#6871 create mailAlias back & mailRedirection #2085
@ -1,56 +1,108 @@
const models = require('vn-loopback/server/server').models;
const {models} = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
describe('loopback model MailAliasAccount', () => {
it('should add a mail Alias', async() => {
const tx = await models.MailAliasAccount.beginTransaction({});
let error;
const employee = 1;
const administrative = 5;
const developer = 9;
const salesBoss = 19;
const developerBoss = 120;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx, accessToken: {userId: 9}};
await models.MailAliasAccount.create({mailAlias: 2, account: 5}, options);
const salesAlias = 3;
const itAlias = 2;
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
error = e;
let ctx;
let options;
let tx;
beforeEach(async() => {
ctx = {
req: {
accessToken: {},
headers: {origin: 'http://localhost'}
args: {}
spyOn(LoopBackContext, 'getCurrentContext').and.returnValue({
active: ctx.req
options = {transaction: tx};
tx = await models.MailAliasAccount.beginTransaction({});
options.transaction = tx;
afterEach(async() => {
await tx.rollback();
it('should add a mail alias if they are developerBoss', async() => {
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = developerBoss;
const {mailAlias, account} = await models.MailAliasAccount.create({
account: employee,
mailAlias: salesAlias
}, options);
it('should add a mail Alias of an inherit role', async() => {
const tx = await models.MailAliasAccount.beginTransaction({});
let error;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx, accessToken: {userId: 9}};
await models.MailAliasAccount.create({mailAlias: 3, account: 5}, options);
await tx.rollback();
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = developer;
await models.MailAliasAccount.create({mailAlias: salesAlias, account: administrative}, options);
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
error = e;
it('should add the sales alias if they are teamBoss and have it', async() => {
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = salesBoss;
const {mailAlias, account} = await models.MailAliasAccount.create({
mailAlias: salesAlias,
account: employee
}, options);
it('should delete a mail Alias', async() => {
const tx = await models.MailAliasAccount.beginTransaction({});
let error;
try {
const options = {transaction: tx, accessToken: {userId: 1}};
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = employee;
const mailAclId = 2;
await models.MailAliasAccount.destroyAll({id: mailAclId}, options);
await tx.rollback();
} catch (e) {
await tx.rollback();
error = e;
it('should throw an error if they cannot edit an alias', async() => {
try {
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = administrative;
await models.MailAliasAccount.create({mailAlias: itAlias, account: employee}, options);
} catch (e) {
expect(e.message).toEqual('You are not allowed to modify the alias');
it('should throw an error if they are teamBoss but have not got the alias', async() => {
try {
ctx.req.accessToken.userId = salesBoss;
await models.MailAliasAccount.create({mailAlias: itAlias, account: employee}, options);
} catch (e) {
expect(e.message).toEqual('You are not allowed to modify the alias');
@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ INSERT INTO `account`.`mailAliasAccount`(`mailAlias`, `account`)
(1, 1),
(1, 18),
(3, 18),
(3, 19),
(1, 9),
(2, 9);
@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
INSERT INTO `salix`.`ACL` (`model`, `property`, `accessType`, `permission`, `principalType`, `principalId`)
@ -38,8 +38,19 @@ module.exports = Self => {
principalType: 'USER',
roleId: {inq: allowedRoles.map(x => x.roleFk)}
if (nRoles) return;
if (!nRoles)
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not allowed to modify the alias');
const canEditOwnAlias = await models.ACL.checkAccessAcl(ctx,
'MailAliasAccount', 'canEditOwnAlias', 'WRITE');
if (canEditOwnAlias) {
const hasAlias = await Self.count({
account: userId,
mailAlias: mailAliasFk
if (hasAlias) return;
throw new ForbiddenError('You are not allowed to modify the alias');
Reference in New Issue