5013-observaciones_facturas #1401
@ -501,7 +501,8 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`observationType`(`id`,`description`, `code`)
(3, 'Delivery', 'delivery'),
(4, 'SalesPerson', 'salesPerson'),
(5, 'Administrative', 'administrative'),
(6, 'Weight', 'weight');
(6, 'Weight', 'weight'),
(7, 'InvoiceOut', 'invoiceOut');
INSERT INTO `vn`.`addressObservation`(`id`,`addressFk`,`observationTypeFk`,`description`)
@ -738,7 +739,9 @@ INSERT INTO `vn`.`ticketObservation`(`id`, `ticketFk`, `observationTypeFk`, `des
(9, 23, 5, 'care with the dog'),
(10, 23, 4, 'Reclama ticket: 8'),
(11, 24, 4, 'Reclama ticket: 7'),
(12, 11, 3, 'Delivery after 10am');
(12, 11, 3, 'Delivery after 10am'),
(13, 1, 7, 'observation of ticket one'),
(14, 2, 7, 'observation of ticket two');
-- FIX for state hours on local, inter_afterInsert
-- UPDATE vncontrol.inter SET odbc_date = DATE_ADD(util.VN_CURDATE(), INTERVAL -10 SECOND);
@ -29,6 +29,7 @@ module.exports = {
if (ticket.description) this.ticketObservations += ticket.description + ' ';
vicent marked this conversation as resolved
this.ticketObservations = this.ticketObservations.trim();
for (let sale of sales) {
const ticket = map.get(sale.ticketFk);
Reference in New Issue
pots llevar el espai que es queda en blanc al final?
fent slice(0,-1)
el slice no fa lo que toca, he fet this.ticketObservations.trim(); que lo que fa es eliminar els espaic en blanc al final