forked from verdnatura/salix-front
895 lines
25 KiB
895 lines
25 KiB
es: Spanish
en: English
quantity: Quantity
language: Language
entity: Entity
user: User
details: Details
collapseMenu: Collapse left menu
backToDashboard: Return to dashboard
notifications: Notifications
userPanel: User panel
modules: Modules
pinnedModules: Pinned modules
darkMode: Dark mode
logOut: Log out
date: Date
dataSaved: Data saved
dataDeleted: Data deleted
delete: Delete
search: Search
changes: Changes
dataCreated: Data created
add: Add
create: Create
edit: Edit
save: Save
saveAndContinue: Save and continue
remove: Remove
reset: Reset
close: Close
cancel: Cancel
clone: Clone
confirm: Confirm
assign: Assign
back: Back
downloadPdf: Download PDF
yes: 'Yes'
no: 'No'
noChanges: No changes to save
changesToSave: You have changes pending to save
confirmRemove: You are about to delete this row. Are you sure?
rowWillBeRemoved: This row will be removed
sureToContinue: Are you sure you want to continue?
rowAdded: Row added
rowRemoved: Row removed
pleaseWait: Please wait...
noPinnedModules: You don't have any pinned modules
basicData: Basic data
daysOnward: Days onward
daysAgo: Days ago
today: Today
yesterday: Yesterday
dateFormat: en-GB
microsip: Open in MicroSIP
noSelectedRows: You don't have any line selected
downloadCSVSuccess: CSV downloaded successfully
reference: Reference
agency: Agency
warehouseOut: Warehouse Out
wareHouseIn: Warehouse In
landed: Landed
shipped: Shipped
totalEntries: Total entries
amount: Amount
packages: Packages
download: Download
selectRows: 'Select all { numberRows } row(s)'
allRows: 'All { numberRows } row(s)'
markAll: Mark all
requiredField: Required field
valueCantBeEmpty: Value cannot be empty
class: clase
type: Type
reason: reason
noResults: No results
system: System
notificationSent: Notification sent
warehouse: Warehouse
company: Company
fieldRequired: Field required
allowedFilesText: 'Allowed file types: { allowedContentTypes }'
smsSent: SMS sent
confirmDeletion: Confirm deletion
confirmDeletionMessage: Are you sure you want to delete this?
description: Description
id: Id
order: Order
original: Phys. Doc
file: File
selectFile: Select a file
copyClipboard: Copy on clipboard
salesPerson: SalesPerson
send: Send
code: Code
since: Since
from: From
to: To
notes: Notes
refresh: Refresh
item: Item
ticket: Ticket
campaign: Campaign
weight: Weight
error: Ups! Something went wrong
recalc: Recalculate
alias: Alias
vat: VAT
intrastat: Intrastat
tags: Tags
size: Size
producer: Producer
origin: Origin
state: State
subtotal: Subtotal
visible: Visible
price: Price
client: Client
country: Country
phone: Phone
mobile: Mobile
postcode: Postcode
street: Street
tag: Tag
ticketId: Ticket ID
confirmed: Confirmed
small: Small
medium: Medium
big: Big
logIn: Login
addressEdit: Update address
summary: Summary
basicData: Basic data
log: Logs
parkingList: Parkings list
agencyList: Agencies
agency: Agency
workCenters: Work centers
modes: Modes
zones: Zones
zonesList: Zones
deliveryDays: Delivery days
upcomingDeliveries: Upcoming deliveries
role: Role
alias: Alias
aliasUsers: Users
subRoles: Subroles
inheritedRoles: Inherited Roles
customers: Customers
list: List
webPayments: Web Payments
extendedList: Extended list
notifications: Notifications
defaulter: Defaulter
customerCreate: New customer
createOrder: New order
fiscalData: Fiscal data
billingData: Billing data
consignees: Consignees
address-create: New address
notes: Notes
credits: Credits
greuges: Greuges
balance: Balance
recoveries: Recoveries
webAccess: Web access
sms: Sms
creditManagement: Credit management
creditContracts: Credit contracts
creditOpinion: Credit opinion
others: Others
samples: Samples
consumption: Consumption
mandates: Mandates
contacts: Contacts
webPayment: Web payment
fileManagement: File management
unpaid: Unpaid
entries: Entries
buys: Buys
dms: File management
entryCreate: New entry
latestBuys: Latest buys
reserves: Reserves
tickets: Tickets
ticketCreate: New Tickets
boxing: Boxing
sale: Sale
claims: Claims
claimCreate: New claim
lines: Lines
photos: Photos
development: Development
action: Action
invoiceOuts: Invoice out
negativeBases: Negative Bases
globalInvoicing: Global invoicing
invoiceOutCreate: Create invoice out
shelving: Shelving
shelvingList: Shelving List
shelvingCreate: New shelving
invoiceIns: Invoices In
invoiceInCreate: Create invoice in
vat: VAT
dueDay: Due day
intrastat: Intrastat
corrective: Corrective
order: Orders
orderList: List
orderCreate: New order
catalog: Catalog
volume: Volume
workers: Workers
workerCreate: New worker
department: Department
pda: PDA
pbx: Private Branch Exchange
calendar: Calendar
timeControl: Time control
locker: Locker
wagons: Wagons
wagonsList: Wagons List
wagonCreate: Create wagon
wagonEdit: Edit wagon
typesList: Types List
typeCreate: Create type
typeEdit: Edit type
wagonCounter: Trolley counter
roadmap: Roadmap
stops: Stops
routes: Routes
cmrsList: CMRs
RouteList: List
routeCreate: New route
RouteRoadmap: Roadmaps
RouteRoadmapCreate: Create roadmap
autonomous: Autonomous
suppliers: Suppliers
supplier: Supplier
expedition: Expedition
services: Service
components: Components
pictures: Pictures
packages: Packages
tracking: Tracking
labeler: Labeler
supplierCreate: New supplier
accounts: Accounts
addresses: Addresses
agencyTerm: Agency agreement
travel: Travels
extraCommunity: Extra community
travelCreate: New travel
history: Log
thermographs: Thermograph
items: Items
diary: Diary
tags: Tags
create: Create
buyRequest: Buy requests
fixedPrice: Fixed prices
wasteBreakdown: Waste breakdown
itemCreate: New item
barcode: Barcodes
tax: Tax
botanical: Botanical
itemTypeCreate: New item type
family: Item Type
lastEntries: Last entries
itemType: Item type
monitors: Monitors
dashboard: Dashboard
users: Users
createTicket: Create ticket
ticketAdvance: Advance tickets
futureTickets: Future tickets
purchaseRequest: Purchase request
weeklyTickets: Weekly tickets
formation: Formation
locations: Locations
warehouses: Warehouses
saleTracking: Sale tracking
roles: Roles
connections: Connections
acls: ACLs
mailForwarding: Mail forwarding
mailAlias: Mail alias
privileges: Privileges
ldap: LDAP
samba: Samba
twoFactor: Two factor
recoverPassword: Recover password
resetPassword: Reset password
ticketsMonitor: Tickets monitor
clientsActionsMonitor: Clients and actions
serial: Serial
medical: Mutual
pit: IRPF
RouteExtendedList: Router
wasteRecalc: Waste recaclulate
operator: Operator
parking: Parking
supplier: Supplier
created: Created
worker: Worker
now: Now
name: Name
new: New
comment: Comment
observations: Observations
goToModuleIndex: Go to module index
title: Unsaved changes will be lost
subtitle: Are you sure exit without saving?
createInvoiceIn: Create invoice in
myAccount: My account
noOne: No one
maxTemperature: Max
minTemperature: Min
clientFk: Client id
salesPersonFk: Sales person
warehouseFk: Warehouse
provinceFk: Province
stateFk: State
email: Email
fi: FI
myTeam: My team
departmentFk: Department
changePass: Change password
deleteConfirmTitle: Delete selected elements
changeState: Change state
raid: 'Raid {daysInForward} days'
statusUnauthorized: Access denied
statusInternalServerError: An internal server error has ocurred
statusBadGateway: It seems that the server has fall down
statusGatewayTimeout: Could not contact the server
userConfig: Error fetching user config
updateUserConfig: Error updating user config
tokenConfig: Error fetching token config
writeRequest: The requested operation could not be completed
title: Login
username: Username
password: Password
submit: Log in
keepLogin: Keep me logged in
loginSuccess: You have successfully logged in
loginError: Invalid username or password
fieldRequired: This field is required
twoFactorRequired: Two-factor verification required
validate: Validate
insert: Enter the verification code
explanation: >-
Please, enter the verification code that we have sent to your email in the
next 5 minutes
userOrEmail: User or recovery email
explanation: >-
We will sent you an email to recover your password
repeatPassword: Repeat password
passwordNotMatch: Passwords don't match
passwordChanged: Password changed
newEntry: New entry
created: Creation
supplierFk: Supplier
isBooked: Booked
isConfirmed: Confirmed
isOrdered: Ordered
companyFk: Company
travelFk: Travel
isExcludedFromAvailable: Inventory
invoiceAmount: Import
commission: Commission
currency: Currency
invoiceNumber: Invoice number
ordered: Ordered
booked: Booked
excludedFromAvailable: Inventory
travelReference: Reference
travelAgency: Agency
travelShipped: Shipped
travelDelivered: Delivered
travelLanded: Landed
travelReceived: Received
buys: Buys
stickers: Stickers
package: Package
packing: Packing
grouping: Grouping
buyingValue: Buying value
import: Import
pvp: PVP
travel: Travel
currency: Currency
commission: Commission
observation: Observation
booked: Booked
excludedFromAvailable: Inventory
observations: Observations
packagingFk: Box
color: Color
printedStickers: Printed stickers
observationType: Observation type
image: Picture
itemFk: Item ID
weightByPiece: Weight/Piece
isActive: Active
family: Family
entryFk: Entry
freightValue: Freight value
comissionValue: Commission value
packageValue: Package value
isIgnored: Is ignored
price2: Grouping
price3: Packing
minPrice: Min
ektFk: Ekt
packingOut: Package out
landing: Landing
isExcludedFromAvailable: Es inventory
customerId: Customer ID
customerCard: Customer card
ticketList: Ticket List
newOrder: New Order
expedition: Expedition
created: Created
selectTime: 'Select time:'
selectVideo: 'Select video:'
notFound: No videos available
zone: Zone
collection: Collection
route: Route
invoice: Invoice
shipped: Shipped
consigneePhone: Consignee phone
consigneeMobile: Consignee mobile
consigneeAddress: Consignee address
clientPhone: Client phone
clientMobile: Client mobile
consignee: Consignee
total: Total
saleLines: Line items
available: Available
discount: Discount
packing: Packing
hasComponentLack: Component lack
itemShortage: Not visible
claim: Claim
reserved: Reserved
package: Package
taxClass: Tax class
services: Services
requester: Requester
atender: Atender
request: Request
goTo: Go to
summaryAmount: Summary
purchaseRequest: Purchase request
service: Service
attender: Attender
ok: Ok
address: Address
issued: Issued
customerCard: Customer card
issued: Issued
dued: Due
booked: Booked
taxBreakdown: Tax breakdown
taxableBase: Taxable base
rate: Rate
fee: Fee
tickets: Tickets
totalWithVat: Amount
chooseValidClient: Choose a valid client
chooseValidCompany: Choose a valid company
chooseValidPrinter: Choose a valid printer
chooseValidSerialType: Choose a serial type
fillDates: Invoice date and the max date should be filled
invoiceDateLessThanMaxDate: Invoice date can not be less than max date
invoiceWithFutureDate: Exists an invoice with a future date
noTicketsToInvoice: There are not tickets to invoice
criticalInvoiceError: 'Critical invoicing error, process stopped'
invalidSerialTypeForAll: The serial type must be global when invoicing all clients
addressId: Address id
streetAddress: Street
percentageText: '{getPercentage}% {getAddressNumber} of {getNAddresses}'
pdfsNumberText: '{nPdfs} of {totalPdfs} PDFs'
clientId: Client Id
base: Base
active: Active
hasToInvoice: Has to Invoice
verifiedData: Verified Data
comercial: Comercial
downloadCsvFailed: CSV download failed
parking: Parking
priority: Priority
newShelving: New Shelving
recyclable: Recyclable
pickingOrder: Picking order
sector: Sector
row: Row
column: Column
info: You can search by parking code
label: Search parking...
salesPersonFk: Sales Person
clientFk: Client
addressFk: Address
agencyModeFk: Agency
newOrder: New Order
basket: Basket
notConfirmed: Not confirmed
created: Created
createdFrom: Created From
address: Address
total: Total
items: Items
orderTicketList: Order Ticket List
amount: Amount
confirm: Confirm
confirmLines: Confirm lines
chat: Chat
bossDepartment: Boss Department
selfConsumptionCustomer: Self-consumption customer
telework: Telework
notifyOnErrors: Notify on errors
worksInProduction: Works in production
hasToRefill: Fill in days without physical check-ins
hasToSendMail: Send check-ins by email
departmentRemoved: Department removed
department: Department
schedule: Schedule
newWorker: New worker
boss: Boss
phoneExtension: Phone extension
entPhone: Enterprise phone
personalPhone: Personal phone
noBoss: No boss
userData: User data
userId: User ID
role: Role
sipExtension: Extension
locker: Locker
fiDueDate: FI due date
sex: Sex
seniority: Seniority
birth: Birth
isFreelance: Freelance
isSsDiscounted: Bonificación SS
hasMachineryAuthorized: Machinery authorized
isDisable: Disable
activeNotifications: Active notifications
availableNotifications: Available notifications
subscribed: Subscribed to the notification
unsubscribed: Unsubscribed from the notification
newPDA: New PDA
currentPDA: Current PDA
model: Model
serialNumber: Serial number
removePDA: Deallocate PDA
lastName: Last name
birth: Birth
fi: Fi
code: Worker code
webUser: Web user
personalEmail: Personal email
boss: Boss
payMethods: Pay method
iban: IBAN
bankEntity: Swift / BIC
course: Course
startDate: Start date
endDate: End date
center: Training center
invoice: Invoice
remark: Remark
hasDiploma: Has diploma
time: Hour
center: Formation Center
invoice: Invoice
isFit: Fit
remark: Observations
imageNotFound: Image not found
paymentDate: Date
incomeType: Type
debit: Debt
credit: Have
concept: Concept
numberOfWagons: Number of wagons
train: Train
itemPackingType: Item packing type
warehouse: Warehouse
sector: Sector
labeler: Printer
linesLimit: Lines limit
volumeLimit: Volume limit
sizeLimit: Size limit
isOnReservationMode: Reservation mode
machine: Machine
submit: Submit
reset: Reset
trayColor: Tray color
removeItem: Wagon type removed successfully
plate: Plate
volume: Volume
remove: Remove
removeItem: Wagon removed successfully
plate: Plate
label: Label
noData: No data available
nameNotEmpty: Name can not be empty
labelNotEmpty: Label can not be empty
plateNotEmpty: Plate can not be empty
volumeNotEmpty: Volume can not be empty
typeNotEmpty: Type can not be empty
maxTrays: You have reached the max number of trays
minHeightBetweenTrays: 'The minimum height between trays is '
maxWagonHeight: 'The maximum height of the wagon is '
uncompleteTrays: There are incomplete trays
payMethod: Pay method
account: Account
newSupplier: New supplier
nif: NIF/CIF
account: Account
payDay: Pay Day
responsible: Responsible
verified: Verified
isActive: Is active
billingData: Billing data
payDeadline: Pay deadline
payDay: Pay day
account: Account
fiscalData: Fiscal data
sageTaxType: Sage tax type
sageTransactionType: Sage transaction type
sageWithholding: Sage withholding
supplierActivity: Supplier activity
healthRegister: Healt register
fiscalAddress: Fiscal address
socialName: Social name
taxNumber: Tax number
city: City
supplierName: Supplier name
workerFk: Responsible
isReal: Verified
isActive: Active
isPayMethodChecked: PayMethod checked
note: Notes
size: Size
name: Social name *
nif: Tax number *
account: Account
sageTaxTypeFk: Sage tax type
sageWithholdingFk: Sage withholding
sageTransactionTypeFk: Sage transaction type
supplierActivityFk: Supplier activity
isTrucker: Trucker
isVies: Vies
payMethodFk: Billing data
payDemFk: Payment deadline
iban: Iban
bankEntity: Bank entity
beneficiary: Beneficiary
email: Email
observation: Notes
agencyFk: Agency
minimumM3: Minimum M3
packagePrice: Package Price
kmPrice: Km Price
m3Price: M3 Price
routePrice: Route price
minimumKm: Minimum Km
addRow: Add row
entry: Entry
ref: Reference
shipHour: Shipment Hour
landHour: Landing Hour
totalEntries: Total entries
totalEntriesTooltip: Total entries
daysOnward: Landed days onwards
entryId: Entry Id
freight: Freight
package: Package
delivered: Delivered
received: Received
entries: Entries
cloneShipping: Clone travel
CloneTravelAndEntries: Clone travel and his entries
deleteTravel: Delete travel
AddEntry: Add entry
thermographs: Thermographs
hb: HB
daysInForward: Days in forward
isRaid: Raid
temperature: Temperature
destination: Destination
thermograph: Thermograph
travelFileDescription: 'Travel id { travelId }'
buyer: Buyer
color: Color
category: Category
available: Available
warehouseText: 'Calculated on the warehouse of { warehouseName }'
itemDiary: Item diary
id: Identifier
stems: Stems
category: Category
typeName: Type
isActive: Active
userName: Buyer
weightByPiece: Weight/Piece
stemMultiplier: Multiplier
itemFk: Item ID
groupingPrice: Grouping price
packingPrice: Packing price
hasMinPrice: Has min price
minPrice: Min price
started: Started
ended: Ended
priority: Priority
requester: Requester
requested: Requested
attender: Atender
achieved: Achieved
concept: Concept
otherData: Other data
tax: Tax
botanical: Botanical
barcode: Barcode
completeName: Complete name
family: Familiy
stems: Stems
multiplier: Multiplier
buyer: Buyer
doPhoto: Do photo
intrastatCode: Intrastat code
ref: Reference
relevance: Relevance
weight: Weight (gram)/stem
units: Units/box
expense: Expense
generic: Generic
recycledPlastic: Recycled plastic
nonRecycledPlastic: Non recycled plastic
minSalesQuantity: Min sales quantity
genus: Genus
specie: Specie
topbar: {}
typeFk: Type
value: Value
# ItemFixedPriceFilter
buyerFk: Buyer
started: From
ended: To
mine: For me
hasMinPrice: Minimum price
# LatestBuysFilter
salesPersonFk: Buyer
from: From
active: Is active
floramondo: Is floramondo
showBadDates: Show future items
copyToken: Token copied to clipboard
settings: Settings
localWarehouse: Local warehouse
localBank: Local bank
localCompany: Local company
userWarehouse: User warehouse
userCompany: User company
downloadFile: Download file
openCard: View
openSummary: Summary
viewSummary: Summary
mainList: Main list
summary: Summary
moreOptions: More options
addToPinned: Add to pinned
removeFromPinned: Remove from pinned
copyText: '{copyValue} has been copied to the clipboard'
iban_tooltip: 'IBAN: ES21 1234 5678 90 0123456789'
sun: Sunday
mon: Monday
tue: Tuesday
wed: Wednesday
thu: Thursday
fri: Friday
sat: Saturday
jan: January
feb: February
mar: March
apr: April
may: May
jun: June
jul: July
aug: August
sep: September
oct: October
nov: November
dec: December