#7832 - ticketServiceModifyConcept #3332
@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
/* eslint max-len: ["error", { "code": 150 }]*/
const {models} = require('vn-loopback/server/server');
fdescribe('ticketService model ', () => {
const originalTicketFk = 1;
const refundTicketFk = 11;
let tx;
let opts;
let ticketService;
beforeEach(async() => {
tx = await models.Sale.beginTransaction({});
opts = {transaction: tx};
ticketService = await models.TicketService.create({
ticketFk: refundTicketFk,
description: 'test',
quantity: 1,
price: 100,
taxClassFk: 1,
ticketServiceTypeFk: 1
}, opts);
afterEach(async() => {
await tx.rollback();
describe('TicketService', () => {
it('should allow updating description and quantity for non-refund tickets', async() => {
await ticketService.updateAttributes({
ticketServiceTypeFk: 2,
quantity: 5
}, opts);
const updated = await models.TicketService.findById(ticketService.id, null, opts);
it('should only allow updating description for refund tickets', async() => {
await models.TicketRefund.create({
}, opts);
await ticketService.updateAttributes({
ticketServiceTypeFk: 2
}, opts);
try {
await ticketService.updateAttributes({
ticketServiceTypeFk: 3,
quantity: 5
}, opts);
fail('Should have thrown error');
} catch (e) {
expect(e.message).toBe('Only description can be modified in refund tickets');
@ -10,9 +10,18 @@ module.exports = Self => {
const isLocked = await models.Ticket.isLocked(ticketId);
const isLocked = await models.Ticket.isLocked(ticketId);
if (isLocked)
if (isLocked)
throw new UserError(`The current ticket can't be modified`);
throw new UserError(`The current ticket can't be modified`);
const isRefund = await models.TicketRefund.findOne({
where: {refundTicketFk: ticketId}
}, {
transaction: ctx.options.transaction
if (isRefund && ctx.data && Object.keys(ctx.data).some(field => field !== 'ticketServiceTypeFk'))
throw new UserError('Only description can be modified in refund tickets');
if (changes && changes.ticketServiceTypeFk) {
if (changes?.ticketServiceTypeFk) {
const ticketServiceType = await models.TicketServiceType.findById(changes.ticketServiceTypeFk);
const ticketServiceType = await models.TicketServiceType.findById(changes.ticketServiceTypeFk);
changes.description = ticketServiceType.name;
changes.description = ticketServiceType.name;
Reference in New Issue
El texto del fail no me cueadra con la descripcion del caso.
Es correcto que queremos un fail para "dejar actualizar(allow updating)"??
He quitado esta linea y me siguen pasando
la cuestion es que esa linea nunca deberia ejecutarse, para que el test vaya bien, el try deberia dar fallo y pasar al catch, esa linea es un salvavidas por si alguien hace que el updatAttributes no falle, se ejecuta el fail.
Si, lo sé, lo hemos comentado alguna vez
Te he puesto una captura diciéndote que con o sin esa linea, el test pasa igualmente.
Entiendo que lo haces de cara a futuro.