:jorgep - feat: refs #7197 add supplier activities filter option by:jorgep - feat: refs #7197 summary responsive by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 fix descriptors, added VnTable and minor changes by:Jon - feat: refs #7323 fixed tests, changed calendar styles and fix workerCreate by:Jon - feat: refs #7356 list & weekly to VnTable and style fixes by:Jon - feat: refs #7401 add menu options by:pablone - feat: SalesClientTable by:Javier Segarra - feat: salesOrderTable by:Javier Segarra - feat: salesTicketTable by:Javier Segarra - feat: VnTable SalesTicketTable by:Javier Segarra - fix: columns style by:alexm ### Changed 📦 - perf: LeftMenu show/hide by:Javier Segarra - perf: refs #7356 TicketList state column by:Jon - perf: VnFilterPanel (origin/7323_WorkerMigration_End) by:Javier Segarra - perf: width SalesTicketsTable by:Javier Segarra - refactor: #6943 wip use vnTable CustomerCredits by:jorgep - refactor: CustomerNotifications use VnTable by:alexm - refactor: CustomerPayments use VnTable by:alexm - refactor: refs #7014 deleted main files and changed route files by:Jon - refactor: refs #7014 improved route.js & deleted RouteMain by:Jon - refactor: refs #7014 refactor <module>Main.vue by:Jon - refactor: refs #7014 refactor ZoneCard, deleted ZoneMain & created basic tests for functionality by:Jon - refactor: refs #7197 use invoiceInSearchbar & queryParams by:jorgep - refactor: refs #7323 hidden column filter proposal by:Jon - refactor: refs #7356 fixed VnTable filters by:Jon - refactor: refs #7356 requested changes by:Jon - refactor: wip use vnTable CustomerCredits by:jorgep ### Fixed 🛠️ - chore: refs #7197 fix test by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 fix tests by:jorgep - chore: refs #7197 fix unit tests by:jorgep - feat: refs #7323 fix descriptors, added VnTable and minor changes by:Jon - feat: refs #7323 fixed tests, changed calendar styles and fix workerCreate by:Jon - feat: refs #7356 list & weekly to VnTable and style fixes by:Jon - fix(claim): small details (6336-claim-v6) by:alexm - fix: columns style by:alexm - fix: customer defaulter add amount order (6943-fixCustomer) by:alexm - fix: customerDefaulter correct functionality by:alexm - fix: customerNotifications filter by:alexm - fix: fix conflicts by:Jon - fix: refs #6101 fix TicketList by:Jon - fix: refs #6891 worker tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #6943 drop padding-left checkbox & create wrap mode vnRow by:jorgep - fix: refs #6943 prevent undefined by:jorgep - fix: refs #7014 fix tests by:Jon - fix: refs #7014 fix wagon module by:Jon - fix: refs #7197 add url InvoiceInSearchbar by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 amount reactivity by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 drop character by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 reactivity invoiceCorrection by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 responsive summary layout by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 rollback by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 rollback crudModel by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 setInvoiceInCorrecition by:jorgep - fix: refs #7197 vat, intrastat, filter and list sections by:jorgep - fix: refs #7323 fix department & email table filter by:Jon - fix: refs #7323 fixed left filter by:Jon - fix: refs #7323 fix workerTimeControl form by:Jon - fix: refs #7401 fix routeForm by:pablone - fix: refs #7401 remove console.log by:pablone - fix: refs CAU 207504 fix itemDiary and logs by:Jon - fix: workerCreate form street field to be always upperCase by:Jon - hotfix: refs CAU #207614 fix sale.concept field by:Jon - refactor: refs #7356 fixed VnTable filters by:Jon - refs #6898 fix by:carlossa - Ticket expedition initial load fix by:wbuezas # Version 24.28 - 2024-07-09 ### Added 🆕 - Change header titles style by:wbuezas - chore: refs #7436 fix e2e (origin/7436-showQCheckbox) by:jorgep - feat: #7196 eslint (origin/7196-cjsToEsm) by:jgallego - feat: adapt tu VnTable → CrudModel by:alexm - feat(CustomerFIlter): use correct table by:alexm - feat(customerList): add searchbar by:alexm - feat: customerList is customerExtendedList by:alexm - feat: fixes #7196 by:jgallego - feat: refs #6739 transferInvoice new checkbox and functionality by:Jon - feat: refs #6825 create vnTable and add in CustomerExtendedList by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 create vnTableColumn, cardActions by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 fix modes by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 qchip color by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 right filter panel (6825-vnTable) by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 scroll for table mode by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 share filters, create popup by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 VnComponent mix component and attrs Form to create new row by:alexm - feat: refs #6825 VnTableFilter and VnPanelFilter init by:alexm - feat: refs #6826 added rol summary link by:Jon - feat: refs #6896 created VnImg and added to order module by:Jon - feat: refs #6896 new filters by:Jon - feat: refs #7129 fix some code and add order by:pablone - feat: refs #7436 show checkbox by:jorgep - feat: refs #7545 Deleted hasIncoterms client column (origin/7545-hasIncoterms) by:guillermo - feat(TicketService): use correct format by:alexm - feat(url): sepate filters by:alexm - feat(VnFilter): merge objects by:alexm - feat(VnTable): is-editable and use-model. fix: checkbox by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 actions sticky by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 addInWhere by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 dinamic columns by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 execute function when create by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 fix ellipsis and add titles by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 merge where's by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 move to folder. fix checkboxs by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 remove field prop. Add actions in table by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 use checkbox if startsWith 'is' or 'has' by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 VnTableChip component by:alexm - feat(vnTable): reload data when change url by:alexm - feat(WorkerFormation): add columnFilter by:alexm - feat(WorkerFormation): is-editable and use-model by:alexm - fix: notify icon style by:Javier Segarra - refactor: refs #6896 fixed styles by:Jon - Revert "feat: fixes #7196" by:alexm - style: refs #6464 changed checkbox and qbtn styles by:Jon ### Changed 📦 - perf: Remove div.col by:Javier Segarra - perf: remove ItemPicture by:Javier Segarra - perf: replace ItemPicture in favour of VnImg by:Javier Segarra - refactor by:wbuezas - refactor: refs #5447 changed warehouse filter by:Jon - refactor: refs #5447 changed warehouse out filter behavior by:Jon - refactor: refs #5447 fixed filter if continent not selected by:Jon - refactor: refs #5447 fix request by:Jon - refactor: refs #5447 refactor filters by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 changed invoice functions' name by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 changed router.push by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 deleted useless const by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 fix redirect transferInvoice by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 new confirmation window by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 requested changes by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 updated transferInvoice function by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 changes requested in PR by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 end migration orders by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 fixed styles by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 fix qdrawer by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 refactor VnImg by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 requested changes by:Jon - refactor: refs #6977 fix VnImg props (origin/6977-ClonedURL) by:Jon - refactor: refs #6977 refactor VnImg by:Jon - refactor: refs #6977 use VnImg by:Jon - refactors by:alexm ### Fixed 🛠️ - chore: refs #7436 fix e2e (origin/7436-showQCheckbox) by:jorgep - feat: fixes #7196 by:jgallego - feat: refs #6825 fix modes by:alexm - feat: refs #7129 fix some code and add order by:pablone - feat(VnTable): is-editable and use-model. fix: checkbox by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 fix ellipsis and add titles by:alexm - feat(VnTable): refs #6825 move to folder. fix checkboxs by:alexm - fix(ArrayData): refs #6825 router.replace and use filter.where by:alexm - fix: bug replace by:alexm - fix: column hidden v-if by:Javier Segarra - fix: comment 4 by:Javier Segarra - fix: comments by:Javier Segarra - fix: cypress.config to mjs by:alexm - fix(EntryBuys): fix VnSubtoolbar by:alexm - fixes: fix vnFilter params and redirect by:alexm - fix: fix warnings by:alexm - fix: invoiceDueDay test by:alexm - fix log view not refreshing when changing id param by:wbuezas - fix: map selected by:Javier Segarra - fix: merge dev by:Javier Segarra - fix: notify icon style by:Javier Segarra - fix: point 1 by:Javier Segarra - fix: point 3 by:Javier Segarra - fix: refs #5447 deleted console.log by:Jon - fix: refs 6464 deleted useless class in checkbox by:Jon - fix: refs #6464 fix error isLoading by:Jon - fix: refs #6739 changed checkbox field by:Jon - fix: refs #6825 css by:carlossa - fix: refs #6826 fix redirect by:Jon - fix: refs #6826 fix roleDescriptor by:Jon - fix: refs #7129 fix e2e by:pablone - fix: refs #7129 fix module routes by:pablone - fix: refs #7129 fix some issues on load and tools by:pablone - fix: refs #7129 remove consoleLog by:pablone - fix: refs #7129 remove fix from claim lines by:pablone - fix: refs #7274 fix duplicate rows by:jorgep - fix: refs #7433 skeleton by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 bugs & tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 disable router update by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 redirect by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 test by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 update add updateRoute prop in VnPaginate by:jorgep - fix: refs #7623 updating skip param by:jorgep - fix: revert cypress mjs by:alexm - fix: SkeletonTable by:alexm - fix: state translations by:Javier Segarra - fix: ticket order by:Javier Segarra - fix(ticket router): typo by:alexm - fix(TicketService): pay use selected by:alexm - fix: TravelLog by:Javier Segarra - fix(url): filter by:alexm - fix(url): redirect by:alexm - fix(VnFilter): filter with params by:alexm - fix(VnFilterPanel): remove key by:alexm - fix(VnTable): create scss by:alexm - fix(VnTable): duplicate fetch by:alexm - fix(VnTable): Qtable v-bind by:alexm - fix(VnTable): refs #6825 checkbox align and color by:alexm - fix(VnTable): refs #6825 fix click sticky column by:alexm - fix(VnTable): refs #6825 fix events and css by:alexm - fix(VnTable): refs #6825 VnInputDate by:alexm - fix(VnTable): showLabel by:alexm - fix(VnTable): warns by:alexm - fix: WorkerNotificationsManager test by:alexm - fix: WorkerSelect option format by:Javier Segarra - refactor: refs #5447 fixed filter if continent not selected by:Jon - refactor: refs #5447 fix request by:Jon - refactor: refs #6739 fix redirect transferInvoice by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 fixed styles by:Jon - refactor: refs #6896 fix qdrawer by:Jon - refactor: refs #6977 fix VnImg props (origin/6977-ClonedURL) by:Jon - refs #6504 fix formModel claimFilter claimCard (origin/6504-fixCardClaim) by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix components by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix pr by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix props by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix Tb components create by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix trad by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix url by:carlossa - refs #7406 fix VnTable columns by:carlossa - refs #7409 fix balance and formation by:carlossa - refs #7409 fix trad by:carlossa - Revert "feat: fixes #7196" by:alexm - test: fix intermitent e2e by:alexm - test: fix vnSearchbar adapt to vnTable (origin/7648_dev_customerEntries) by:alexm # Version 24.24 - 2024-06-11 ### Added 🆕 - feat: 6942 hashtag in key : value summary by:jgallego - feat: #6957: Rename FetchedTags instance tag by:Javier Segarra - feat: refactor template by:Javier Segarra - feat: refs #6600 Add option to add comment for photo motivation by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 test e2e tobook & toUnbook by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 to book summary button & reactive value by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 to unbook by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 url update by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 use correct currency in InvoiceIn components by:jorgep - feat: refs #6942 vat rate total by:jorgep - feat: refs #7494 new icons (7494-icons) by:alexm - feat: refs #7494 new icons by:alexm - feat: refs #7542 drop space by:jorgep - feat: refs #7542 empty by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 changes and new features by:jorgep - fix: style by:Javier Segarra - style: color transparent when is fetive by:Javier Segarra - style: fix color when is empty by:Javier Segarra - style: reset poc style (6957_refactorFetechedTags) by:Javier Segarra - style: reset poc style by:Javier Segarra - style updates by:Javier Segarra ### Changed 📦 - feat: refactor template by:Javier Segarra - perf: 6957 add color as new shared variable by:Javier Segarra - perf: 6957 change fetchedTags color by:Javier Segarra - perf: remove local tree variable by:Javier Segarra - refactor: add flat by:alexm - refactor: refs #6600 replace QInput to VnInput by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6652 improved defaulter section by:Jon - refactor: refs #6942 Fix getTotalAmount function to correctly calculate the total amount in InvoiceInDueDay.vue by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6942 new summary layout by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6942 store key & actions by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6942 summary by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6942 use router hook by:jorgep - refactor: refs #6942 WIP summary layout by:jorgep ### Fixed 🛠️ - fix: 9-12 by:Javier Segarra - fix: defaulter icon by:alexm - fix: refs #5186 validation by:jorgep - fix: refs #6095 add reFfk null on search by:pablone - fix: refs #6942 cardDescriptor use store if its popup or different source data by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 changes and new features by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 drop comments by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 drop console by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 drop console.log by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 e2e test (origin/6942-warmfix-fixFormModel) by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 e2e tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 e2e tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 fix emit on data saved by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 fix emit on reset by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 fix vncard by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 formModel & CardDescriptor by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 formModel watch changes & invoiceInCreate by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 import by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 reloading by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 rollback by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 selectable expense by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 skip e2e tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 table bottom highlight & drop isBooked field by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 tests e2e by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 tests & summary table spacing by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 unit tests by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 vnLocation by:jorgep - fix: refs #6942 wip: formModel by:jorgep - fix: refs #7542 use right panel by:jorgep - fix: searchbar redirect by:alexm - fix: style by:Javier Segarra - fix: WorkerCalendarItem by:Javier Segarra - mini fix by:wbuezas - refs #6111 clean code fix changes by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix merge, fix column by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix qtable, actions, scroll by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix routeList by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix sticky by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix trad remove logs by:carlossa - refs #6111 fix visibleColumns by:carlossa - refs #6111 routeList fix by:carlossa - refs #6332 fix calendar by:carlossa - refs #6332 fix colors by:carlossa - refs #6332 fix festive by:carlossa - refs #6820 fix BasicData Tickets by:carlossa - refs #6820 fix error front by:carlossa - refs #6820 fix traduction by:carlossa - refs #7391 fix textarea by:carlossa - refs #7396 fix summary by:carlossa - Search childs fix by:wbuezas - small fix by:wbuezas - style: fix color when is empty by:Javier Segarra # Changelog All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. The format is based on [Keep a Changelog](https://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/), and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html). ## [2420.01] ### Added - (Item) => Se añade la opción de añadir un comentario del motivo de hacer una foto - (Worker) => Se añade la opción de crear un trabajador ajeno a la empresa - (Route) => Ahora se muestran todos los cmrs ## [2418.01] ## [2416.01] - 2024-04-18 ### Added - (Worker) => Se crea la sección Taquilla - (General) => Se mantiene el filtro lateral en cualquier parte de la seccíon. ### Fixed - (General) => Se vuelven a mostrar los parámetros en la url al aplicar un filtro ## [2414.01] - 2024-04-04 ### Added - (Tickets) => Se añade la opción de clonar ticket. #6951 - (Parking) => Se añade la sección Parking. #5186 - (Rutas) => Se añade el campo "servida" a la tabla y se añade también a los filtros. #7130 ### Changed ### Fixed - (General) => Se corrige la redirección cuando hay 1 solo registro y cuando se aplica un filtro diferente al id al hacer una búsqueda general. #6893 ## [2400.01] - 2024-01-04 ### Added ### Changed ### Fixed ## [2350.01] - 2023-12-14 ### Added - (Carros) => Se añade contador de carros. #6545 - (Reclamaciones) => Se añade la sección para hacer acciones sobre una reclamación. #5654 ### Changed ### Fixed - (Reclamaciones) => Se corrige el color de la barra según el tema y el evento de actualziar cantidades #6334 ## [2253.01] - 2023-01-05 ### Added - (Clientes) => Añadida nueva sección "Pagos Web" para gestionar los pagos de todos los clientes - (Tickets) => Añadida opción en el menú desplegable del ticket para enviar SMS al cliente - (Reclamaciones) => Añadida nueva sección "Registros de auditoría" - (Trabajadores) => Añadido módulo de trabajadores - (General) => Añadida barra de búsqueda general en los listados principales - (Vagones) => Añadido módulo de vagones ### Changed - Changed...