feat: #6382 chekCodeFormat #2351

jgallego merged 6 commits from 6382-regularizar-Shelving-Parking into dev 2024-05-06 07:46:10 +00:00
3 changed files with 28 additions and 32 deletions

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@ -23,16 +23,6 @@ BEGIN
SET vPacking = COALESCE(vPacking, GREATEST(vn.itemPacking(vBarcode,vWarehouseFk), 1));
SET vQuantity = vQuantity * vPacking;
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM shelving WHERE code = vShelvingFk COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci) = 0 THEN
INSERT IGNORE INTO parking(code) VALUES(vShelvingFk);
INSERT INTO shelving(code, parkingFk)
SELECT vShelvingFk, id
FROM parking
WHERE `code` = vShelvingFk COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci;
IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM itemShelving
WHERE shelvingFk COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci = vShelvingFk
AND itemFk = vItemFk

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
ALTER TABLE vn.parking
ADD CONSTRAINT chkParkingCodeFormat CHECK (CHAR_LENGTH(code) > 4 AND code LIKE '%-%');
guillermo marked this conversation as resolved

Gasta millor LENGTH()

Gasta millor LENGTH()

Si se espera que code contenga caracteres que podrían ser multibyte y solo importa el conteo de caracteres visibles, se debería preferir CHAR_LENGTH. Por otro lado, si se quiere asegurar una restricción basada en el tamaño en bytes de la cadena, entonces se debería usar LENGTH

perque? Si se espera que code contenga caracteres que podrían ser multibyte y solo importa el conteo de caracteres visibles, se debería preferir CHAR_LENGTH. Por otro lado, si se quiere asegurar una restricción basada en el tamaño en bytes de la cadena, entonces se debería usar LENGTH
ALTER TABLE vn.parking MODIFY COLUMN sectorFk int(11) NOT NULL;
ALTER TABLE vn.shelving
ADD CONSTRAINT chkShelvingCodeFormat CHECK (CHAR_LENGTH(code) <= 4 AND code NOT LIKE '%-%');

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@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
const { models } = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
const {models} = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
const LoopBackContext = require('loopback-context');
// #6276
describe('ItemShelving upsertItem()', () => {
const warehouseFk = 1;
let ctx;
let options;
let tx;
beforeEach(async () => {
beforeEach(async() => {
ctx = {
req: {
accessToken: { userId: 9 },
headers: { origin: 'http://localhost' }
accessToken: {userId: 9},
headers: {origin: 'http://localhost'}
args: {}
@ -21,35 +20,35 @@ describe('ItemShelving upsertItem()', () => {
active: ctx.req
options = { transaction: tx };
options = {transaction: tx};
tx = await models.ItemShelving.beginTransaction({});
options.transaction = tx;
afterEach(async () => {
afterEach(async() => {
await tx.rollback();
it('should add two new records', async () => {
const shelvingFk = 'ZPP';
it('should add two new records', async() => {
const shelvingFk = 'GVC';
const items = [1, 1, 1, 2];
await models.ItemShelving.upsertItem(ctx, shelvingFk, items, warehouseFk, options);
const itemShelvings = await models.ItemShelving.find({ where: { shelvingFk } }, options);
const itemShelvings = await models.ItemShelving.find({where: {shelvingFk}}, options);
it('should update the visible items', async () => {
it('should update the visible items', async() => {
const shelvingFk = 'GVC';
const items = [2, 2];
const { visible: visibleItemsBefore } = await models.ItemShelving.findOne({
where: { shelvingFk, itemFk: items[0] }
const {visible: visibleItemsBefore} = await models.ItemShelving.findOne({
where: {shelvingFk, itemFk: items[0]}
}, options);
await models.ItemShelving.upsertItem(ctx, shelvingFk, items, warehouseFk, options);
const { visible: visibleItemsAfter } = await models.ItemShelving.findOne({
where: { shelvingFk, itemFk: items[0] }
const {visible: visibleItemsAfter} = await models.ItemShelving.findOne({
where: {shelvingFk, itemFk: items[0]}
}, options);
expect(visibleItemsAfter).toEqual(visibleItemsBefore + 2);