/// describe('ClaimPhoto', () => { beforeEach(() => { const claimId = 1; cy.viewport(1280, 720); cy.login('developer').then(() => { cy.visit(`/#/claim/${claimId}/photos`); }); }); it('should add new file', () => { cy.get('label > .q-btn').click(); cy.get('label > .q-btn input').selectFile('test/cypress/fixtures/image.jpg', { force: true, }); cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data saved'); }); it('should add new file with drag and drop', () => { cy.get('.container').selectFile('test/cypress/fixtures/image.jpg', { action: 'drag-drop', }); cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data saved'); }); it('should open first image dialog change to second and close', () => { cy.get( ':nth-child(1) > .q-card > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image' ).click(); cy.get('.q-carousel__slide > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image').should( 'be.visible' ); cy.get('.q-carousel__control > .q-btn > .q-btn__content > .q-icon').click(); cy.get( '.q-dialog__inner > .q-toolbar > .q-btn > .q-btn__content > .q-icon' ).click(); cy.get('.q-carousel__slide > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image').should( 'not.be.visible' ); }); it('should remove first file', () => { cy.get( '.multimediaParent > :nth-child(1) > .q-btn > .q-btn__content > .q-icon' ).click(); cy.get('.q-btn--standard > .q-btn__content > .block').click(); cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data deleted'); }); });