feat: refs #7438 Added volume to item_valuateInventory #2505

guillermo merged 2 commits from 7438-item_ValuateInventory into dev 2024-05-24 09:30:55 +00:00
1 changed files with 13 additions and 21 deletions
Showing only changes of commit 2fe279ed47 - Show all commits

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@ -17,8 +17,7 @@ BEGIN
SELECT tr.landed INTO vInventoried
FROM travel tr
JOIN `entry` e ON e.travelFk = tr.id
JOIN entryConfig ec
WHERE landed <= vDateDayEnd
WHERE tr.landed <= vDateDayEnd
AND e.supplierFk = vInventorySupplierFk
ORDER BY tr.landed DESC
@ -29,8 +28,7 @@ BEGIN
SELECT landed INTO vInventoryClone
FROM travel tr
JOIN `entry` e ON e.travelFk = tr.id
JOIN entryConfig ec
WHERE landed >= vDated
WHERE tr.landed >= vDated
AND e.supplierFk = vInventorySupplierFk
@ -63,9 +61,8 @@ BEGIN
JOIN `entry` e ON e.id = b.entryFk
JOIN travel tr ON tr.id = e.travelFk
JOIN itemType t ON t.id = i.typeFk
JOIN warehouse w ON w.id = warehouseInFk
JOIN entryConfig ec
WHERE landed = vDateDayEnd
JOIN warehouse w ON w.id = tr.warehouseInFk
WHERE tr.landed = vDateDayEnd
AND e.supplierFk = vInventorySupplierFk
AND w.valuatedInventory
AND t.isInventory
@ -81,9 +78,8 @@ BEGIN
JOIN `entry` e ON e.id = b.entryFk
JOIN travel tr ON tr.id = e.travelFk
JOIN itemType t ON t.id = i.typeFk
JOIN warehouse w ON w.id = warehouseInFk
JOIN entryConfig ec
WHERE landed = vInventoried
JOIN warehouse w ON w.id = tr.warehouseInFk
WHERE tr.landed = vInventoried
AND e.supplierFk = vInventorySupplierFk
AND w.valuatedInventory
AND t.isInventory
@ -102,7 +98,6 @@ BEGIN
JOIN travel tr ON tr.id = e.travelFk
JOIN itemType t ON t.id = i.typeFk
JOIN warehouse w ON w.id = tr.warehouseInFk
JOIN entryConfig ec
WHERE tr.landed BETWEEN vInventoried AND vDateDayEnd
AND IF(tr.landed = util.VN_CURDATE(), tr.isReceived, TRUE)
AND NOT e.isRaid
@ -188,19 +183,16 @@ BEGIN
CALL buyUltimate(NULL, vDateDayEnd);
UPDATE tInventory i
JOIN tmp.buyUltimate bu ON i.warehouseFk = bu.warehouseFk AND i.itemFk = bu.itemFk
JOIN buy b ON b.id = bu.buyFk
SET total = i.quantity * (IFNULL(b.buyingValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.packageValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.freightValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.comissionValue, 0)),
cost = IFNULL(b.buyingValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.packageValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.freightValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.comissionValue, 0)
WHERE i.quantity;
DELETE FROM tInventory WHERE quantity IS NULL OR NOT quantity;
UPDATE tInventory i
JOIN itemCost ic ON ic.itemFk = i.itemFk
AND ic.warehouseFk = i.warehouseFk
SET i.volume = i.quantity * ic.cm3delivery / 1000000;
JOIN tmp.buyUltimate bu ON i.warehouseFk = bu.warehouseFk AND i.itemFk = bu.itemFk
JOIN buy b ON b.id = bu.buyFk
LEFT JOIN itemCost ic ON ic.itemFk = i.itemFk
AND ic.warehouseFk = i.warehouseFk
SET i.total = i.quantity * (IFNULL(b.buyingValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.packageValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.freightValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.comissionValue, 0)),
i.cost = IFNULL(b.buyingValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.packageValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.freightValue, 0) + IFNULL(b.comissionValue, 0),
i.volume = i.quantity * ic.cm3delivery / 1000000;
SELECT ti.warehouseFk,