export default { globals: { lang: { es: 'Spanish', en: 'English', }, language: 'Language', entity: 'Entity', user: 'User', details: 'Details', collapseMenu: 'Collapse left menu', backToDashboard: 'Return to dashboard', notifications: 'Notifications', userPanel: 'User panel', modules: 'Modules', pinnedModules: 'Pinned modules', darkMode: 'Dark mode', logOut: 'Log out', date: 'Date', dataSaved: 'Data saved', dataDeleted: 'Data deleted', search: 'Search', changes: 'Changes', dataCreated: 'Data created', add: 'Add', create: 'Create', save: 'Save', remove: 'Remove', reset: 'Reset', close: 'Close', cancel: 'Cancel', confirm: 'Confirm', back: 'Back', yes: 'Yes', no: 'No', noChanges: 'No changes to save', changesToSave: 'You have changes pending to save', confirmRemove: 'You are about to delete this row. Are you sure?', rowAdded: 'Row added', rowRemoved: 'Row removed', pleaseWait: 'Please wait...', noPinnedModules: `You don't have any pinned modules`, summary: { basicData: 'Basic data', }, today: 'Today', yesterday: 'Yesterday', dateFormat: 'en-GB', microsip: 'Open in MicroSIP', noSelectedRows: `You don't have any line selected`, downloadCSVSuccess: 'CSV downloaded successfully', reference: 'Reference', agency: 'Agency', wareHouseOut: 'Warehouse Out', wareHouseIn: 'Warehouse In', landed: 'Landed', shipped: 'Shipped', totalEntries: 'Total entries', amount: 'Amount', packages: 'Packages', download: 'Download', selectRows: 'Select all { numberRows } row(s)', allRows: 'All { numberRows } row(s)', markAll: 'Mark all', noResults: 'No results' }, errors: { statusUnauthorized: 'Access denied', statusInternalServerError: 'An internal server error has ocurred', statusBadGateway: 'It seems that the server has fall down', statusGatewayTimeout: 'Could not contact the server', userConfig: 'Error fetching user config', create: 'Error during creation', }, login: { title: 'Login', username: 'Username', password: 'Password', submit: 'Log in', keepLogin: 'Keep me logged in', loginSuccess: 'You have successfully logged in', loginError: 'Invalid username or password', fieldRequired: 'This field is required', twoFactorRequired: 'Two-factor verification required', pageTitles: { logIn: 'Login', }, }, twoFactor: { code: 'Code', validate: 'Validate', insert: 'Enter the verification code', explanation: 'Please, enter the verification code that we have sent to your email in the next 5 minutes', pageTitles: { twoFactor: 'Two-Factor', }, }, verifyEmail: { pageTitles: { verifyEmail: 'Email verification', }, }, dashboard: { pageTitles: { dashboard: 'Dashboard', }, }, customer: { pageTitles: { customers: 'Customers', list: 'List', webPayments: 'Web Payments', extendedList: 'Extended list', notifications: 'Notifications', defaulter: 'Defaulter', createCustomer: 'Create customer', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic data', fiscalData: 'Fiscal data', billingData: 'Billing data', consignees: 'Consignees', notes: 'Notes', credits: 'Credits', greuges: 'Greuges', balance: 'Balance', recoveries: 'Recoveries', webAccess: 'Web access', log: 'Log', sms: 'Sms', creditManagement: 'Credit management', others: 'Others', }, list: { phone: 'Phone', email: 'Email', customerOrders: 'Display customer orders', moreOptions: 'More options', }, card: { customerList: 'Customer list', customerId: 'Claim ID', salesPerson: 'Sales person', credit: 'Credit', securedCredit: 'Secured credit', payMethod: 'Pay method', debt: 'Debt', isDisabled: 'Customer is disabled', isFrozen: 'Customer is frozen', hasDebt: 'Customer has debt', notChecked: 'Customer not checked', noWebAccess: 'Web access is disabled', }, summary: { basicData: 'Basic data', fiscalAddress: 'Fiscal address', fiscalData: 'Fiscal data', billingData: 'Billing data', consignee: 'Consignee', businessData: 'Business data', financialData: 'Financial data', customerId: 'Customer ID', name: 'Name', contact: 'Contact', phone: 'Phone', mobile: 'Mobile', email: 'Email', salesPerson: 'Sales person', contactChannel: 'Contact channel', socialName: 'Social name', fiscalId: 'Fiscal ID', postcode: 'Postcode', province: 'Province', country: 'Country', street: 'Address', isEqualizated: 'Is equalizated', isActive: 'Is active', invoiceByAddress: 'Invoice by address', verifiedData: 'Verified data', hasToInvoice: 'Has to invoice', notifyByEmail: 'Notify by email', vies: 'VIES', payMethod: 'Pay method', bankAccount: 'Bank account', dueDay: 'Due day', hasLcr: 'Has LCR', hasCoreVnl: 'Has core VNL', hasB2BVnl: 'Has B2B VNL', addressName: 'Address name', addressCity: 'City', addressStreet: 'Street', username: 'Username', webAccess: 'Web access', totalGreuge: 'Total greuge', mana: 'Mana', priceIncreasingRate: 'Price increasing rate', averageInvoiced: 'Average invoiced', claimRate: 'Claming rate', risk: 'Risk', riskInfo: 'Invoices minus payments plus orders not yet invoiced', credit: 'Credit', creditInfo: `Company's maximum risk`, securedCredit: 'Secured credit', securedCreditInfo: `Solunion's maximum risk`, balance: 'Balance', balanceInfo: 'Invoices minus payments', balanceDue: 'Balance due', balanceDueInfo: 'Deviated invoices minus payments', recoverySince: 'Recovery since', businessType: 'Business Type', city: 'City', }, basicData: { socialName: 'Fiscal name', businessType: 'Business type', contact: 'Contact', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', mobile: 'Mobile', salesPerson: 'Sales person', contactChannel: 'Contact channel', }, extendedList: { tableVisibleColumns: { id: 'Identifier', name: 'Name', fi: 'Tax number', salesPersonFk: 'Salesperson', credit: 'Credit', creditInsurance: 'Credit insurance', phone: 'Phone', mobile: 'Mobile', street: 'Street', countryFk: 'Country', provinceFk: 'Province', city: 'City', postcode: 'Postcode', email: 'Email', created: 'Created', businessTypeFk: 'Business type', payMethodFk: 'Billing data', sageTaxTypeFk: 'Sage tax type', sageTransactionTypeFk: 'Sage tr. type', isActive: 'Active', isVies: 'Vies', isTaxDataChecked: 'Verified data', isEqualizated: 'Is equalizated', isFreezed: 'Freezed', hasToInvoice: 'Invoice', hasToInvoiceByAddress: 'Invoice by address', isToBeMailed: 'Mailing', hasLcr: 'Received LCR', hasCoreVnl: 'VNL core received', hasSepaVnl: 'VNL B2B received', }, }, }, entry: { pageTitles: { entries: 'Entries', list: 'List', createEntry: 'New entry', summary: 'Summary', create: 'Create', }, list: { newEntry: 'New entry', }, }, ticket: { pageTitles: { tickets: 'Tickets', list: 'List', createTicket: 'Create ticket', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic Data', boxing: 'Boxing', sms: 'Sms', notes: 'Notes', }, list: { nickname: 'Nickname', state: 'State', shipped: 'Shipped', landed: 'Landed', salesPerson: 'Sales person', total: 'Total', }, card: { ticketId: 'Ticket ID', state: 'State', customerId: 'Customer ID', salesPerson: 'Sales person', agency: 'Agency', shipped: 'Shipped', warehouse: 'Warehouse', customerCard: 'Customer card', }, boxing: { expedition: 'Expedition', item: 'Item', created: 'Created', worker: 'Worker', selectTime: 'Select time:', selectVideo: 'Select video:', notFound: 'No videos available', }, summary: { state: 'State', salesPerson: 'Sales person', agency: 'Agency', zone: 'Zone', warehouse: 'Warehouse', route: 'Route', invoice: 'Invoice', shipped: 'Shipped', landed: 'Landed', consigneePhone: 'Consignee phone', consigneeMobile: 'Consignee mobile', clientPhone: 'Client phone', clientMobile: 'Client mobile', consignee: 'Consignee', subtotal: 'Subtotal', vat: 'VAT', total: 'Total', saleLines: 'Line items', item: 'Item', visible: 'Visible', available: 'Available', quantity: 'Quantity', description: 'Description', price: 'Price', discount: 'Discount', packing: 'Packing', hasComponentLack: 'Component lack', itemShortage: 'Not visible', claim: 'Claim', reserved: 'Reserved', created: 'Created', package: 'Package', taxClass: 'Tax class', services: 'Services', changeState: 'Change state', requester: 'Requester', atender: 'Atender', request: 'Request', weight: 'Weight', goTo: 'Go to', }, }, claim: { pageTitles: { claims: 'Claims', list: 'List', createClaim: 'Create claim', rmaList: 'RMA', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic Data', lines: 'Lines', rma: 'RMA', photos: 'Photos', development: 'Development', log: 'Audit logs', notes: 'Notes', action: 'Action', }, list: { customer: 'Customer', assignedTo: 'Assigned', created: 'Created', state: 'State', }, rmaList: { code: 'Code', records: 'records', }, rma: { user: 'User', created: 'Created', }, card: { claimId: 'Claim ID', assignedTo: 'Assigned', created: 'Created', state: 'State', ticketId: 'Ticket ID', customerSummary: 'Customer summary', claimedTicket: 'Claimed ticket', commercial: 'Commercial', province: 'Province', zone: 'Zone', }, summary: { customer: 'Customer', assignedTo: 'Assigned', attendedBy: 'Attended by', created: 'Created', state: 'State', details: 'Details', item: 'Item', landed: 'Landed', quantity: 'Quantity', claimed: 'Claimed', description: 'Description', price: 'Price', discount: 'Discount', total: 'Total', actions: 'Actions', responsibility: 'Responsibility', company: 'Company', person: 'Employee/Customer', notes: 'Notes', photos: 'Photos', development: 'Development', reason: 'Reason', result: 'Result', responsible: 'Responsible', worker: 'Worker', redelivery: 'Redelivery', }, basicData: { customer: 'Customer', assignedTo: 'Assigned', created: 'Created', state: 'State', picked: 'Picked', returnOfMaterial: 'Return of material authorization (RMA)', }, photo: { fileDescription: 'Claim id {claimId} from client {clientName} id {clientId}', noData: 'There are no images/videos, click here or drag and drop the file', dragDrop: 'Drag and drop it here', }, }, invoiceOut: { pageTitles: { invoiceOuts: 'Invoice out', list: 'List', negativeBases: 'Negative Bases', globalInvoicing: 'Global invoicing', createInvoiceOut: 'Create invoice out', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic Data', }, list: { ref: 'Reference', issued: 'Issued', shortIssued: 'Issued', client: 'Client', created: 'Created', shortCreated: 'Created', company: 'Company', dued: 'Due date', shortDued: 'Due date', }, card: { issued: 'Issued', client: 'Client', company: 'Company', customerCard: 'Customer card', ticketList: 'Ticket List', }, summary: { issued: 'Issued', created: 'Created', dued: 'Due', booked: 'Booked', company: 'Company', taxBreakdown: 'Tax breakdown', type: 'Type', taxableBase: 'Taxable base', rate: 'Rate', fee: 'Fee', tickets: 'Tickets', ticketId: 'Ticket id', nickname: 'Alias', shipped: 'Shipped', totalWithVat: 'Amount', }, globalInvoices: { errors: { chooseValidClient: 'Choose a valid client', chooseValidCompany: 'Choose a valid company', chooseValidPrinter: 'Choose a valid printer', fillDates: 'Invoice date and the max date should be filled', invoiceDateLessThanMaxDate: 'Invoice date can not be less than max date', invoiceWithFutureDate: 'Exists an invoice with a future date', noTicketsToInvoice: 'There are not clients to invoice', criticalInvoiceError: 'Critical invoicing error, process stopped', }, table: { client: 'Client', addressId: 'Address id', streetAddress: 'Street', }, statusCard: { percentageText: '{getPercentage}% {getAddressNumber} of {getNAddresses}', pdfsNumberText: '{nPdfs} of {totalPdfs} PDFs', }, }, negativeBases: { from: 'From', to: 'To', company: 'Company', country: 'Country', clientId: 'Client Id', client: 'Client', amount: 'Amount', base: 'Base', ticketId: 'Ticket Id', active: 'Active', hasToInvoice: 'Has to Invoice', verifiedData: 'Verified Data', comercial: 'Comercial', errors: { downloadCsvFailed: 'CSV download failed', }, }, }, shelving: { pageTitles: { shelving: 'Shelving', shelvingList: 'Shelving List', create: 'Create', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic Data', log: 'Logs', }, list: { parking: 'Parking', priority: 'Priority', newShelving: 'New Shelving', }, summary: { code: 'Code', parking: 'Parking', priority: 'Priority', worker: 'Worker', recyclable: 'Recyclable', }, basicData: { code: 'Code', parking: 'Parking', priority: 'Priority', recyclable: 'Recyclable', }, }, invoiceIn: { pageTitles: { invoiceIns: 'Invoices In', list: 'List', createInvoiceIn: 'Create invoice in', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic data', vat: 'VAT', dueDay: 'Due day', intrastat: 'Intrastat', log: 'Logs', }, list: { ref: 'Reference', supplier: 'Supplier', supplierRef: 'Supplier ref.', serialNumber: 'Serial number', serial: 'Serial', file: 'File', issued: 'Issued', isBooked: 'Is booked', awb: 'AWB', amount: 'Amount', }, card: { issued: 'Issued', amount: 'Amount', client: 'Client', company: 'Company', customerCard: 'Customer card', ticketList: 'Ticket List', vat: 'Vat', dueDay: 'Due day', intrastat: 'Intrastat', }, summary: { supplier: 'Supplier', supplierRef: 'Supplier ref.', currency: 'Currency', docNumber: 'Doc number', issued: 'Expedition date', operated: 'Operation date', bookEntried: 'Entry date', bookedDate: 'Booked date', sage: 'Sage withholding', vat: 'Undeductible VAT', company: 'Company', booked: 'Booked', expense: 'Expense', taxableBase: 'Taxable base', rate: 'Rate', sageVat: 'Sage vat', sageTransaction: 'Sage transaction', dueDay: 'Date', bank: 'Bank', amount: 'Amount', foreignValue: 'Foreign value', dueTotal: 'Due day', noMatch: 'Do not match', code: 'Code', net: 'Net', stems: 'Stems', country: 'Country', }, }, order: { pageTitles: { order: 'Orders', orderList: 'List', create: 'Create', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic Data', catalog: 'Catalog', volume: 'Volume', lines: 'Lines', }, field: { salesPersonFk: 'Sales Person', clientFk: 'Client', isConfirmed: 'Confirmed', created: 'Created', landed: 'Landed', hour: 'Hour', agency: 'Agency', total: 'Total', }, form: { clientFk: 'Client', addressFk: 'Address', landed: 'Landed', agencyModeFk: 'Agency', }, list: { newOrder: 'New Order', }, summary: { basket: 'Basket', nickname: 'Nickname', company: 'Company', confirmed: 'Confirmed', notConfirmed: 'Not confirmed', created: 'Created', landed: 'Landed', phone: 'Phone', createdFrom: 'Created From', address: 'Address', notes: 'Notes', subtotal: 'Subtotal', total: 'Total', vat: 'VAT', state: 'State', alias: 'Alias', items: 'Items', orderTicketList: 'Order Ticket List', details: 'Details', item: 'Item', description: 'Description', quantity: 'Quantity', price: 'Price', amount: 'Amount', }, }, department: { pageTitles: { basicData: 'Basic data', department: 'Department', summary: 'Summary', }, name: 'Name', code: 'Code', chat: 'Chat', bossDepartment: 'Boss Department', email: 'Email', selfConsumptionCustomer: 'Self-consumption customer', telework: 'Telework', notifyOnErrors: 'Notify on errors', worksInProduction: 'Works in production', hasToRefill: 'Fill in days without physical check-ins', hasToSendMail: 'Send check-ins by email', departmentRemoved: 'Department removed', }, worker: { pageTitles: { workers: 'Workers', list: 'List', basicData: 'Basic data', summary: 'Summary', notifications: 'Notifications', workerCreate: 'New worker', department: 'Department', }, list: { name: 'Name', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', mobile: 'Mobile', active: 'Active', department: 'Department', schedule: 'Schedule', newWorker: 'New worker', }, card: { workerId: 'Worker ID', name: 'Name', email: 'Email', phone: 'Phone', mobile: 'Mobile', active: 'Active', warehouse: 'Warehouse', agency: 'Agency', salesPerson: 'Sales person', }, summary: { basicData: 'Basic data', boss: 'Boss', phoneExtension: 'Phone extension', entPhone: 'Enterprise phone', personalPhone: 'Personal phone', noBoss: 'No boss', userData: 'User data', userId: 'User ID', role: 'Role', sipExtension: 'Extension', locker: 'Locker', }, notificationsManager: { activeNotifications: 'Active notifications', availableNotifications: 'Available notifications', subscribed: 'Subscribed to the notification', unsubscribed: 'Unsubscribed from the notification', }, create: { name: 'Name', lastName: 'Last name', birth: 'Birth', fi: 'Fi', code: 'Worker code', phone: 'Phone', postcode: 'Postcode', province: 'Province', city: 'City', street: 'Street', webUser: 'Web user', personalEmail: 'Personal email', company: 'Company', boss: 'Boss', payMethods: 'Pay method', iban: 'IBAN', bankEntity: 'Swift / BIC', }, imageNotFound: 'Image not found', }, wagon: { pageTitles: { wagons: 'Wagons', wagonsList: 'Wagons List', wagonCreate: 'Create wagon', wagonEdit: 'Edit wagon', typesList: 'Types List', typeCreate: 'Create type', typeEdit: 'Edit type', wagonCounter: 'Trolley counter', }, type: { name: 'Name', submit: 'Submit', reset: 'Reset', trayColor: 'Tray color', removeItem: 'Wagon type removed successfully', }, list: { plate: 'Plate', volume: 'Volume', type: 'Type', remove: 'Remove', removeItem: 'Wagon removed successfully', }, create: { plate: 'Plate', volume: 'Volume', type: 'Type', label: 'Label', }, warnings: { noData: 'No data available', nameNotEmpty: 'Name can not be empty', labelNotEmpty: 'Label can not be empty', plateNotEmpty: 'Plate can not be empty', volumeNotEmpty: 'Volume can not be empty', typeNotEmpty: 'Type can not be empty', maxTrays: 'You have reached the max number of trays', minHeightBetweenTrays: 'The minimum height between trays is ', maxWagonHeight: 'The maximum height of the wagon is ', uncompleteTrays: 'There are incomplete trays', }, }, route: { pageTitles: { routes: 'Routes', cmrsList: 'External CMRs list', }, cmr: { list: { results: 'results', cmrFk: 'CMR id', hasCmrDms: `Attached in gestdoc`, true: 'Yes', false: 'No', ticketFk: 'Ticketd id', routeFk: 'Route id', country: 'Country', clientFk: 'Client id', shipped: 'Preparation date', viewCmr: 'View CMR', downloadCmrs: 'Download CMRs', }, }, }, supplier: { pageTitles: { suppliers: 'Suppliers', supplier: 'Supplier', list: 'List', create: 'Create', summary: 'Summary', basicData: 'Basic data', fiscalData: 'Fiscal data', billingData: 'Billing data', log: 'Log', accounts: 'Accounts', contacts: 'Contacts', addresses: 'Addresses', consumption: 'Consumption', agencyTerm: 'Agency agreement', }, list: { payMethod: 'Pay method', payDeadline: 'Pay deadline', payDay: 'Pay day', account: 'Account', newSupplier: 'New supplier', }, summary: { responsible: 'Responsible', notes: 'Notes', verified: 'Verified', isActive: 'Is active', billingData: 'Billing data', payMethod: 'Pay method', payDeadline: 'Pay deadline', payDay: 'Día de pago', account: 'Account', fiscalData: 'Fiscal data', sageTaxType: 'Sage tax type', sageTransactionType: 'Sage transaction type', sageWithholding: 'Sage withholding', supplierActivity: 'Supplier activity', healthRegister: 'Healt register', fiscalAddress: 'Fiscal address', socialName: 'Social name', taxNumber: 'Tax number', street: 'Street', city: 'City', postCode: 'Postcode', province: 'Province', country: 'Country', }, create: { supplierName: 'Supplier name', }, basicData: { alias: 'Alias', workerFk: 'Responsible', isSerious: 'Verified', isActive: 'Active', isPayMethodChecked: 'PayMethod checked', note: 'Notes', }, fiscalData: { name: 'Social name *', nif: 'Tax number *', account: 'Account', sageTaxTypeFk: 'Sage tax type', sageWithholdingFk: 'Sage withholding', sageTransactionTypeFk: 'Sage transaction type', supplierActivityFk: 'Supplier activity', healthRegister: 'Health register', street: 'Street', postcode: 'Postcode', city: 'City *', provinceFk: 'Province', country: 'Country', isTrucker: 'Trucker', isVies: 'Vies', }, billingData: { payMethodFk: 'Billing data', payDemFk: 'Payment deadline', payDay: 'Pay day', }, }, travel: { pageTitles: { travel: 'Travels', list: 'List', create: 'Create', summary: 'Summary', extraCommunity: 'Extra community', travelCreate: 'New travel', basicData: 'Basic data', history: 'History', thermographs: 'Termographs', }, summary: { confirmed: 'Confirmed', entryId: 'Entry Id', freight: 'Freight', package: 'Package', delivered: 'Delivered', received: 'Received', entries: 'Entries', cloneShipping: 'Clone travel', CloneTravelAndEntries: 'Clone travel and his entries', AddEntry: 'Add entry', }, variables: { search: 'Id/Reference', agencyModeFk: 'Agency', warehouseInFk: ' Warehouse In', warehouseOutFk: 'Warehouse Out', landedFrom: 'Landed from', landedTo: 'Landed to', continent: 'Continent out', totalEntries: 'Total entries', }, }, components: { topbar: {}, userPanel: { settings: 'Settings', logOut: 'Log Out', }, smartCard: { downloadFile: 'Download file', clone: 'Clone', openCard: 'View', openSummary: 'Summary', viewDescription: 'Description', }, cardDescriptor: { mainList: 'Main list', summary: 'Summary', moreOptions: 'More options', }, leftMenu: { addToPinned: 'Add to pinned', removeFromPinned: 'Remove from pinned', }, }, };