import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n'; import validator from 'validator'; import { useValidationsStore } from 'src/stores/useValidationsStore'; export function useValidator() { const models = useValidationsStore().validations; function validate(propertyRule) { const modelInfo = models; if (!modelInfo || !propertyRule) return; const rule = propertyRule.split('.'); const model = rule[0]; const property = rule[1]; const modelName = model.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + model.slice(1); if (!modelInfo[modelName]) return; const modelValidations = modelInfo[modelName].validations; if (!modelValidations[property]) return; const rules = modelValidations[property].map((validation) => { return validations(validation)[validation.validation]; }); return rules; } const { t } = useI18n(); const validations = function (validation) { return { format: (value) => { const { allowNull, with: format, allowBlank } = validation; const message = t(validation.message) || validation.message; if (!allowBlank && value === '') return message; if (!allowNull && value === null) return message; const isValid = new RegExp(format).test(value); if (!isValid) return message; }, presence: (value) => { let message = `Value can't be empty`; if (validation.message) message = t(validation.message) || validation.message; return !validator.isEmpty(value ? String(value) : '') || message; }, length: (value) => { const options = { min: validation.min ||, max: validation.max ||, }; value = String(value); if (!value) value = ''; let message = `Value should have at most ${options.max} characters`; if ( message = `Value should be ${} characters long`; if (validation.min) message = `Value should have at least ${validation.min} characters`; if (validation.min && validation.max) message = `Value should have a length between ${validation.min} and ${validation.max}`; return validator.isLength(value, options) || message; }, numericality: (value) => { if ( return validator.isInt(value) || 'Value should be integer'; return validator.isNumeric(value) || 'Value should be a number'; }, custom: (value) => validation.bindedFunction(value) || 'Invalid value', }; }; return { validate, models, }; }