
988 B

Command Line

The StrongLoop Suite comes bundled with a command line tool called StrongLoop Command or slc. StrongLoop Command allows you to create boilerplate for LoopBack and other StrongNode applications.


slc lb provides the following commands.


Initialize a workspace as a new empty directory with an optional name. The default name is "loopback-workspace".

$ slc lb workspace my-loopback-workspace


Create a LoopBack application in a new directory within a workspace using the given name. The name arg is required.

$ cd my-loopback-workspace
$ slc lb api my-app
$ slc run app


Create a model in an existing LoopBack application. If you provide the -i or --interactive flags, you will be prompted through a model configuration. The --data-source flag allows you to specify the name of a custom data. Otheriwse it will use the data source named "db".

$ cd my-app
$ slc lb model product