/// <reference types="cypress" /> describe('InvoiceInIntrastat', () => { const inputBtns = 'label button'; const thirdRow = 'tbody > :nth-child(3)'; const firstLineCode = 'tbody > :nth-child(1) > :nth-child(2)'; beforeEach(() => { cy.login('developer'); cy.visit(`/#/invoice-in/1/intrastat`); }); it('should edit the first line', () => { cy.selectOption(firstLineCode, 'Plantas vivas: Esqueje/injerto, Vid'); cy.get(inputBtns).eq(1).click(); cy.saveCard(); cy.visit(`/#/invoice-in/1/intrastat`); cy.getValue(firstLineCode).should( 'equal', 'Plantas vivas: Esqueje/injerto, Vid' ); }); it('should add a new row', () => { const rowData = [false, 'Plantas vivas: Esqueje/injerto, Vid', 30, 10, 5, 'FR']; cy.addRow(); cy.fillRow(thirdRow, rowData); cy.saveCard(); cy.get('.q-notification__message').should('have.text', 'Data saved'); }); it('should remove the first line', () => { cy.removeRow(1); }); });