#8409: Added VnSelectSupplier #1274
@ -1,3 +1,157 @@
# Version 25.04 - 2025-01-28
### Added 🆕
- chore: add task comment by:jorgep
- chore: refs #8198 rollback by:jorgep
- chore: refs #8322 unnecessary prop by:alexm
- feat: refs #7055 added new test case by:provira
- feat: refs #7055 created FilterItemForm test by:provira
- feat: refs #7077 created test for VnInputTime by:provira
- feat: refs #7078 created test for VnJsonValue by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 added more test cases by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 added new test by:provira
- feat: refs #7087 created CardSummary test by:provira
- feat: refs #7088 created test for FetchedTags by:provira
- feat: refs #7202 added new field by:Jon
- feat: refs #7882 Added coords to create a address by:guillermo
- feat: refs #7957 add tooltip and i18n support for search link in VnSearchbar component by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 enhance search functionality and improve data filtering logic by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 open in new tab by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 simplify fn to by:jorgep
- feat: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar component with improved search URL handling and styling enhancements by:jorgep
- feat: refs #8117 filters and values added as needed by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8197 useHasContent and use in VnSection and RightMenu by:alexm
- feat: refs #8219 added invoice out e2e tests by:Jon
- feat: refs #8219 global invoicing e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 added barcodes e2e test by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 created items e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8220 modified create item form and added respective e2e by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added account and invoiceOut modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added invoiceIn and travel module by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added moreOptions and use it in customer and ticket summary by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added route and shelving module by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 added worker and zone modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8225 use it in claim, item and order modules by:Jon
- feat: refs #8258 added button to pass to uppercase by:provira
- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase option to VnInput by:provira
- feat: refs #8258 added uppercase validation on supplier create by:provira
- feat: refs #8298 add price optimum input and update translations for bonus and price optimum by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8316 add entryFilter prop to VnTable component in EntryList by:jtubau
- feat: refs #8322 added department changes by:provira
- feat: refs #8372 workerPBX by:robert
- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature fields to entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8381 add initial and final temperature labels in English and Spanish locales by:jgallego
- feat: refs #8381 add toCelsius filter and update temperature fields in entry forms and summaries by:jgallego
- feat: skip tests by:jorgep
- style: refs #7957 update VnSearchbar padding for improved layout by:jorgep
### Changed 📦
- perf: refs #8219 #8219 minor change by:Javier Segarra
- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch and added missing translations by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 on-fetch by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 translations by:Jon
- perf: refs #8220 use searchbar selector in e2e tests by:Jon
- perf: remove warning default value by:Javier Segarra
- refactor: redirect using params by:Jon
- refactor: refs #7077 removed some comments by:provira
- refactor: refs #7087 removed unused imports by:provira
- refactor: refs #7100 added const mockData by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7100 delete unnecesary set prop by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7100 refactorized with methods by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #7957 remove blank by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8198 simplify data fetching and filtering logic by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8198 simplify state management and data fetching in ItemDiary component by:jorgep
- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 modified list test, created cypress download folder and added to gitignore by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8219 use checkNotification command by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 added data-cy for e2e tests by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8220 skip failling test and modifed tag test by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8225 requested changes by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8247 use new acl for sysadmin by:Jon
- refactor: refs #8316 added claimFilter by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 added entryFilter by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 add new localization keys and update existing ones for entry components by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 moved localizations to local locale by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 move order localization by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 remove unused OrderSearchbar component by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 update EntryCard to use user-filter prop and remove exprBuilder from EntryList by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8316 used VnSection and VnCardBeta by:jtubau
- refactor: refs #8322 changed translations by:provira
- refactor: refs #8322 changed Worker component to use VnSection/VnCardBeta by:provira
- refactor: refs #8322 set department inside worker by:alexm
- refactor: skip intermitent failing test by:Jon
### Fixed 🛠️
- feat: refs #8225 added entry module and fixed translations by:Jon
- fix: added missing translations in InvoiceIn by:provira
- fix: changed invoiceIn for InvoiceIn by:provira
- fix: changed translations to only use "invoicein" by:provira
- fix: department descriptor link by:Jon
- fix: e2e tests by:Jon
- fix: entry summary view and build warnings by:Jon
- fix: fixed InvoiceIn filter translations by:provira
- fix: modified setData in customerDescriptor to show the icons by:Jon
- fix: redirect to TicketSale from OrderLines (origin/Fix-RedirectToTicketSale) by:Jon
- fix: redirect when confirming lines by:Jon
- fix: refs #7055 #7055 #7055 fixed some tests by:provira
- fix: refs #7077 removed unused imports by:provira
- fix: refs #7078 added missing case with array by:provira
- fix: refs #7087 fixed some tests by:provira
- fix: refs #7088 changed "vm.vm" to "vm" by:provira
- fix: refs #7088 changed wrapper to vm by:provira
- fix: refs #7699 add icons and hint by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 add pwd vnInput by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix component by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix password visibility by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix tfront clean code by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix vnChangePassword, clean VnInput by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7699 fix vnInputPassword by:carlossa
- fix: refs #7957 add missing closing brace by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 css by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 rollback by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 update data-cy by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 update visibility handling for clear icon in VnInput component by:jorgep
- fix: refs #7957 vn-searchbar test by:jorgep
- fix: refs #8117 update salesPersonFk filter options and URL for improved data retrieval by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8197 not use yet by:alexm
- fix: refs #8198 update query param by:jorgep
- fix: refs #8219 fixed e2e tests by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 fixed summary and global tests by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 forgotten dataCy by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 global e2e by:Jon
- fix: refs #8219 requested changes by:Jon
- fix: refs #8220 itemTag test by:Javier Segarra
- fix: refs #8225 invoice in translations by:Jon
- fix: refs #8243 fixed SkeletonSummary by:provira
- fix: refs #8247 conflicts by:Jon
- fix: refs #8247 fixed acls and added lost options by:Jon
- fix: refs #8316 ref="claimFilterRef" by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 userFilter by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 use rightMenu by:alexm
- fix: refs #8316 use section-searchbar by:alexm
- fix: refs #8317 disable action buttons when no rows are selected in ItemFixedPrice by:jtubau
- fix: refs #8322 unnecessary section by:alexm
- fix: refs #8338 fixed VnTable translations by:provira
- fix: refs #8338 removed chipLocale property/added more translations by:provira
- fix: refs #8448 e2e by:Jon
- fix: refs #8448 not use croppie by:alexm
- fix: remove departmentCode by:Javier Segarra
- fix: removed unused searchbar by:PAU ROVIRA ROSALENY
- fix: skip failling e2e by:Jon
- fix: sort by name in description by:Jon
- fix: translations by:Jon
- fix: use entryFilter by:alexm
- fix(VnCardBeta): add userFilter by:alexm
- refactor: refs #8219 modified e2e tests and fixed some translations by:Jon
- revert: revert header by:alexm
- test: fix expedition e2e by:alexm
# Version 25.00 - 2025-01-14
### Added 🆕
@ -30,9 +30,11 @@ export default defineConfig({
testFiles: '**/*.spec.js',
supportFile: 'test/cypress/support/unit.js',
setupNodeEvents(on, config) {
import('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin').then((plugin) => plugin.default(on));
// implement node event listeners here
setupNodeEvents: async (on, config) => {
const plugin = await import('cypress-mochawesome-reporter/plugin');
return config;
viewportWidth: 1280,
viewportHeight: 720,
@ -341,4 +341,11 @@ es:
floramondo: Floramondo
salesPersonFk: Comprador
categoryFk: Categoría
Plant: Planta natural
Flower: Flor fresca
Handmade: Hecho a mano
Artificial: Artificial
Green: Verdes frescos
Accessories: Complementos florales
Fruit: Fruta
@ -26,6 +26,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
<QTooltip bottom anchor="bottom right">
{{ t('globals.collapseMenu') }}
@ -175,7 +175,11 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
v-if="!$attrs.disabled && !($attrs.readonly) && $props.uppercase"
{{ t('Convert to uppercase') }}
<slot name="append" v-if="$slots.append && !$attrs.disabled" />
<QIcon v-if="info" name="info">
@ -188,13 +192,26 @@ const handleUppercase = () => {
.uppercase-icon {
transition: color 0.3s, transform 0.2s;
cursor: pointer;
.uppercase-icon:hover {
color: #ed9937;
transform: scale(1.2);
inputMin: Must be more than {value}
maxLength: The value exceeds {value} characters
inputMax: Must be less than {value}
inputMin: Debe ser mayor a {value}
maxLength: El valor excede los {value} carácteres
inputMax: Debe ser menor a {value}
Convert to uppercase: Convertir a mayúsculas
@ -170,7 +170,7 @@ function emitStoreData() {
async function paginate() {
const { page, rowsPerPage, sortBy, descending } = pagination.value;
if (!props.url) return;
if (!arrayData.store.url) return;
isLoading.value = true;
await arrayData.loadMore();
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
es: Spanish
en: English
en: English
language: Language
quantity: Quantity
entity: Entity
@ -453,6 +453,7 @@ ticket:
service: Service
attender: Attender
ok: Ok
consigneeStreet: Street
address: Address
@ -721,6 +722,7 @@ travel:
destination: Destination
thermograph: Thermograph
travelFileDescription: 'Travel id { travelId }'
carrier: Carrier
topbar: {}
@ -448,6 +448,7 @@ ticket:
purchaseRequest: Petición de compra
service: Servicio
attender: Consignatario
consigneeStreet: Dirección
address: Dirección
@ -691,6 +692,7 @@ travel:
destination: Destino
thermograph: Termógrafo
travelFileDescription: 'Id envío { travelId }'
carrier: Transportista
topbar: {}
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
<script setup>
import { useI18n } from 'vue-i18n';
import VnFilterPanel from 'src/components/ui/VnFilterPanel.vue';
@ -169,9 +170,16 @@ en:
fi: FI
salesPersonFk: Salesperson
provinceFk: Province
isActive: Is active
city: City
phone: Phone
email: Email
isToBeMailed: Mailed
isEqualizated: Equailized
businessTypeFk: Business type
sageTaxTypeFk: Sage Tax Type
sageTransactionTypeFk: Sage Tax Type
payMethodFk: Billing data
zoneFk: Zone
socialName : Social name
name: Name
@ -180,6 +188,13 @@ es:
search: Contiene
fi: NIF
isActive: Activo
isToBeMailed: A enviar
isEqualizated: Recargo de equivalencia
businessTypeFk: Tipo de negocio
sageTaxTypeFk: Tipo de impuesto Sage
sageTransactionTypeFk: Tipo de impuesto Sage
payMethodFk: Forma de pago
salesPersonFk: Comercial
provinceFk: Provincia
city: Ciudad
@ -38,8 +38,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.name'),
name: 'name',
label: t('globals.name'),
isTitle: true,
create: true,
columnClass: 'expand',
@ -51,25 +51,30 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
isTitle: true,
create: true,
columnClass: 'expand',
attrs: {
uppercase: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Clients',
fields: ['socialName'],
optionLabel: 'socialName',
optionValue: 'socialName',
uppercase: false,
attrs: {
uppercase: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.fi'),
name: 'fi',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.fi'),
create: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.salesPersonFk'),
name: 'salesPersonFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.salesPersonFk'),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Workers/activeWithInheritedRole',
@ -85,8 +90,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.credit'),
name: 'credit',
label: t('customer.summary.credit'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
inWhere: true,
@ -94,8 +99,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.creditInsurance'),
name: 'creditInsurance',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.creditInsurance'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
inWhere: true,
@ -103,8 +108,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.phone'),
name: 'phone',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.phone'),
cardVisible: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
@ -123,8 +128,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.mobile'),
name: 'mobile',
label: t('customer.summary.mobile'),
cardVisible: true,
columnFilter: {
component: 'number',
@ -133,8 +138,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.street'),
name: 'street',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.street'),
create: true,
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -143,8 +148,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.countryFk'),
name: 'countryFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.countryFk'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
inWhere: true,
@ -157,8 +162,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.provinceFk'),
name: 'provinceFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.provinceFk'),
component: 'select',
attrs: {
url: 'Provinces',
@ -170,24 +175,24 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.city'),
name: 'city',
label: t('customer.summary.city'),
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.postcode'),
name: 'postcode',
label: t('customer.summary.postcode'),
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.params.email'),
name: 'email',
label: t('globals.params.email'),
cardVisible: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.created'),
name: 'created',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.created'),
format: ({ created }) => toDate(created),
columnFilter: {
component: 'date',
@ -197,10 +202,13 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.businessTypeFk'),
name: 'businessTypeFk',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.businessTypeFk'),
create: true,
component: 'select',
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
attrs: {
url: 'BusinessTypes',
fields: ['code', 'description'],
@ -215,8 +223,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.payMethodFk'),
name: 'payMethodFk',
label: t('customer.summary.payMethodFk'),
columnFilter: {
component: 'select',
attrs: {
@ -236,8 +244,6 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
optionLabel: 'vat',
url: 'SageTaxTypes',
alias: 'sti',
inWhere: true,
format: (row, dashIfEmpty) => dashIfEmpty(row.sageTaxType),
@ -251,15 +257,13 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
optionLabel: 'transaction',
url: 'SageTransactionTypes',
alias: 'stt',
inWhere: true,
format: (row, dashIfEmpty) => dashIfEmpty(row.sageTransactionType),
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.isActive'),
name: 'isActive',
label: t('customer.summary.isActive'),
chip: {
color: null,
condition: (value) => !value,
@ -271,24 +275,24 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.isVies'),
name: 'isVies',
label: t('globals.isVies'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isTaxDataChecked'),
name: 'isTaxDataChecked',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isTaxDataChecked'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.isEqualizated'),
name: 'isEqualizated',
label: t('customer.summary.isEqualizated'),
create: true,
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -296,8 +300,8 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isFreezed'),
name: 'isFreezed',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isFreezed'),
chip: {
color: null,
condition: (value) => value,
@ -309,48 +313,48 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoice'),
name: 'hasToInvoice',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoice'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoiceByAddress'),
name: 'hasToInvoiceByAddress',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasToInvoiceByAddress'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isToBeMailed'),
name: 'isToBeMailed',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.isToBeMailed'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.hasLcr'),
name: 'hasLcr',
label: t('customer.summary.hasLcr'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.summary.hasCoreVnl'),
name: 'hasCoreVnl',
label: t('customer.summary.hasCoreVnl'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
align: 'left',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasSepaVnl'),
name: 'hasSepaVnl',
label: t('customer.extendedList.tableVisibleColumns.hasSepaVnl'),
columnFilter: {
inWhere: true,
@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
action: ({ id }) =>
router.resolve({ params: { id }, name: 'TicketSale' }).href,
isPrimary: true,
@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ const columns = computed(() => [
title: t('components.smartCard.viewSummary'),
icon: 'preview',
isPrimary: true,
action: (row) => viewSummary(row.id, TicketSummary),
action: (row) => viewSummary(row.id, TicketSummary, 'lg-width'),
@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ const transferEntry = async () => {
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="showEntryReport">
<QItemSection>{{ $t('entryList.list.showEntryReport') }}</QItemSection>
<QItemSection>{{ $t('entry.descriptorMenu.showEntryReport') }}</QItemSection>
<QItem v-ripple clickable @click="openDialog">
<QItemSection>{{ t('transferEntry') }}</QItemSection>
@ -76,6 +76,8 @@ entry:
warehouseInFk: Warehouse in
search: Search entries
searchInfo: You can search by entry reference
showEntryReport: Show entry report
invoiceNumber: Invoice number
@ -75,6 +75,8 @@ entry:
warehouseInFk: Alm. entrada
daysOnward: Días adelante
daysAgo: Días atras
showEntryReport: Ver informe del pedido
search: Buscar entradas
searchInfo: Puedes buscar por referencia de entrada
@ -422,6 +422,7 @@ function handleOnDataSave({ CrudModelRef }) {
onDataSaved: handleOnDataSave,
:disable-option="{ card: true }"
<template #header-selection="scope">
<QCheckbox v-model="scope.selected" />
@ -48,14 +48,14 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
<template #form="{ data }">
<VnInput v-model="data.code" :label="t('shared.code')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.name" :label="t('shared.name')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.code" :label="t('itemType.shared.code')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.name" :label="t('itemType.shared.name')" />
sort-by="nickname ASC"
:fields="['id', 'nickname']"
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
@ -93,27 +93,30 @@ const itemPackingTypesOptions = ref([]);
<VnInput v-model="data.life" :label="t('shared.life')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.life" :label="t('itemType.summary.life')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.maxRefs" :label="t('shared.maxRefs')" />
<VnInput v-model="data.maxRefs" :label="t('itemType.shared.maxRefs')" />
<QCheckbox v-model="data.isFragile" :label="t('shared.fragile')" />
@ -50,15 +50,15 @@ const setData = (entity) => (data.value = useCardDescription(entity.code, entity
<template #body="{ entity }">
<VnLv :label="t('shared.code')" :value="entity.code" />
<VnLv :label="t('shared.name')" :value="entity.name" />
<VnLv :label="t('shared.worker')">
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.code')" :value="entity.code" />
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.name')" :value="entity.name" />
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.worker')">
<template #value>
<span class="link">{{ entity.worker?.firstName }}</span>
<WorkerDescriptorProxy :id="entity.worker?.id" />
<VnLv :label="t('shared.category')" :value="entity.category?.name" />
<VnLv :label="t('itemType.shared.category')" :value="entity.category?.name" />
@ -76,13 +76,6 @@ itemTags:
label: Search item
info: Search by item id
code: Code
name: Name
worker: Worker
category: Category
temperature: Temperature
daysOnward: Days onward
@ -80,6 +80,9 @@ itemType:
worker: Trabajador
category: Reino
temperature: Temperatura
label: Buscar artículo
info: Buscar por id de artículo
state: asfsdf
@ -216,6 +219,6 @@ item:
item: 'Artículo'
achieved: 'Conseguido'
concept: 'Concepto'
state: 'Estado'
state: 'Estado'
search: 'Buscar artículo'
searchInfo: 'Puedes buscar por id'
searchInfo: 'Puedes buscar por id'
@ -1,8 +1,7 @@
<script setup>
import RouteDescriptor from 'pages/Route/Card/RouteDescriptor.vue';
import VnCardBeta from 'src/components/common/VnCardBeta.vue';
<VnCardBeta data-key="Route" base-url="Routes" :descriptor="RouteDescriptor" />
<VnCardBeta data-key="Route" base-url="Routes/filter" :descriptor="RouteDescriptor" />
@ -46,16 +46,6 @@ onMounted(async () => {
ticketUrl.value = (await getUrl('ticket/')) + entityId.value + '/';
function formattedAddress() {
if (!ticket.value) return '';
const address = ticket.value.address;
const postcode = address.postalCode;
const province = address.province ? `(${address.province.name})` : '';
return `${address.street} - ${postcode} - ${address.city} ${province}`;
function isEditable() {
try {
return !ticket.value.ticketState?.state?.alertLevel;
@ -243,7 +233,11 @@ onMounted(async () => {
:value="`${entity.address?.nickname} #${entity.address?.id}`"
<QCard class="vn-one" v-if="entity.notes.length">
@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ import { useStateStore } from 'stores/useStateStore';
import { dashIfEmpty } from 'src/filters';
import axios from 'axios';
import VnTable from 'src/components/VnTable/VnTable.vue';
import RightMenu from 'src/components/common/RightMenu.vue';
const route = useRoute();
const stateStore = useStateStore();
@ -23,7 +24,7 @@ watch(
async () => {
await nextTick();
const salesFilter = computed(() => ({
@ -100,29 +101,28 @@ onMounted(() => (stateStore.rightDrawer = true));
@on-fetch="(data) => applyVolumes(data)"
v-if="stateStore.isHeaderMounted() && packingTypeVolume.length"
v-for="(packingType, index) in packingTypeVolume"
class="q-pa-md q-mb-md q-ma-md color-vn-text"
style="border-color: black"
<QCardSection class="column items-center" horizontal>
{{ t('volume.type') }}:
{{ dashIfEmpty(packingType.description) }}
<QCardSection class="column items-center" horizontal>
<span> {{ t('volume.volume') }}: {{ packingType.volume }} </span>
<template #right-panel>
v-for="(packingType, index) in packingTypeVolume"
class="q-pa-md q-mb-md q-ma-md color-vn-text"
style="border-color: black"
<QCardSection class="column items-center" horizontal>
{{ t('volume.type') }}:
{{ dashIfEmpty(packingType.description) }}
<QCardSection class="column items-center" horizontal>
<span> {{ t('volume.volume') }}: {{ packingType.volume }} </span>
@ -136,6 +136,12 @@ const thermographsTableColumns = computed(() => {
name: 'temperatureFk',
align: 'left',
label: t('travel.thermographs.carrier'),
field: (row) => row.agencyMode?.name,
name: 'agencyModeFk',
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.maxTemperature'),
field: 'maxTemperature',
@ -179,33 +185,31 @@ const entriesTableRows = computed(() => {
return entries.value;
const entriesTotalHb = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { hb }) => acc + hb, 0)
const entriesTotals = computed(() => {
const totals = {
hb: 0,
freightValue: 0,
packageValue: 0,
cc: 0,
pallet: 0,
m3: 0,
const entriesTotalFreight = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { freightValue }) => acc + freightValue, 0)
entriesTableRows.value.forEach((row) => {
for (const key in totals) {
totals[key] += row[key] || 0;
const entriesTotalPackageValue = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { packageValue }) => acc + packageValue, 0)
const entriesTotalCc = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { cc }) => acc + cc, 0)
const entriesTotalPallet = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { pallet }) => acc + pallet, 0)
const entriesTotalM3 = computed(() =>
entriesTableRows.value.reduce((acc, { m3 }) => acc + m3, 0)
return {
hb: totals.hb.toFixed(2),
freight: toCurrency(totals.freightValue),
packageValue: toCurrency(totals.packageValue),
cc: totals.cc.toFixed(2),
pallet: totals.pallet.toFixed(2),
m3: totals.m3.toFixed(2),
const getTravelEntries = async (id) => {
const { data } = await axios.get(`Travels/${id}/getEntries`);
@ -214,17 +218,25 @@ const getTravelEntries = async (id) => {
const getTravelThermographs = async (id) => {
const filter = {
include: {
relation: 'warehouse',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
include: [
relation: 'agencyMode',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
relation: 'warehouse',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
where: { travelFk: id },
const { data } = await axios.get('TravelThermographs', {
params: { filter: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(filter)) },
params: { filter },
thermographs.value = data;
@ -368,12 +380,12 @@ const getLink = (param) => `#/travel/${entityId.value}/${param}`;
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalHb }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalFreight }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalPackageValue }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalCc }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalPallet }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotalM3 }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.hb }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.freight }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.packageValue }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.cc }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.pallet }}</QTd>
<QTd class="text-bold">{{ entriesTotals.m3 }}</QTd>
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import axios from 'axios';
import useNotify from 'src/composables/useNotify.js';
import { toDate, toCelsius } from 'src/filters';
import { downloadFile } from 'src/composables/downloadFile';
import { useArrayData } from 'src/composables/useArrayData';
const route = useRoute();
const quasar = useQuasar();
@ -19,16 +20,25 @@ const router = useRouter();
const { t } = useI18n();
const { notify } = useNotify();
const travel = computed(() => useArrayData('Travel').store.data);
const thermographPaginateRef = ref();
const warehouses = ref([]);
const thermographFilter = {
include: {
relation: 'warehouse',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
include: [
relation: 'agencyMode',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
relation: 'warehouse',
scope: {
fields: ['id', 'name'],
where: { travelFk: route.params.id },
order: ['created'],
@ -47,6 +57,12 @@ const TableColumns = computed(() => {
name: 'temperatureFk',
align: 'left',
label: t('travel.thermographs.carrier'),
field: (row) => row.agencyMode?.name,
name: 'agencyModeFk',
align: 'left',
label: t('globals.maxTemperature'),
field: 'maxTemperature',
@ -116,7 +132,9 @@ const redirectToThermographForm = (action, id) => {
if (action === 'edit' && id) {
routeDetails.query = { travelThermographFk: id };
routeDetails.query = { id };
} else if (action === 'create') {
routeDetails.query = { agencyModeFk: travel.value?.agencyModeFk };
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ const warehousesOptions = ref([]);
const temperaturesOptions = ref([]);
const thermographForm = ref({});
const inputFileRef = ref(null);
const agencyModeOptions = ref([]);
onBeforeMount(async () => {
if (props.viewAction === 'create') {
@ -49,8 +50,8 @@ onBeforeMount(async () => {
if (route.query.thermographData) {
const thermographData = JSON.parse(route.query.thermographData);
for (let key in thermographForm) {
thermographForm[key] = thermographData[key];
for (let key in thermographForm.value) {
thermographForm.value[key] = thermographData[key];
@ -72,6 +73,7 @@ const setCreateDefaultParams = async () => {
thermographForm.value.reference = route.params.id;
thermographForm.value.dmsTypeId = dataResponse.id;
thermographForm.value.state = 'Ok';
thermographForm.value.agencyModeFk = +route.query.agencyModeFk;
thermographForm.value.description = t('travel.thermographs.travelFileDescription', {
travelId: route.params.id,
@ -81,7 +83,7 @@ const setEditDefaultParams = async () => {
const filterObj = { include: { relation: 'dms' } };
const filter = encodeURIComponent(JSON.stringify(filterObj));
const { data } = await axios.get(
if (data) {
@ -98,6 +100,7 @@ const setEditDefaultParams = async () => {
thermographForm.value.minTemperature = data.minTemperature;
thermographForm.value.temperatureFk = data.temperatureFk;
thermographForm.value.travelThermographFk = data.id;
thermographForm.value.agencyModeFk = data.agencyModeFk;
@ -159,9 +162,14 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@on-fetch="(data) => (agencyModeOptions = data)"
<QPage class="column items-center full-width">
:observe-form-changes="viewAction === 'create'"
@ -201,10 +209,11 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
sort-by="thermographFk ASC"
:disable="viewAction === 'edit'"
:tooltip="t('New thermograph')"
<template #form>
@ -218,10 +227,20 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@ -229,8 +248,6 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@ -238,6 +255,8 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@ -245,8 +264,6 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@ -256,6 +273,8 @@ const onThermographCreated = async (data) => {
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ describe('InvoiceInList', () => {
cy.viewport(1920, 1080);
cy.get('#searchbar input').type('{enter}');
cy.get('#searchbar input').should('be.visible').type('{enter}');
it('should redirect on clicking a invoice', () => {
@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ describe('InvoiceInList', () => {
// https://redmine.verdnatura.es/issues/8420
it.skip('should open the details', () => {
it('should open the details', () => {
cy.get(summaryHeaders).eq(1).contains('Basic data');
@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ describe('VnLog', () => {
it.skip('should filter by insert actions', () => {
it('should filter by insert actions', () => {
cy.checkOption(':nth-child(7) > .q-checkbox');
cy.validateContent(chips[0], 'Document');
cy.validateContent(chips[1], 'Beginning');
it.skip('should filter by entity', () => {
it('should filter by entity', () => {
cy.selectOption('.q-drawer--right .q-item > .q-select', 'Claim');
cy.validateContent(chips[0], 'Claim');
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('getValue', (selector) => {
return cy
selector +
'> .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > input'
'> .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > input',
@ -264,7 +264,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('openListSummary', (row) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('openRightMenu', (element) => {
if (element) cy.waitForElement(element);
Cypress.Commands.add('openLeftMenu', (element) => {
@ -330,7 +330,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('clickButtonsDescriptor', (id) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('openUserPanel', () => {
'.column > .q-avatar > .q-avatar__content > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image'
'.column > .q-avatar > .q-avatar__content > .q-img > .q-img__container > .q-img__image',
@ -356,7 +356,7 @@ Cypress.Commands.add('checkValueForm', (id, search) => {
Cypress.Commands.add('checkValueSelectForm', (id, search) => {
`.grid-create > :nth-child(${id}) > .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > .q-field__input`
`.grid-create > :nth-child(${id}) > .q-field > .q-field__inner > .q-field__control > .q-field__control-container > .q-field__native > .q-field__input`,
).should('have.value', search);
Reference in New Issue