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Verdnatura Ansible playbooks

Collection of Ansible playbooks used in the Verdnatura server farm.

Install Ansible

Instal Ansible on Debian.

apt install ansible

Run playbook

Before merging changes into protected branches, playbooks should be tested locally to ensure they work properly.

Launch playbook on the fly on a host not declared in the inventory.

ansible-playbook -i <ip_or_hostname>, [-t tag1,tag2] playbooks/test.yml

Note the comma at the end of the hostname or IP.

Manage vault

To manage Ansible vault place the password into .vaultpass file.

View or edit the vault file.

ansible-vault {view,edit} --vault-pass-file .vaultpass vault.yml

When running playbooks that use the vault the script can be used, it is ovelay over the original ansible-playbook command.

Common playbooks

  • facts.yml: Collect and display facts from a host
  • ping.yml: Check that a host is alive and reachable
  • awx.yml: Create and configure AWX user
  • debian.yml: Setup base Debian server
