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LoopBack automatically binds a model to a list of HTTP endpoints that provide REST APIs for CRUD and other remote operations.

##Sample Model

We use the following Location model as an example to illustrate generated REST APIs.

  "name": "Location",
  "options": {
    "idInjection": false
  "properties": {
    "id": {
      "type": "String",
      "length": 20,
      "id": 1
    "street": {
      "type": "String",
      "required": false,
      "length": 20
    "city": {
      "type": "String",
      "required": false,
      "length": 20
    "zipcode": {
      "type": "Number",
      "required": false,
      "length": 20
    "name": {
      "type": "String",
      "required": false,
      "length": 20
    "geo": {
      "type": "GeoPoint"

By default, the REST APIs are mounted to /pluralFormOfTheModelName, for example, /locations.

CRUD remote methods

  • Model.create: POST /locations
  • Model.upsert: PUT /locations
  • Model.exists: GET /locations/:id/exists
  • Model.findById: GET /locations/:id
  • Model.find: GET /locations
  • Model.findOne: GET /locations/findOne
  • Model.deleteById: DELETE /locations/:id
  • Model.count: GET /locations/count
  • Model.prototype.updateAttributes: PUT /locations/:id

Custom remote methods

To expose a JavaScript method as REST API, we can simply describe the method as follows:

    description: 'Find nearby locations around the given geo point',
    accepts: [
      {arg: 'here', type: 'GeoPoint', required: true},
      {arg: 'page', type: 'Number'},
      {arg: 'max', type: 'Number', description: 'max distance in miles'}
    returns: {arg: 'locations', root: true},
    http: {verb: 'POST', path: '/nearby'}

The remoting is defined using the following properties:

  • description: Description of the REST API
  • accepts: An array of parameter description
  • returns: Description of the return value
  • http: Binding to the HTTP endpoint

##Generated APIs


Create a new instance of the model and persist it into the data source


POST /locations


  • data The model instance data

####Example Request curl -X POST -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "L1", "street": "107 S B St", "city": "San Mateo", "zipcode": "94401"}' http://localhost:3000/locations

####Example Response

####Potential Errors

  • None


Update an existing model instance or insert a new one into the data source


PUT /locations


  • data The model instance data

####Example Request curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name": "L1", "street": "107 S B St", "city": "San Mateo", "zipcode": "94401"}' http://localhost:3000/locations

####Example Response

####Potential Errors

  • None


Check whether a model instance exists by id in the data source


GET /locations/exists


  • id The model id

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/exists/88

####Example Response

    "exists": true

####Potential Errors

  • None


Find a model instance by id from the data source


GET /locations/{id}


  • id The model id

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/88

####Example Response

    "id": "88",
    "street": "390 Lang Road",
    "city": "Burlingame",
    "zipcode": 94010,
    "name": "Bay Area Firearms",
    "geo": {
        "lat": 37.5874391,
        "lng": -122.3381437

####Potential Errors

  • None


Find all instances of the model matched by filter from the data source


GET /locations


  • filter The filter that defines where, order, fields, skip, and limit

Properties for the filter object:

where - Object { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}
include - String, Object or Array.
order - String "key1 ASC, key2 DESC"
limit - Number The max number of items
skip - Number The number of items to be skipped
fields - Object|Array|String A list of properties to be included or excluded
    ['foo'] or 'foo' - include only the foo property
    ['foo', 'bar'] - include the foo and bar properties
    {foo: true} - include only foo
    {bat: false} - include all properties, exclude bat

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations

####Example Response

    "id": "87",
    "street": "7153 East Thomas Road",
    "city": "Scottsdale",
    "zipcode": 85251,
    "name": "Phoenix Equipment Rentals",
    "geo": {
      "lat": 33.48034450000001,
      "lng": -111.9271738
    "id": "88",
    "street": "390 Lang Road",
    "city": "Burlingame",
    "zipcode": 94010,
    "name": "Bay Area Firearms",
    "geo": {
      "lat": 37.5874391,
      "lng": -122.3381437

####Potential Errors

  • None


Find first instance of the model matched by filter from the data source


GET /locations/findOne


  • filter The filter that defines where, order, fields, skip, and limit

Properties for the filter object:

where - Object { key: val, key2: {gt: 'val2'}}
include - String, Object or Array.
order - String "key1 ASC, key2 DESC"
limit - Number The max number of items
skip - Number The number of items to be skipped
fields - Object|Array|String A list of properties to be included or excluded
    ['foo'] or 'foo' - include only the foo property
    ['foo', 'bar'] - include the foo and bar properties
    {foo: true} - include only foo
    {bat: false} - include all properties, exclude bat

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/findOne

####Example Response

  "id": "87",
  "street": "7153 East Thomas Road",
  "city": "Scottsdale",
  "zipcode": 85251,
  "name": "Phoenix Equipment Rentals",
  "geo": {
    "lat": 33.48034450000001,
    "lng": -111.9271738

####Potential Errors

  • None


Delete a model instance by id from the data source


DELETE /locations/{id}


  • id The model id

####Example Request curl -X DELETE http://localhost:3000/locations/88

####Example Response

####Potential Errors

  • None


Count instances of the model matched by where from the data source


GET /locations/count


  • where The criteria to match model instances

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/count

####Example Response

    count: 6

####Potential Errors

  • None


Find nearby locations around the geo point


GET /locations/nearby


  • here geo location object with lat and lng properties
  • page number of pages (page size=10)
  • max max distance in miles

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/nearby?here[lat]=37.587409&here[lng]=-122.338225

####Example Response

    "id": "88",
    "street": "390 Lang Road",
    "city": "Burlingame",
    "zipcode": 94010,
    "name": "Bay Area Firearms",
    "geo": {
      "lat": 37.5874391,
      "lng": -122.3381437
    "id": "89",
    "street": "1850 El Camino Real",
    "city": "Menlo Park",
    "zipcode": 94027,
    "name": "Military Weaponry",
    "geo": {
      "lat": 37.459525,
      "lng": -122.194253

####Potential Errors

  • None


Update attributes for a model instance and persist it into the data source


PUT /locations/{id}


  • data An object containing property name/value pairs
  • id The model id

####Example Request curl -X PUT -H "Content-Type:application/json" -d '{"name': "L2"}' http://localhost:3000/locations/88

####Example Response

####Potential Errors

  • None


Follow the relations from location to inventory to get a list of items for a given location


GET /locations/{id}/inventory


  • where
  • id

####Example Request curl http://localhost:3000/locations/88/inventory

####Example Response

    "productId": "2",
    "locationId": "88",
    "available": 10,
    "total": 10
    "productId": "3",
    "locationId": "88",
    "available": 1,
    "total": 1

####Potential Errors

  • None