8.3 KiB
2023-05-15, Version 4.0.4
chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.40.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.6.3 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.39.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.6.1 (renovate[bot])
2023-04-13, Version 4.0.3
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.6.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.38.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.37.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency ejs to ^3.1.9 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.36.0 (renovate[bot])
2023-03-09, Version 4.0.2
chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.35.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency http-status to ^1.6.2 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.34.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.4.4 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @types/express to ^4.17.17 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.31.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.30.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @types/express to ^4.17.15 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency mocha to ^10.2.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.3.3 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.29.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.3.2 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.3.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.28.0 (renovate[bot])
2022-11-07, Version 4.0.1
chore: update dependency mocha to v10 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency chai to ^4.3.7 (renovate[bot])
chore: lock file maintenance (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to ^8.27.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency eslint to v8 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^17.2.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.3.1 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency express to ^4.18.2 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.3.0 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @types/express to ^4.17.14 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v17 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency http-status to ^1.5.3 (renovate[bot])
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.2.4 (renovate[bot])
chore: lock file maintenance (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency ejs to ^3.1.8 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency http-status to ^1.5.2 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.2.3 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to ^16.2.4 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update github/codeql-action action to v2 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency express to ^4.18.1 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency ejs to ^3.1.7 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency http-status to ^1.5.1 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency @commitlint/config-conventional to v16 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update actions/setup-node action to v3 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update actions/checkout action to v3 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency supertest to ^6.2.2 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency mocha to ^9.2.2 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency fast-safe-stringify to ^2.1.1 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency eslint to ^7.32.0 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency js2xmlparser to ^4.0.2 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency ejs to ^3.1.6 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency strong-globalize to ^6.0.5 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency http-status to ^1.5.0 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency express to ^4.17.3 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency debug to ^4.3.4 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency accepts to ^1.3.8 (Renovate Bot)
chore: update dependency chai to ^4.3.6 (Renovate Bot)
ci: add renovate config (Rifa Achrinza)
docs: add SECURITY.md (Diana Lau)
docs: update coc (Diana Lau)
docs: add code of conduct (Diana Lau)
feat: update CI pipeline (Rifa Achrinza)
chore: move repo to loopbackio org (Diana Lau)
2020-10-13, Version 4.0.0
docs: update LTS versions in README (Miroslav Bajtoš)
[SEMVER-MAJOR] Reword log messages for clarity (Miroslav Bajtoš)
2020-06-23, Version 3.5.0
feat: add options.rootProperty for json/xml (Raymond Feng)
chore: update deps and drop Node 8.x support (Raymond Feng)
2019-10-12, Version 3.4.0
chore: js2xmlparser to ^4.0.0 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
chore: update dev-dependencies (mocha, supertest) (Miroslav Bajtoš)
chore: update eslint & config to latest (Miroslav Bajtoš)
chore: update strong-globalize to ^5.0.2 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
chore: update debug to ^4.1.1 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
feat: drop support for Node.js 6.x (Miroslav Bajtoš)
2019-09-30, Version 3.3.0
fix: handle Error objects with circular properties (dkrantsberg)
chore: update copyrights years (Agnes Lin)
2018-08-30, Version 3.2.0
- Add type definition and writeErrorToResponse (shimks)
2018-07-16, Version 3.1.0
- [WebFM] cs/pl/ru translation (candytangnb)
2018-06-11, Version 3.0.0
Allow safeFields to work with arrays (shimks)
run lint (shimks)
drop node 4 from travis and update dependencies (shimks)
2018-03-05, Version 2.3.2
- Undefined safeFields revert to data #71 (Zak Barbuto)
2018-01-25, Version 2.3.1
Escape strings in HTML output (XSS fix) (Zachery Metcalf)
Update LICENSE.md (Diana Lau)
2017-10-13, Version 2.3.0
update strong-globalize to 3.1.0 (shimks)
CODEOWNERS: add zbarbuto (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Update Issue and PR Templates (#59) (Sakib Hasan)
fixed json typo of server/middleware.json (karanssj4)
Add CODEOWNER file (Diana Lau)
2017-07-20, Version 2.2.0
- Add new option: negotiateContentType (Raj)
2017-04-18, Version 2.1.0
- Bump js2xmlparser dependency to version 3.0.0 (Matthew O'Donoghue)
2017-03-22, Version 2.0.0
Fix markdown formatting in README (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Fix the order of arguments in the jsdoc comment. (Charlie Schliesser)
Update readme with added XML support (David Cheung)
Add a machine-readable "code" property (Zak Barbuto)
Upgrade dependencies to their latest versions (Miroslav Bajtoš)
Describe "safeFields" option in README (Zak Barbuto)
Drop support for Node v0.10/v0.12 (Miroslav Bajtoš)
2017-01-30, Version 1.2.1
- Stop adding safeFields to original options arg (Miroslav Bajtoš)
2017-01-30, Version 1.2.0
Support options.safeFields (Zak Barbuto)
Readme cleanup (#36) (Rand McKinney)
xml support added (Ahmet Ozisik)
Update paid support URL (Siddhi Pai)
Downstream ignore dashboard-controller (Simon Ho)
Update pt translation file (Candy)
Make the examples more clear (Amir Jafarian)
Fix readme (Amir Jafarian)
2016-10-07, Version 1.1.1
Update pt translation file (Candy)
Update translation files - round#2 (Candy)
globalization: add translated strings (gunjpan)
2016-09-05, Version 1.1.0
Fix minor Syntax error (Loay)
Globalize strong-error-handler (David Cheung)
Update eslint infrastructure (Loay)
Add documentation (Loay)
Improve grammar in readme. (Richard Pringle)
Test with express instead of http server (David Cheung)
HTML response for accepted headers (David Cheung)
2016-05-26, Version 1.0.1
- Remove statusCode from details in Array errors (David Cheung)
2016-05-20, Version 1.0.0
- First release!