* [NEW] Change Avatar View
* change avatar view and avatar suggestion
* avatar Url
* change avatar for profile it's done, missing fix revalidate the avatar in profile and drawer
* pick image
* clean profile view
* Finished the profile and fixed the avatar when change the user profile
* fix the profile update through all the app
* refactor avatar suggestion
* fix the delete from rooms and finished RoomInfoView, missing RoomInfoEditView
* room info edit view
* ipad navigation
* refactor the submit function
* refactor the e2e test
* minor tweak with themes and buttons
* minor tweak in edit button
* minor tweaks
* tweak IAvatarContainer
* fixing pt-br
* removed the avatarETagUser and search by username and text
* created the useHooke useAvatarETag
* fix lint
* refactor image.ts and test
* refactor avatar component
* fix the edit button
* refactor useAvatarETag
* fix the pt-br translation
* minor tweak tests
* back handleError to views and refactor the submit
* avatar suggestion item
* types for change avatar view context
* fix avatar on header for tablets
* minor tweak changeavatarview
* refactor avatar url to use hook form
* tweak on yup validation
* minor tweak with handle error
* minor tweak
* minor tweak
* interface avatar container
* minor tweak
* Refactor all the changeAvatarView and fix how to test the image url
* fixed the layout
* minor refactor
* minor tweaks
* fix the visual bug when the user change the avatar to new then clear cache
* fix the flicker when upload an image
* update package.json
* test the reset, discard alert, cancel and discard
* separate the avatar test from profile and create new tests for change avatar
* mock imagepicker
* minor tweak, adding console and add echo to config.yml
* use RUNNING_E2E_TESTS as env to other files
* exprt env at android build
* change the to way to set the running e2e test env
* update test
* delete the .env and update the e2e/readme and the file review
* minor tweak
* minor tweak
* update the test, fixing how to dismiss the keyboard
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <gleidson10daniel@hotmail.com>
* [NEW] Quotes on E2EE Messages
* parser inside the model
* refactor and tweaks
* minor tweak
* add e2e tests to test the e2e quotes
* update storyshot
* added the test for quoted message
Co-authored-by: Gleidson Daniel Silva <gleidson10daniel@hotmail.com>
* [FIX] Cannot read property 'fetch' of undefined on ThreadMessagesView
* added e2e test
* change from _raw to _id
* test thread messages view with a thread created
* reset from room to room
* jump from room to room it's fine
* threads ipad
* fix ts roomslistview
* remove params
* fix the ipad highlight
* jump to a message from a thread to main room
* the reset within the goRoom
* create channel
* changes in canned response
* fix discussion navigation
* navigation newmessageview to users
* fix go room from room info view
* inappnotification, deeplinking, room.js
* change from room.rooms to room.subscribed
* minor tweak jumptomessage
* fix add existing channel to team and fixing test 02 of teams
* keep the same behavior after add existing channel
* keep the same behavior after add existing channel
* clean cosole
* changes requested about the name
* inapp redux to hooks
* added a comment to addexistingchanneltoteam
* minor tweak jumptomessage
* refactor goRoom to add the param popToRoot, also refactor the navigate in deeplinking too
* refactor other places that exist goRoom
* fix the didUpdate
* added in app notification test
* clean js
* minor tweak test
* button ignore and pased the param
* load room from database and check is is ignored
* move handleIgnore to lib/method/helpers
* Ignore and Unignore, also reactivity
* block and unblock user
* pass fromRid from actionView to InfoView too
* remove console.log
* unsubscribe subscriptionFrom
* block and unblock user from dm
* test to block user and ignore user
* minor tweak
* tweak data
* minor tweak
* add test before tapBack
* refactor names
* [IMPROVE] Remove show message in main thread preference
* default settings
* created the get
* fix compare server version
* fix E2E tests
* settings to logged user
* remove constant and get alsosendtochannel from user
* fix send to channel first message
* fix when the alsoSendThreadToChannel is checked
* added list picker user preference
* tweaks in messagebox tmid and detox
* added pt-br and deleted expectToBeVisible id
* reactive alsoSendThreadTOChannel
* fix the behavior when press or long press threads messages
* remove reply in thread from threads
* clean helpers detox
* tweak onMessageLongPress and onSubmit
* Remove unnecessary calculations inside ListPicker
* Fix long press logic
* Fix onReplyInit logic
* fix data_setup at detox for servers greater than 5.0
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* [IMPROVE] Option to show mentions badge
* fix the local database and mergeSubscriptions, missing the state in notificationPrefView
* finished the hideMentions
* fix the string version
* [FIX] Removed account from E2E Data and create a file responsible for this account
* Updated e2e/README.md
* minor tweak
* Update e2e/README.md
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z. <gerzonzcanario@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z. <gerzonzcanario@gmail.com>
* [FIX] deeplinking to thread
* fix how to find threadId
* tmid as route params jumpToThreaId
* minor tweak
* minor tweak on logic
* E2E Test
* minor tweak
* wait for the return of the thread
* Minor refactor
* Fix e2e tests for docker
* popToRoot when focused and there is a jumpToThread
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
- Change the first screen of the app
- Minor changes on NewServerView and make it the first screen of the app
- Add "Create workspace" to ServerDropdown
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Update non-dev patches
* Update dev patches
* Update minors
* Update dev minors
* Update few non semver
* Cookies
* datepicker, netinfo, base64 and bootsplash
* Patch cookies
* Update navigation
* Device info
* mocha
* localize
* react-native-picker-select
* vector icons, xregexp, popover
* try save husky
* document picker
* Remove emotion dev
* Downgrade some libs and make sure jest is passing
* Update storybook to stable
* mocha, axios, bootsplash
* Update lint job to node 15
* Update android image to api 29 and xcode to 12.4
* building
* Fix lint
* Get rid of Storybooks errors
* Patch react-native-simple-crypto
* Remove pods from git
* Stash simple crypto
* Stash Flipper
* Remove single crypto patch
* Add manage-pods command
* Update Xcode to 12.5.0
* Fix E2E tests
* Cleanup podfile
* Fix Storybook
* Remove RN patch
* Fix iOS build release
* Fix cocoapods cache on CI
* Try to fix pods using bundle
* Update gems
* Add app_store_connect_api_key env to CI
* Rollback to older usage of app_store_connect_api_key
* tmp
* Run manage-pods on TestFlight
* Use Podfile instead of Podfile.lock for cache
* Increase no_output_timeout from 20 minutes to 40
* Restore node modules on upload-to-testflight
* Add pod install to docs
* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel
* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n
* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not
* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name
* E2E test completed in sequence the convert/move teams
* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel
* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n
* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not
* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name
* rebase develop into this branch
* [IMPROVE] Add convert team to a channel
* Action to SelectListView and new words to i18n
* Implemented the post and it's working with selected channels or not
* Fixed the Convert Team Warning at english i18n and changed the function name
* rebase develop into this branch
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>
* Added eslint plugin dependencie and fixed the eslint.js
* E2E Tests folder Assorted
* Linted all e2e, just e2e/docker that don't changed
* Update 09-jumptomessage.spec.js
* Removed async from describe function
* Remove outdated detox linter lib
* Add overrides to eslintrc
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <gerzonc@icloud.com>
Co-authored-by: Gerzon Z <gerzonzcanario@gmail.com>
Co-authored-by: Diego Mello <diegolmello@gmail.com>