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# loopback-explorer
Browse and test your LoopBack app's APIs.
## Basic Usage
Below is a simple LoopBack application. The explorer is mounted at `/explorer`.
var loopback = require('loopback');
var app = loopback();
var explorer = require('../');
var port = 3000;
var Product = loopback.Model.extend('product');
app.use('/explorer', explorer(app, {basePath: '/api'}));
app.use('/api', loopback.rest());
console.log("Explorer mounted at localhost:" + port + "/explorer");
## Advanced Usage
Many aspects of the explorer are configurable.
See [options](#options) for a description of these options:
app.use('/explorer', explorer(app, {
basePath: '/custom-api-root',
preMiddleware: [
// You can add as many items to this middleware chain as you like
loopback.basicAuth(bitmex.settings.basicAuth.user, bitmex.settings.basicAuth.password)
swaggerDistRoot: '/swagger',
apiInfo: {
'title': 'My API',
'description': 'Explorer example app.'
resourcePath: 'swaggerResources',
version: '0.1-unreleasable'
app.use('/custom-api-root', loopback.rest());
## Options
Options are passed to `explorer(app, options)`.
`basePath`: **String**
> Default: `app.get('restAPIRoot')` or `'/api'`.
> Sets the API's base path. This must be set if you are mounting your api
> to a path different than '/api', e.g. with
> `loopback.use('/custom-api-root', loopback.rest());
`swaggerDistRoot`: **String**
> Sets a path within your application for overriding Swagger UI files.
> If present, will search `swaggerDistRoot` first when attempting to load Swagger UI, allowing
> you to pick and choose overrides to the interface. Use this to style your explorer or
> add additional functionality.
> See [index.html](public/index.html), where you may want to begin your overrides.
> The rest of the UI is provided by [Swagger UI](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-ui).
`apiInfo`: **Object**
> Additional information about your API. See the
> [spec](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#513-info-object).
`resourcePath`: **String**
> Default: `'resources'`
> Sets a different path for the
> [resource listing](https://github.com/wordnik/swagger-spec/blob/master/versions/1.2.md#51-resource-listing).
> You generally shouldn't have to change this.
`version`: **String**
> Default: Read from package.json
> Sets your API version. If not present, will read from your app's package.json.
`preMiddleware`: **Array<Function>|Function**
> Middleware to run before any explorer routes, including static routes.
> Useful for setting HTTP Auth, modifying the `Host` header, and so on.