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This readme provides instructions on how to run the shell script. The script is designed to execute tests using the Flashlight testing framework.


  • Flashlight framework installed on your system


To run the script, use the following command:

cd maestro
sh ./ <bundleId> <testCommand> <duration(optional)>


Here's an example command to run the script:

sh ./ chat.rocket.reactnative tti.yml 3000

Result Output

The script will create a results folder if it doesn't already exist, using the name of the test command (with .yml removed) as the folder name. The results of the test will be saved as a JSON file within this folder. The file will be named <bundleId>.json, where <bundleId> is the ID of the bundle or application being tested.

For example, if the test command is test_command.yml and the bundle ID is, the results file will be saved as ./results/test_command/

In order to see results, you can run the following command:

flashlight report ./results/test_command

Updating the Test File

Before running the test, the script will update the appId field in the test file specified by <testCommand>. It replaces the existing appId value with the provided <bundleId>. Make sure the test file contains an appId field that needs to be updated.