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List of notable changes made between 2.x and 3.0

All breaking changes must be described here. When adding a new entry, always describe the impact on users and instructions for upgrading applications from 2.x to 3.0.

See also https://github.com/strongloop/loopback/blob/master/3.0-DEVELOPING.md for more details.

Always use bluebird as promise library

In version 3.0, we always use bluebird as our promise library instead of global.Promise. We consider Bluebird API a part of LoopBack API from now on, you are welcome to use any Bluebird-specific methods in your applications.

If you are using LoopBack with a custom promise implementation provided via global.Promise, you will have to check all places where you are using non-standard promise API and update them to use Bluebird API instead.

See related code change for more details.

DAO.find provides ctx.data in "loaded" hook

When implementing "loaded" hook for DAO.find method, we have mistakenly implemented a version that sets ctx.instance instead of ctx.data. This defeats the purpose of the "loaded" hook, which is to allow hooks to modify the raw data provided by the datasource before it's used to build a model instance.

This has been fixed in 3.0 and the "loaded" hook now consistently provides ctx.data for all operations. If you have a "loaded" hook handler that checks if (ctx.instance) then you can remove this condition together with the branch that follows.

See related code change for more details.

DAO.create no longer returns the instance(s) created

While implementing support for promises in DAO.create, we found that this method returns the instance object synchronously. This is inconsistent with the usual convention of accessing the result via callback/promise and it may not work correctly in cases where some fields like the id property are generated by the database.

We have changed the API to be consistent with other DAO methods: when invoked with a callback argument, the method does not return anything. When invoked without any callback, a promise is returned.

See related code change for more details.

Applying an undefined mixin to a LoopBack model throws an error

When applying an undefined mixin to a LoopBack model, a warning message was logged regarding the invalid mixin, which needs to be addressed rather than silently ignored. This has been fixed in 3.0, therefore an undefined mixin applied to a LoopBack model will throw an error that needs to be handled.

See related code change for more details.

Remove deprecated model hooks and model events

The following deprecated model events are now removed. Please upgrade your code by using operation hooks in its place.

Model events

  • changed
  • deletedAll
  • deleted

See related code change for more details.

Model property names with dot(s) generates an error

Instead of showing a deprecation warning for model property names with dots, for example, customer.name: 'string', an error is thrown in 3.0 for enforcing use of valid model property names.

See related code change for more details.

Remove wrapper DataSource.registerType()

DataSource.registerType() method is removed as it was a wrapper for ModelBuilder.registerType()` and was deprecated.

See related code change for more details.

Disallow array input for updateOrCreate function

Allowing updateOrCreate to accept an array as input would only work when creating new model instances (not updating them), so this support has been removed. Please use create function instead (array inputs only worked to create new instances with this method before). If you would like to perform a bulk updateOrCreate, you could use async.each or Promise.all to repeatedly call updateOfCreate for each instance.

See related code change here.

Removing strict: validate and strict: throw

Given a user model definition as follow:

ds.define('User', {
  name: String, required: false,
  age: Number, required: false

var johndoe = new User({ name: 'John doe', age: 15, gender: 'm'});
  • strict: false

    behavior will remain the same and unknown properties will be saved along with other properties

    //johndoe would be created as
      id: 1,
      name: 'John doe',
      age: 15,
      geneder: 'm'
  • strict: 'validate' and strict: 'throw'

    are removed in favor of strict: true, and because non-empty string resolves as true, they will share the same behavior as strict: true

  • strict: true's behavior change:

    Previously: (2.x)

    strict:true would silently removing unknown properties, and User instance will be created with unknown properties discarded

    johndoe.isValid(); //true
    //johndoe would be created as
      id: 1,
      name: 'John doe',
      age: 15

    New Behavior: (3.x)

    johndoe.isValid(); //false
    //johndoe would NOT be created and will result in the following error
    //ValidationError: The User instance is not valid. Details: gender is not defined in the model (value: 'm').

See related code change here.