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Streamline commmand line analyzer / dispatcher

  • command.run()
    runs node-streamline command line analyzer / dispatcher


Streamline compiler and file loader

  • script = compile.loadFile(_, path, options)
    Loads Javascript file and transforms it if necessary.
    Returns the transformed source.
    If path is foo_.js, the source is transformed and the result is not saved to disk.
    If path is foo.js and if a foo_.js file exists, foo_.js is transformed if necessary and saved as foo.js.
    If path is foo.js and foo_.js does not exist, the contents of foo.js is returned.
    options is a set of options passed to the transformation engine.
    If options.force is set, foo_.js is transformed even if foo.js is more recent.
  • script = compile.loadFileSync(path, options)
    Synchronous version of compile.loadFile.
    Used by require logic.
  • compile.compile(_, paths, options)
    Compiles streamline source files in paths.
    Generates a foo.js file for each foo_.js file found in paths. paths may be a list of files or a list of directories which will be traversed recursively.
    options is a set of options for the transform operation.


Streamline require handler registration

  • register.register(options)
    Registers require handlers for streamline.
    options is a set of default options passed to the transform function.


Streamline's transformation engine

  • transformed = transform.transform(source, options)
    Transforms streamline source.
    The following options may be specified:
    • tryCatch controls exception handling
    • lines controls line mapping
    • callback alternative identifier if _ is already used.
    • noHelpers disables generation of helper functions (__cb, etc.)


Client-side require script

  • id = module.id
    the id of the current module.
  • module = require(id)
    requires a module synchronously.
    id must be a string literal.
  • module = require.async(id, _)
    requires a module asynchronously.
    id may be a variable or an expression.
  • main = require.main
    return the main module
  • require.main(id)
    loads main module from HTML page.


Server-side require handler

Handles require requests coming from the client.

  • dispatcher = require.dispatcher(options)
    returns an HTTP request dispatcher that responds to requests issued by the client-side require script.
    The dispatcher is called as dispatcher(_, request, response)


Server Streams module

The streams module contains pull mode wrappers around node streams.

These wrappers implement a pull style API. Instead of having the stream push the data to its consumer by emitting data and end events, these wrappers let the consumer pull the data from the stream by calling asynchronous read methods.

For a bit more background on this design, you can read this blog post

For a simple example of this API in action, see the google client example


Base wrapper for all objects that emit an end or close event.
All stream wrappers derive from this wrapper.

  • wrapper = new streams.Emitter(stream)
    creates a wrapper.
  • emitter = wrapper.emitter
    returns the underlying emitter. The emitter stream can be used to attach additional observers.
  • emitter = wrapper.unwrap()
    unwraps and returns the underlying emitter.
    The wrapper should not be used after this call.


All readable stream wrappers derive from this wrapper.

  • stream = new streams.ReadableStream(stream, [options])
    creates a readable stream wrapper.
  • stream.setEncoding(enc)
    sets the encoding. returns this for chaining.
  • data = stream.read(_, [len])
    reads asynchronously from the stream and returns a string or a Buffer depending on the encoding.
    If a len argument is passed, the read call returns when len characters or bytes (depending on encoding) have been read, or when the underlying stream has emitted its end event.
    Without len, the read calls returns the data chunks as they have been emitted by the underlying stream.
    Once the end of stream has been reached, the read call returns null.
  • data = stream.readAll(_)
    reads till the end of stream.
    Equivalent to stream.read(_, -1).
  • stream.unread(chunk)
    pushes the chunk back to the stream.
    returns this for chaining.


All writable stream wrappers derive from this wrapper.

  • stream = new streams.WritableStream(stream, [options])
    creates a writable stream wrapper.
  • stream.write(_, data, [enc])
    Writes the data.
    This operation is asynchronous because it drains the stream if necessary.
    If you have a lot of small write operations to perform and you don't want the overhead of draining at every step, you can write to the underlying stream with stream.emitter.write(data) most of the time and call stream.write(_, data) once in a while to drain.
    Returns this for chaining.
  • stream.end()
    signals the end of the send operation.
    Returns this for chaining.


This is a wrapper around node's http.ServerRequest: This stream is readable (see Readable Stream above).

  • request = new streams.HttpServerRequest(req, [options])
    returns a wrapper around req, an http.ServerRequest object.
    The options parameter can be used to pass lowMark and highMark values.
  • method = request.method
  • url = request.url
  • headers = request.headers
  • trailers = request.trailers
  • httpVersion = request.httpVersion
  • connection = request.connection
  • socket = request.socket
    (same as http.ServerRequest)


This is a wrapper around node's http.ServerResponse.
This stream is writable (see Writable Stream above).

  • response = new streams.HttpServerResponse(resp, [options])
    returns a wrapper around resp, an http.ServerResponse object.
  • response.writeContinue()
  • response.writeHead(head)
  • response.setHeader(name, value)
  • value = response.getHeader(head)
  • response.removeHeader(name)
  • response.addTrailers(trailers)
  • response.statusCode = value
    (same as http.ServerResponse)


This is a wrapper around node's http.Server object:

  • server = new streams.HttpServer(requestListener, [options])
    creates the wrapper.
    requestListener is called as requestListener(request, response, _) where request and response are wrappers around http.ServerRequest and http.ServerResponse.
  • server.listen(_, port, [host])
  • server.listen(_, path)
    (same as http.Server)


This is a wrapper around node's http.ClientResponse

This stream is readable (see Readable Stream above).

  • response = request.response(_) returns the response stream.
  • status = response.statusCode
    returns the HTTP status code.
  • version = response.httpVersion
    returns the HTTP version.
  • headers = response.headers
    returns the HTTP response headers.
  • trailers = response.trailers
    returns the HTTP response trailers.
  • response.checkStatus(statuses)
    throws an error if the status is not in the statuses array.
    If only one status is expected, it may be passed directly as an integer rather than as an array.
    Returns this for chaining.


This is a wrapper around node's http.ClientRequest.

This stream is writable (see Writable Stream above).

  • request = streams.httpRequest(options)
    creates the wrapper.
    The options are the following:
    • method: the HTTP method, 'GET' by default.
    • headers: the HTTP headers.
    • url: the requested URL (with query string if necessary).
    • proxy.url: the proxy URL.
    • lowMark and highMark: low and high water mark values for buffering (in bytes or characters depending on encoding).
      Note that these values are only hints as the data is received in chunks.
  • response = request.response(_)
    returns the response.
  • request.abort()
    aborts the request.


This is a wrapper around streams returned by TCP and socket clients:

These streams is both readable and writable (see Readable Stream and Writable Stream above).

  • stream = new streams.NetStream(stream, [options])
    creates a network stream wrapper.

TCP and Socket clients

These are wrappers around node's net.createConnection:

  • client = streams.tcpClient(port, host, [options])
    returns a TCP connection client.
  • client = streams.socketClient(path, [options])
    returns a socket client.
    The options parameter of the constructor provide options for the stream (lowMark and highMark). If you want different options for read and write operations, you can specify them by creating options.read and options.write sub-objects inside options.
  • stream = client.connect(_)
    connects the client and returns a network stream.


Documentation tool


 node streamline/lib/tools/docTool [path]

Extracts documentation comments from .js files and generates API.md file under package root.

Top of source file must contain /// !doc marker to enable doc extraction.
Documentation comments must start with /// (with 1 trailing space).
Extraction can be turned off with /// !nodoc and turned back on with /// !doc.

The tool can also be invoked programatically with:

  • doc = docTool.generate(_, path) extracts documentation comments from file path


Flows Module

The streamline/lib/util/flows module contains some handy utilities for streamline code

Array utilities

The following functions are async equivalents of the ES5 Array methods (forEach, map, filter, ...)

  • flows.each(_, array, fn, [thisObj])
    applies fn sequentially to the elements of array.
    fn is called as fn(_, elt, i).
  • result = flows.map(_, array, fn, [thisObj])
    transforms array by applying fn to each element in turn.
    fn is called as fn(_, elt, i).
  • result = flows.filter(_, array, fn, [thisObj])
    generates a new array that only contains the elements that satisfy the fn predicate.
    fn is called as fn(_, elt).
  • bool = flows.every(_, array, fn, [thisObj])
    returns true if fn is true on every element (if array is empty too).
    fn is called as fn(_, elt).
  • bool = flows.some(_, array, fn, [thisObj])
    returns true if fn is true for at least one element.
    fn is called as fn(_, elt).
  • result = flows.reduce(_, array, fn, val, [thisObj])
    reduces by applying fn to each element.
    fn is called as val = fn(_, val, elt, i, array).
  • result = flows.reduceRight(_, array, fn, val, [thisObj])
    reduces from end to start by applying fn to each element.
    fn is called as val = fn(_, val, elt, i, array).

Object utility

The following function can be used to iterate through object properties:

  • flows.eachKey(_, obj, fn)
    calls fn(_, key, obj[key]) for every key in obj.

Workflow Utilities

  • fun = flows.funnel(max)
    limits the number of concurrent executions of a given code block.

The funnel function is typically used with the following pattern:

// somewhere
var myFunnel = flows.funnel(10); // create a funnel that only allows 10 concurrent executions.

// elsewhere
myFunnel(_, function(_) { /* code with at most 10 concurrent executions */ });

The diskUsage2.js example demonstrates how these calls can be combined to control concurrent execution.

The funnel function can also be used to implement critical sections. Just set funnel's max parameter to 1.

  • results = flows.collect(_, futures)
    collects the results of an array of futures

Context propagation

Streamline also allows you to propagate a global context along a chain of calls and callbacks. This context can be used like TLS (Thread Local Storage) in a threaded environment. It allows you to have several active chains that each have their own global context.

This kind of context is very handy to store information that all calls should be able to access but that you don't want to pass explicitly via function parameters. The most obvious example is the locale that each request may set differently and that your low level libraries should be able to retrieve to format messages.

The streamline.flows module exposes two functions to manipulate the context:

  • oldCtx = flows.setContext(ctx)
    sets the context (and returns the old context).
  • ctx = flows.getContext()
    returns the current context.


  • flows.nextTick(_)
    nextTick function for both browser and server.
    Aliased to process.nextTick on the server side.
  • result = flows.apply(_, fn, thisObj, args, [index])
    Helper to apply Function.apply to streamline functions.
    Equivalent to result = fn.apply(thisObj, argsWith_) where argsWith_ is a modified argument list in which the callback has been inserted at index (at the end of the argument list if index is not specified).